python3 -m venv Unfuddle2GitlabEnv Unfuddle2GitlabEnv
source Unfuddle2GitlabEnv/bin/activate
pip install maya xmltodict wheel
pip install git+
As admin in unfuddle it is possible to export the whole project.
This results in a bit tar file.
At first we need a impersonation token API tokten from the gitlab admin account.
This Token we have to enter in the file.
After that we have to extract the unfuddle tar file into the working directory.
tar -xzvf ../datagraph.datagraph.20190807111353.tar.gz
This extract contains a backup.xml file and the media folder which holds all relevant project informations.
Addtionally it contains the git repositorys from this project as .dmp file.
After that we can run the file.
This sould create all Users, Notebooks and Tickets (with history) incl. Attachments in our gitlab.
mkdir export
cd export
git clone
sh ./
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin master --force
## in Tickets
export Project-Settings-Advanced-Export Check mail and download project
tar -xzvf ../2020-12-09_11-01-095_group_tickets_export.tar.gz
cp project.json project-orig.json
rm project-orig.json
tar -czvf ../../2020-12-09_11-01-095_group_tickets_import.tar.gz .
create a new import project in gitlab
tar -xzvf ../datagraph.datagraph.20190807111353.tar.gz
rm -rf *.dmp backup.xml media export -d 1