A Roslyn Script component for Grasshopper
- Auto compile a csx files
- Auto update inputs/outputs
- Live debugging with vscode/omnisharp (The debugger does not reload Rhino and Grasshopper at each compilation, just save the source file)
For live debugging:
- Visual Studio Code installed
- Currently is not supported on MacOS (but it's possible)
- Not tested with Data Tree access
- Derived types are not implemented (eg.
class CustomMesh : Mesh {}
) - If the name of the field (eg.
) change (->MyVar
) the grah links are lost
After installing vscode and compiling the sources, you must have the component under the Math tab.
At first, you have an empty component
Select Source...
in the component pop-up menu or double-click on the component. A dialog box appear then select a Roslyn script (*.csx
) or enter a new name.
You must see two files in the target directory
<the name you have typed>.csx
defines the assembly references that the script needs, like RhinoCommon.dll
The second is the script that start with #lod "./libs.csx"
This is an example of script:
#load "./libs.csx"
using Rhino.Geometry;
[Input ("The NickName", "A description of the input")]
var plane;
[Input ("Min")]
double min;
[Input ("Max")]
double max = max > 0 ? max : 1.0; // Define a default value
var interval = new Interval (min, max);
[Output ("B", "Define an output")]
var box = new Box (plane, interval, interval, interval);
For debugging, select Debug...
in the component pop-up menu or double-click on the component again.
Visual Studio Code must start and load your script.
When using for the first time, only one extension must be installed.
If you have a previous installation of vscode, do not cry! Your extensions is not lost. The component launches a special instance of vscode.
Install the c# extension in this instance. you lust have two extensions enabled:
The Rhino Code
plugin is in this repository under the editor
now, define a breakpoint and press F5 or F4.
If the Rhino process is not found, a selection box asks you to select it.
The F4 key is an auto reload shortcut. it stops the debugger, waits for a delay for compilation of the source (for example: 1s) and automatically restarts the debugger.