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Everett Griffiths edited this page Oct 24, 2014 · 2 revisions


Returns a list of published taxonomies.



Alternately, you can use traditional MODX menu-generation scripts such as GetResources or WayFinder: the Taxonomy pages are MODX resources. Some parameters are provided to allow for paging through results, but it would be unlikely that a site would use more than a handful of taxonomies.


  • outerTpl Format the Outer Wrapper of List using a Chunk or a formatting string (Optional). Default: <ul>[[+content]]</ul>
  • innerTpl Format the Inner Item of List using a Chunk or a formatting string. (Optional). Default: <li>[[+pagetitle]]</li>
  • sort column to sort by (default: pagetitle)
  • dir ASC (default) or DESC
  • limit the max number of records
  • start the offset
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