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Fundamental test book changes 2018

Richard Orme edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 16 revisions

Please provide your recommendations for improving the text of the tests listed on this page.

Test of accessible login creation interface


[REQUIRED]file-010 The device can be started independently and the essential accessibility for starting and exiting applications is available.

Recommended: If you are using a hardware device, it can be started independently and essential accessibility for starting and exiting applications is available. If you are using a reading app that requires you to create an online account then the complete getting started process should be accessible.

Mouse and keyboard and gestures may be selected

Resolution: Add an instruction to add a note if the tests fails with the selected input method but passes with some other input method. Regarding the result of the test, it will remain "not supported" in this case.

Test for moving between chapters with a screen reader

Existing: not available (New test)


Check if you can move across chapters without having to use the Table of Contents.

The last lines of current chapter are:

"1. Access and navigate list of Notes.

  1. Close the list(s) and resume reading.

  2. Access the list of Notes again and select a Note and check if you can move to the position where the Note was placed.

Indicate Pass or Fail."

If your reading system takes you to the next chapter, you will be able to read the following lines on the next HTML page:

"Non-Visual Reading Tests

The tests given below are for evaluating the reading experience with the chosen assistive technology tool such as the Screen Reader or Refreshable Braille Display. Do not perform the tests given in this chapter using the Read Aloud feature of the Reading System."

Indicate Pass or Fail.

Add some text with which to evaluate read aloud pauses


[REQUIRED]ReadAloud-510 Text to Speech handles punctuation and document structure appropriately. When Read Aloud is activated, there should be slight pauses after headings, graphs, list items etc., rather than to read as if it is one continuous section of text.

Recommended: We will add some text text within the text rather than send people elsewhere in the text book. [Richard to add a heading with no period after, then two short paragraphs." We will be interested to hear if the heading runs into the first sentence of the first paragraph. Also, can we tell when one paragraph changes into another.]

Add a cover image to the test book(s)

Resolution: Add a cover image to manifest and add the same image with alt text to the first XHTML.

Side loading:


[REQUIRED]file-210 Open content: Open the test book in the Reading System.

Recommended: Open content: Open a book in the reading system from bookshelf. If the test book is not available in the bookshelf, then open any other book that is available. Indicate Pass or Fail.

If the reading system also supports side loading, then please provide notes about the accessibility of the side loading feature.

Add test: check if the UI TOC respects the content hierarchy

Existing: not available (new test)


Check if the table of Contents is accessible and its hierarchy is presented correctly by the reading system

  1. Access table of contents
  2. Check if the following structure of table of content is presented. It may be presented in tree view, nested list view or any other view, the main objective is to verify if all section names are accessible and the order and level of the sections is correct and accessible.

[here we describe the expected table of contents in this book]

Indicate Pass or Fail.

Swap the order of page navigation tests


[REQUIRED]nav-210 Navigate by reflowed page number. This Navigation Test section of the book has 10 page breaks coded into it. However, other sections of this book do not have any page numbering and will flow into many pages depending upon the screen size, selected font, line spacing etc. Check if you can navigate to the different reflowed pages using any available command.

Recommended test for replacing it: [REQUIRED]nav-210 Navigate forward and backward through reflowed content: Use any control or command to navigate forward and backwards in the book content. Note that some reading systems may be displaying text in a scrolling view and navigation by screen or page may not be available.

If you can move forwards and backwards in the book content by any means Using the selected Assistive Technology and Input method then this test passes.

Test the possibility of copying pieces of text for quotation and researching purposes

The reading system provides a mechanism to copy pieces of text, to be used in quotations or facilitate searching. Copy the text (399 characters) between the words "begin" and "end" Begin Consider the subtleness of the sea; how its most dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hidden beneath the loveliest tints of azure. Consider also the devilish brilliance and beauty of many of its most remorseless tribes, as the dainty embellished shape of many species of sharks. Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the sea; all whose creatures prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began. End

If the text can be accurately selected, copied and pasted into another application, then mark the test as passed. Explain the mechanism in a note to assist other users.