Help people get & receive help. And also more stuff.
- Users
- Petitions
- Participants
User.schema = {
petitions: [...],
participations: [...],
Petition.schema = {
items: [],
userId: Number,
participants: [],
loanAmount: Number,
status: ['pending', 'processing', 'complete'],
type: ['receive', 'provide', 'deliver', 'borrow'],
startLoc: {
lat: Number,
long: Number,
address: String,
city: String,
country: String,
endLoc: {
lat: Number,
long: Number,
address: String,
city: String,
country: String,
Participant.schema = {
userId: Number,
payAmount: Number,
petitionId: Number,
type: ['receiver', 'provider', 'driver', 'loaner', 'borrower', 'payer',],
endLoc: {
lat: Number,
long: Number,
address: String,
city: String,
country: String,
Item.schema = {
name: '',
type: [],
kg: Number,
userId: Number,
quantity: Number,
petitionId: Number,
.env needs MONGODB_URI='' PORT=''
Seed data with http://localhost:5000/api/foos/seed
Delete Data with http://localhost:5000/api/foos/delete