- FastTENET is an accelerated TENET algorithm based on manycore computing.
- 🐍 Anaconda is recommended to use and develop FastTENET.
- 🐧 Linux distros are tested and recommended to use and develop FastTENET.
After installing anaconda, create a conda virtual environment for FastTENET.
In the following command, you can change the Python version
or python=3.9
conda create -n fasttenet python=3.9
Now, we can activate our virtual environment for FastTENET as follows.
conda activate fasttenet
pip install fasttenet
- Default backend framework of the FastTENET is PyTorch Lightning.
- You need to install other backend frameworks such as CuPy, Jax, and TensorFlow
First, clone the recent version of this repository.
git clone https://github.com/cxinsys/fasttenet.git
Now, we need to install FastTENET as a module.
cd fasttenet
pip install -e .
- Default backend framework of the FastTENET is PyTorch Lightning.
FastTENET supports several backend frameworks including CuPy, JAX, TensorFlow, PyTorch and PyTorch-Lightning.
To use frameworks, you need to install the framework manually
- PyTorch Lightning
PyTorch Lightning is a required dependency library for FastTENET and is installed automatically when you install FastTENET.
If the library is not installed, you can install it manually via pip.
python -m pip install lightning
- PyTorch: Installing custom PyTorch version
PyTorch is a required dependency library for FastTENET and is installed automatically when you install FastTENET.
If the library is not installed, you can install it manually.
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=xx.x -c pytorch -c nvidia (check your CUDA version)
Install Cupy from Conda-Forge with cudatoolkit supported by your driver
conda install -c conda-forge cupy cuda-version=xx.x (check your CUDA version)
Install JAX with CUDA > 12.x
pip install -U "jax[cuda12]"
Use 'XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false' to disables the preallocation behavior
Install TensorFlow-GPU with CUDA
python3 -m pip install tensorflow[and-cuda]
FastTENET class requires data path as parameter
- dpath_exp_data: expression data path, required
- dpath_trj_data: trajectory data path, required
- dpath_branch_data: branch(cell select) data path, required
- dpath_tf_data: tf data path, required
- spath_result_matrix: result matrix data path, optional, default: None
- make_binary: if True, make binary expression and node name file, optional, default: False
import fasttenet as fte
worker = fte.FastTENET(dpath_exp_data=dpath_exp_data,
- aligned_data: when directly using rearranged data with expression data, trajectory data and branch data, optional
- node_name: 1d array of node names, required when using data directly
- tf: 1d array of tf names, optional when using data directly
import fasttenet as fte
node_name, exp_data = fte.load_exp_data(dpath_exp_data, make_binary=True)
trajectory = fte.load_time_data(dpath_trj_data, dtype=np.float32)
branch = fte.load_time_data(dpath_branch_data, dtype=np.int32)
tf = np.loadtxt(dpath_tf_data, dtype=str)
aligned_data = fte.align_data(data=exp_data, trj=trajectory, branch=branch)
worker = fte.FastTENET(aligned_data=aligned_data,
spath_result_matrix=spath_result_matrix) # Optional
- backend: optional, default: 'cpu'
- device_ids: list or number of devcies to use, optional, default: [0] (cpu), [list of whole gpu devices] (gpu)
- procs_per_device: The number of processes to create per device when using non 'cpu' devices, optional, default: 1
- batch_size: Required
- kp: kernel percentile, optional, default: 0.5
- binning_method: discretization method for expression values, optional, 'FSBW-L' is recommended to achieve results similar to TENET.
result_matrix = worker.run(backend='gpu',
batch_size=2 ** 16,
- Before run tutorial_config.py, batch_size parameter must be modified to fit your gpu memory size
- You can set parameters and run FastTENET via a YAML file
- The config file must have values set for all required parameters
python tutorial_config.py --config [config file path]
python tutorial_config.py --config ../configs/config_tuck_sub.yml
GENE_1 0 0.05 0.02 ... 0.004
GENE_2 0.01 0 0.04 ... 0.12
GENE_3 0.003 0.003 0 ... 0.001
GENE_M 0.34 0.012 0.032 ... 0
- Before run tutorial_notf.py, batch_size parameter must be modified to fit your gpu memory size
python tutorial_notf.py --fp_exp [expression file path]
--fp_trj [trajectory file path]
--fp_br [cell select file path]
--backend [name of backend framework]
--num_devices [number of devices]
--batch_size [batch size]
--sp_rm [save file path]
python tutorial_notf.py --fp_exp expression_dataTuck.csv
--fp_trj pseudotimeTuck.txt
--fp_br cell_selectTuck.txt
--backend lightning
--num_devices 8
--batch_size 32768
--sp_rm TE_result_matrix.txt
- Before run tutorial_tf.py, batch_size parameter must be modified to fit your gpu memory size
python tutorial_tf.py --fp_exp [expression file path]
--fp_trj [trajectory file path]
--fp_br [cell select file path]
--fp_tf [tf file path]
--backend [name of backend framework]
--num_devices [number of devices]
--batch_size [batch size]
--sp_rm [save file path]
python tutorial_tf.py --fp_exp expression_dataTuck.csv
--fp_trj pseudotimeTuck.txt
--fp_br cell_selectTuck.txt
--fp_tf mouse_tfs.txt
--backend lightning
--num_devices 8
--batch_size 32768
--sp_rm TE_result_matrix.txt
GENE_1 0 0.05 0.02 ... 0.004
GENE_2 0.01 0 0.04 ... 0.12
GENE_3 0.003 0.003 0 ... 0.001
GENE_M 0.34 0.012 0.032 ... 0
- result_matrix: result TE matrix of FastTENET, required
- gene_names: gene names from result matrix, required
- tfs: tf list, optional
- fdr: specifying fdr, optional, default: 0.01
- links: specifying number of outdegrees, optional, default: 0
- is_trimming: if set True, trimming operation is applied on grn, optional, default: True
- trim_threshold: trimming threshold, optional, default: 0
result_matrix = np.loadtxt(fpath_result_matrix, delimiter='\t', dtype=str)
gene_name = result_matrix[0][1:]
result_matrix = result_matrix[1:, 1:].astype(np.float32)
tf = np.loadtxt(fpath_tf, dtype=str)
weaver = fte.NetWeaver(result_matrix=result_matrix,
- backend: optional, default: 'cpu'
- device_ids: list or number of devices to use, optional, default: [0] (cpu), [list of whole gpu devices] (gpu)
- batch_size: if set to 0, batch size will automatically calculated, optional, default: 0
grn, trimmed_grn = weaver.run(backend=backend,
- grn: required
outdegrees = weaver.count_outdegree(grn)
trimmed_ods = weaver.count_outdegree(trimmed_grn)
reconstruct_grn.py is a tutorial script for the output of grn and outdegree files.
When specifying an fdr
python reconstruct_grn.py --fp_rm [result matrix path] --fp_tf [tf file path] --fdr [fdr] --backend [backend] --device_ids [number of device]
python reconstruct_grn.py --fp_rm TE_result_matrix.txt --fp_tf mouse_tf.txt --fdr 0.01 --backend gpu --device_ids 1
TE_result_matrix.fdr0.01.sif, TE_result_matrix.fdr0.01.sif.outdegrees.txt
TE_result_matrix.fdr0.01.trimIndirect0.sif, TE_result_matrix.fdr0.01.trimIndirect0.sif.outdegrees.txt
When specifying the links
python reconstruct_grn.py --fp_rm [result matrix path] --fp_tf [tf file path] --links [links] --backend [backend] --device_ids [number of device]
python reconstruct_grn.py --fp_rm TE_result_matrix.txt--fp_tf mouse_tf.txt --links 1000 --backend gpu --device_ids 1
TE_result_matrix.links1000.sif, TE_result_matrix.links1000.sif.outdegrees.txt
TE_result_matrix.links1000.trimIndirect0.sif, TE_result_matrix.links1000.trimIndirect0.sif.outdegrees.txt
- add 'JAX' backend module
- add 'PyTorch Lightning' backend module
- add 'TensorFlow' backend module