This C++ library provide tools to communicate with TCP and UART protocols on an embedded device. It has been created to design a TCP-UART bridge on an arietta G25.
FDCommunication : This class is the C++ representation of a Linux file descriptor. It provides basis functions for files descriptors like read, write and close.
FDListener : This one allows you to watch Linux files descriptors inputs. You can add (addFD) and remove (remFD) files descriptors and then use the function listen. listen will wait until there is an input on one of the files descriptors. Finally you can check which file descriptor has received something with the function isReceiving. It avoids your task to be locked by a read function when you have several files descriptors to watch.
TCPServerSocket : This class is an implementation of FDCommunication for TCP Server creation. It provides functions like bind and accept.
TCPSocket : This one is for TCP Client creation. It provides the connect function.
UARTSerial : This one is for UART communication. It allows you to open a serial device.
The library provides high-level communication tools for UART and TCP protocols hiding the low-level stack and allowing an event-based development. Each of this classes contains a declaration of an Events pure abstract class (interface) that lists all the events that can be launched. These events can be implemented in another class and linked with the setEvents function.
TCPServer : A running TCP server can be create with this class. It needs to be linked to a FDListener with setFDListener to works properly. It can be launched using the launch function and run by using run after the FDListener's function listen.
TCPClient : This class implement a threaded TCP client. Use launch to connect and run the client.
UARTServer : The UARTServer works the same way the TCPServer works. The only difference is that you need to specify a device's name rather than a listened port and a backlog number.