is a golang module that provides an alternative to nullable data types from database/sql
with proper JSON marshalling and unmarshalling.
It also provides a wrapper for time.Time
to format time to use with timestamp
of SQL databases, i.e. mysql
, postgres
The default database time zone is set to UTC
, but it can easily be changed with:
nulltypes.DatabaseLocation, _ = time.LoadLocation([YOUR_TIME_ZONE])
import ""
Here is an example usage with GORM.
package models
type User struct {
ID uint `json:"id" gorm:"primary_key"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Address nulltypes.NullString `json:"address,omitempty"`
CreationDate time.Time `json:"-" gorm:"autoCreateTime:milli;default:current_timestamp"`
UpdationDate nulltypes.NullTime `json:"-" gorm:"autoUpdateTime:milli"`
TerminationDate nulltypes.NullTime `json:"termination_date,omitempty"`
ManagerID nulltypes.NullInt64 `json:"manager_id,omitempty" gorm:"OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:SET NULL"`
user := User{
ID: 0,
Name: "John Doe",
Address: nulltypes.String("221B Baker Street"),
CreationDate: time.Now(),
UpdationDate: nulltypes.Now(),
ManagerID: nulltypes.Int64(5),