This repository holds the apps in the Main and Contrib channels for Coursier.
You can find information about creating your own application to be installed
with cs
here on the
These are the apps in the default main JAR-based channel, io.get-coursier:app
which is used with cs install
- almond
- ammonite
- bloop-jvm
- bloop
- coursier
- cs
- csbt
- dotty-repl
- echo-graalvm
- echo-java
- echo-native
- giter8
- mdoc
- metac
- metals-emacs
- metals
- metap-native
- metap
- mill-interactive
- mill
- sbt-launcher
- sbt
- sbtn
- scala-cli
- scala-experimental
- scala
- scala3-compiler
- scala3-decompiler
- scala3-doc
- scala3-repl
- scala3
- scalac
- scaladoc
- scalafix
- scalafmt
- scalap
- scalapbc
- stc
These apps are available by passing --contrib
to the cs install
Feel free to send in a PR to add your application here!
- amm-runner
- asm-textifier
- asmifier
- authors
- avro-tools
- bfg
- cache-migration
- catscript
- cfr
- clojure
- cmta
- cmtc
- fastpass-jvm
- fastpass
- firstbird-emergence
- flyway
- frege
- git-changelog
- google-java-format
- groovy-shell
- groovy
- guardrail
- ivy
- jansi
- jfiglet
- jruby
- jython
- kafka-console-consumer
- kafka-console-producer
- kafka-consumer-groups
- kafka-server
- kafka-topics
- kinetic-merge
- ktfmt
- lsif-java
- make-it-g8
- openapi-generator
- plantuml
- proguard-7
- proguard-retrace
- proguard
- protoc-jar
- rhino
- rsc
- rscj
- scala-debugger
- scala-steward
- scala-update
- scalals
- scalaxb
- scip-java
- sclin
- sjsls
- smithy-cli
- smithy-language-server
- smithy4s
- smithytranslate
- sn-bindgen
- sn-vcpkg
- spaeti
- spark-connect-repl
- spark-repl
- sqlline
- swagger-codegen
- wiremock
- zookeeper
This README is auto-generated by the scripts/
script Please don't update the README directly, but rather update the
. Note that you don't need to manually add your app to it,
it will be automatically added in CI.
If you'd like to test a change locally to ensure what you're adding or changing works correctly, you can do the following while in the workspace.
cs launch --default-channels=false --channel ./(apps|apps-contrib)/resources <app name>