Contained within this repository are programs for running single arm two-stage trials with two subgroups defined by a biomarker with an assumed ordering into marker-positive and marker negative patients. Files in the Programs folder is simulation and utilities code to run these simulations. Files at the top level were used to create the tables and figures in the paper.
Some of the simulation rely on the package trialSim (v1.0) which is available on github only. This package is a modular system for simulating trials. All other dependencies are available on CRAN. Further instructions can be found in the file: 0_instructions_and_runPaper.R
We would like to thank Yong Zang and Ying Yuan who kindly provided code to generate designs for their sequential enrichment design.
Programmed by: Peter Dutton (Centre for Statistic in Medicine, University of Oxford)
Zang Y, Yuan Y. Optimal sequential enrichment designs for phase II clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine. 2017;36(1):54-66.
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