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rmemo (Reactive Memo)

rmemo is a tiny no-fluff reactive state management library. The primitive is a reactive memo. A reactive signal is a reactive memo that has a public .set function. rmemo includes memosig, lock_memosig, & a rich api for your reactive state management needs. Features include:

  • memo_
  • signal_
  • memosig_
  • lock_memosig_
  • general purpose contexts with ctx-core/be
  • autosubscriptions
  • async support
  • a terse & focused api
  • performance
  • integration with garbage collector via WeakRef
imports size
memo_ 358 B
memo_ + sig_ 381 B
memo_ + sig_ + be_ + ctx_ 476 B
memo_ + sig_ + be_ + ctx_ + be_memo_pair_ + be_sig_triple_ 559 B


npm i ctx-core
# or
npm i rmemo

rmemo is part of the ctx-core package. Importing ctx-core/rmemo will enable usage of rmemo. There is also a standalone rmemo package.


// users.ts
import { sig_ } from 'rmemo' // or 'ctx-core/rmemo'
export const user_a$ = sig_<User[]>([], [
      // Make sure async errors are handled
export function user__add(user:User) {
  user_a$.set([...user_a$(), user])
export interface User {
// admins.ts
import { memo_ } from 'rmemo' // or 'ctx-core/rmemo'
import { user_a$ } from './users.js'
export const admin_a$ = memo_(()=>user_a$().filter(i=>i.isAdmin))

integration with relementjs

rmemo provides optional opt-in reactivity to relementjs. Gives reativity to Element rendering, Element attributes/props rendering.

how is rmemo different?

rmemo is a small & focused library. memo_ is like nanostore's computed, svelte's derived, solidjs' createMemo, & VanJS' derive. & sig_ is like nanostore's atom, svelte's writable, solidjs' createSignal, & VanJS' state.

rmemo nanostores solidjs sveltejs vanjs
small payload
server side reactivity
diamond dependencies
independent from component tree ❌ (next version)
reactive async ❌ (next version)
terse api
contexts ❌ (next version) ✅ (component tree) ✅ (component tree)
Automatic Garbage Collection of derived reactives

ctx-core is a general purpose context library. ctx-core's context functions (be_ & ctx__new) are compatible with any state management library. rmemo exports the ctx-core/be package.

advanced rmemos

function description
memosig_ A memo signal & a settable memo. Changes to the parent memo resets the memosig, even after setting the memosig._ prop.
lock_memosig_ A memo signal & a settable memo. Changes to the parent memo only resets the memosig when if the lock_memosig._ setter was not set. If the lock_memosig._ setter was set, then changes to the parent memo do not reset the lock_memosig.
be_sig_triple_ Returns an array of 3 context be_ functions. sig object getter, value getter, & value setter
id_be_sig_triple_ Same as be_sig_triple_ + sets the id of the be function
ns_id_be_sig_triple_ Same as be_sig_triple_ + sets the id of the be function & operates on the given ctx namespace.
ns_be_sig_triple_ Same as be_sig_triple_ & operates on the given ctx namespace.
be_memo_pair_ Returns an array of 2 context be_ functions. memo object getter & value getter.
id_be_memo_pair_ Same as be_memo_pair_ + sets the id of the be function
ns_id_be_memo_pair_ Same as be_memo_pair_ + sets the id of the be function & operates on the given ctx namespace.
ns_be_memo_pair_ Same as be_memo_pair_ & operates on the given ctx namespace.
be_memosig_triple_ Returns an array of 3 context be_ functions. memosig object getter, value getter, & value setter
id_be_memosig_triple_ Same as be_memosig_triple_ + sets the id of the be function
ns_id_be_memosig_triple_ Same as be_memosig_triple_ + sets the id of the be function & operates on the given ctx namespace.
ns_be_memosig_triple_ Same as be_memosig_triple_ & operates on the given ctx namespace.
be_lock_memosig_triple_ Returns an array of 3 context be_ functions. lock_memosig object getter, value getter, & value setter
id_be_lock_memosig_triple_ Same as be_lock_memosig_triple_ + sets the id of the be function
ns_id_be_lock_memosig_triple_ Same as be_lock_memosig_triple_. Also sets the id of the be function & operates on the given ctx namespace.
ns_be_lock_memosig_triple_ Same as be_lock_memosig_triple_ & operates on the given ctx namespace.
rmemo__wait Wait for memo to match given condition with a timeout
rmemo__off Turn off a memo & remove references to parent memos. Note that the parent memo references the child rmemo using WeakRef. This allows the child memo to not receive updates pending Garbage Collection.
rmemo__on Turn on a memo. Re-adds the memo to the WeakRef held by parent memos.
rmemo__unset Unset the memo value. Calling the memo again causes the memo to refresh.

context (ctx)

Contexts are useful for managing state & disposing of state with Garbage Collection. The context holds state. Garbage Collection disposes the state by removing all active references to the ctx.

rmemo includes functions to support contexts using ctx-core. ctx-core uses dependency injection. By passing the ctx as an argument to a function. Most front-end libraries support Context components. These libraries include React, Sveltejs, Solidjs, & others. Assigning the ctx to the Context component give child components access to the ctx.

context example

This example works on the browser side. There is only one instance user_a$ & admin_a$ to render the UI. The server handles concurrent requests. Concurrent requests disallows global or module variables to store request state. So memos stored as module variables is not concurrency safe.

A ctx solves this issue by storing the memo instances in the ctx. Each request instantiates a ctx via ctx_(). A shorted alias to ctx__new().

ctx-core uses the be_ function to define a memoized function to set a "slot" in the ctx.

// users.ts
import { be_, type ctx_T, sig_ } from 'rmemo'
export const user_a$_ = be_(()=>
  sig_<User[]>([], [
export function user__add(ctx:ctx_T, user:User) {
  user_a$_(ctx).set([...user_a$_(ctx)(), user])
export interface User {
// admins.ts
import { be_, memo_ } from 'rmemo'
import { user_a$_ } from './users.js'
export const admin_a$_ = be_(ctx=>

context with helper functions example

Calling user_a$_(ctx)() & admin_a$_(ctx)() is awkward. So rmemo provides some helper functions.

// users.ts
import { be_sig_triple_, type ctx_T } from 'rmemo'
export const [
] = be_sig_triple_<User[]>(
  ()=>[], [
    (ctx, user_a$)=>
export function user__add(ctx:ctx_T, user:User) {
  user_a__set(ctx, [...user_a_(ctx), user])
export interface User {
// admins.ts
import { be_memo_pair_ } from 'rmemo'
import { type User, user_a_ } from './users.js'
export const [
] = be_memo_pair_(ctx=>

Note about the Tag Vector Name Convention

You may have noticed the usage of underscore casing. And the trailing _ for factory functions. The Tag Vector name system describes these patterns.


I liked & used some popular reactive state management solutions. These popular libraries include nanostores, solidjs, svelte, & vanJS. I needed a general solution that I can use on the browser & server, with web UIs & domain libraries. For automating builds & deployments. These projects focus on their particular objectives. I found they were unable to support my use cases in one way or another.

An impasse in adding autosubscriptions to nanostores. An impasse in adding server-side reactive support to vanJS. Both led me to create rmemo.

Name Convention

I use the tag vector name system. An app can have many reactive elements defined. Especially when these reactive elements make up the domain model. Tag Vector provides terse & expressive api for these many instances.


Tiny Reactive Memo + Signal library







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