This repo has moved under our new organization OpenGovTN isie_tnac_collection
This is a set of scripts and tools to extract the detailed results of Tunisian Constitutional Assembly from the ISIE website There are two versions: Python (deprecated) and Java
The Database choice to host the data and make it available through a REST API is CouchDB
- Start Eclipse
- Import Existing Project from TnElectionData directory
- Run target (GetAllMetadata) as "Java Application" - You can specify the path to where the data is going to be dumped by adding the path as the sole argument
- Run target (GetRawData) as "Java Application" - You can specify the path to where the data is going to be dumped by adding the path as the sole argument
- Watch the .csv files pile up :)
- Run the website scraper (TBD)
- Run in the directory where the raw .json files are located - This script adds an "_id" field to every document
- Run to import the .json files into your local CouchDB (for testing/debugging)
- To make the data available publicly, replicate your database onto a public Hosted CouchDB instance
- Python 2.6+
Go into the python
Run inside the BeautifulSoup directory :
python build
python install
- HTML corresponding to the election results for the first voting booth
- Election_results.csv (Future)