I have recently been getting into AI and Machine Learning.
Ordered in terms of significance.
Projects I am actively maintaining or projects that have reached maturity.
- 📝 ox - A simple but flexible text editor
- 🚴 a2b - A project that uses vibrating smartphones to help cyclists navigate
- 🍎 manger - A web application to assist in food logistics, meal planning and following recipes
- 🖌️ synoptic - A lightweight regex-based syntax highlighter
- 🌈 lliw - A small library for adding colours and styling to command line apps
↔️ alinio - General utilities for aligning text- 🪓 uniaxe - A library to make strings ascii-only
Projects I made as experiments and for a bit of fun.
- ⌨️ codeflex - A web application where users post pictures of their own code
- 🌐 hyperlisp - A lisp-inspired markup language that can transpile to HTML
Larger projects that are no longer maintained