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A repository for sharing datasets from the Shuishan(Sequoia) eLearning platform


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Open-sourced Dataset(s) from the Shuishan(Sequoia) eLearning platform



This repo. is aimed to publicise our datasets collected from the Shuishan(Sequoia) eLearning platform, you can download and use it for your study. All of them are desensitized and easily used, which covers course resources, student behaviour and other data.



Here is a list of datasets we have collected. (But there is only one dataset now~) 以下是我们目前公开的数据集(暂时只有SHUISHAN-CLAD)

  • SHUISHAN-CLAD: Course Learning Action Dataset
  • ...

Download the Data

We provide several options to download our dataset:


Option 1. Download via the wget command.

wget --no-check-certificate

Option 2. Download manually through the following links:

We highly recommend you download the data via the wget command or the Aliyun OSS link, because it is usually the most up-to-date version.


Data Descriptions

1. SHUISHAN-CLAD: Course Learning Action Dataset

This dataset contains 659,000+ records of course learning actions, including student learning activities, such as watching videos, reading articles, and completing exercises. The dataset is collected from 91 courses, and the data is collected from 17485 students.

这个数据集包含了超过 65.9 万条课程学习行为记录,包括学生学习活动,例如观看视频、阅读文章和完成练习。数据集是从 91 门课程中收集,涵盖 17485 名不同学生的行为数据。

The json files are in the following format:


    "course_id": "10000001", 
    "course_type": 1,     /* Nature of the course, 1: Compulsory professional course / 2: Compulsory public course */
    "creator_id": "13720181912", 
    "creator_name": "张三", 
    "authority": 1,       /* Access Rights, 1: Public / 2: Classes Students / 3: Fees */
    "liked": 20,
    "viewed": 4000, 
    "create_time": "2020/03/23 13:23:51", 
    "update_time": "2023/03/23 12:45:12", 
    "resources": [
            "resource_id": "1367457685162717186",
            "resource_type": "作业",  /* 作业, 视频, 课件, 实训, 测验... */
            "teaching_week": 1,
            "period": 0,
            "owner_id": "1297355160548302850",
            "download_times": 0,
            "view_times": 0,
            "create_time": "2021-03-04T20:51:32",
            "update_time": "2021-09-22T22:22:47"
        {"...": "..."}
    "teachclasses": [
            "teachclass_id": "10000001", 
            "teacher_name": "李四", 
            "term": "2022-20231", 
            "start_date": "2020/02/24 00:00:00",    /* term start time */ 
            "finish_date": "2020/06/30 00:00:00",   /* term start time */ 
            "teacher_id": "13720181912", 
            "assistant_id": "1569260691612483585,1372731764832759810,1303989005536223234,1597863528202371073,1367464835498930178", 
            "students": [
                    "student_id": "21723851905", 
                    "student_username": "512629102759", 
                    "student_truename": "王五", 
                    "gender": "0"   /* 1: male / 2: female */, 
                    "phone": "13312345678", 
                    "mail": "[email protected]", 
                    "major": "23级英语", 
                    "company_id": "000000", 
                    "course_final_score": 100,  /* gt */
                    "first_class_score": 100, 
                    "login_times": 33,
                    "last_login_time": "2022-03-16 09:42:30", 
                    "video_records": [
                            "id": "10000001", 
                            "resource_id": "10000001",
                            "start_time": "2021-07-27 08:20:38",    /* Start watching video time */
                            "end_time": "2021-07-27 09:20:40",      /* End watching video time */
                            "view_time": "3602",                    /* Viewing time (seconds) */
                            "play_speed": "1.0" 
                        {"...": "..."}
                    "exam_records": [
                            "id": "10000001", 
                            "resource_id": "10000001",
                            "type": 1,  /* 1: General Exam / 2: Shuishan-Huhang Exam / 0 or null: Quiz / 9: Class Assessment Streaming */
                            "score": 80, 
                            "total_score": 100, 
                            "start_time": "2021-07-27 08:20:38",    /* Start exam time */
                            "complete_time": "2021-07-27 09:20:40", /* Complete exam time */
                            "duration": "87974",                    /* Time spent (seconds) */
                            "left_time": "17296 or null"            /* Time remaining (seconds) */
                        {"...": "..."}
                    "homework_records": [
                            "homework_id": "10000001", 
                            "homework_file_id": "10000001", 
                            "resource_id": "10000001", 
                            "file_size": "1024", 
                            "file_type": ".zip", 
                            "score": 100, 
                            "title": "程序设计第一次作业.zip", 
                            "url": "***",  
                            "line_nums": "5", 
                            "max_similarity": "0.95",   /* Maximum code similarity */
                            "teacher_comment": "一条教师评论意见", 
                            "submit_time": "2021-07-27 09:20:40"
                        {"...": "..."}
                    "attendance_records": [
                            "check_item_id": "1580710512551583745",
                            "name": "2022.10.14考勤",
                            "type": "1",
                            "score": 1,
                            "start_time": "2022-10-14T08:01:50",
                            "due_time": "2022-10-14T08:11:50",
                            "attend_time": "2022-10-14T08:02:41",
                            "attend_status": "出勤"    /* 出勤, 缺勤, 请假, 未知 */
                        {"...": "..."}
                {"...": "..."}
        {"...": "..."}

The detail statistics in SHUISHAN-CLAD.

course_id teachclass
计算教育学2022 1 0 14 27 1 140
数据分析与大数据 18 2495 250 0 2809 1704
计算机科学中的伟大思想 2 0 43 3 160 207
编程思维与实践(理科组)(刘小平) 3 129 0 0 663 1243
(B2)编程思维与实践 22 0 113 0 151 2609
编程思维与实践(艺术类) 6 0 0 5851 2595 2313
大数据与人工智能 1 0 0 12 0 171
应用编程实践 1 0 30 43 438 620
信息系统与数字社会 1 11 15 0 47 0
开源软件设计与开发(本科生) 1 4 6 0 4 20
计算机视觉 1 0 0 0 0 0
人工智能基础与应用A 23 7555 870 0 15740 7536
分布式计算系统 3 25398 0 0 21325 0
计算机视觉与多媒体信息处理 5 6484 0 0 3767 0
事业启航-数据学院 2 42 0 0 613 0
程序设计 9 6382 127 0 2742 0
计算机网络(拔尖基地) 1 0 0 151 535 0
Metasequoia Cup Coding Competition 4 0 0 0 0 0
当代数据管理系统 9 62107 2678 2333 61542 36
水杉公益 1 0 0 0 0 0
概率论与数理统计 2 46 0 2646 5808 0
程序设计(计算机拔尖基地) 4 424 413 1592 4073 1664
学术英语读写课程 1 3 100 0 275 0
数字媒体与交互设计 8 0 0 0 3 771
算法基础 1 0 0 0 0 0
数据思维与实践 1 963 0 0 364 0
云计算系统 1 0 0 0 0 0
数据学院2022年双创展示 1 0 0 0 2 0
高性能计算与并行计算 1 0 0 45 1 42
云计算应用与开发 2 0 0 0 14 0
计算机通识课 1 427 31 8 210 0
人工智能基础与应用A-朱晴婷 4 280 0 0 1120 2381
开源软件通识基础 1 28 0 0 10 0
编程思维与实践(理科组) 56 32089 3738 2201 37680 11538
事业启航 2 174 0 23 51 0
数据科学与工程数学基础 1 123 0 0 35 0
人工智能基础与应用A-陈优广 2 1098 1169 547 3967 1306
数字媒体与交互设计(艺术类) 2 672 0 6355 1940 1617
数据科学与工程基础 25 5811 3643 6189 16487 6375
Python编程基础 3 0 883 1678 5645 2837
开源软件开发与社区治理(研究生) 1 21 55 0 20 924
数字素养 1 3 0 0 1 83
软件系统优化2021秋 3 0 0 0 6 0
程序优化系统设计(上) 1 4 0 0 52 0
多媒体技术与应用(HA&M) 5 0 206 1904 2935 831
数据伦理 6 0 0 1975 755 213
编程思维与实践(理科组)(陈优广) 2 325 283 258 1507 1250
机器学习(2024) 1 0 0 0 0 684
编程思维与实践(2021) 4 1038 9 0 389 0
青少年编程教育训练营 5 0 0 56 233 295
网络与数字安全 1 0 8 0 21 0
数据结构(拔尖基地) 2 0 0 0 910 0
编译原理 1 0 0 0 673 0
编程思维与实践(体育学院) 2 0 86 1077 1975 303
数据思维与实践(2024) 2 57 187 158 498 248
数据与编程 1 28 10 0 80 0
Python语言程序设计 1 0 1 0 1 0
web编程 2 0 0 833 4004 612
人工智能基础与应用A(暑期实训) 2 333 269 593 3422 1984
数据科学与工程专题选讲 1 0 0 0 0 0
编程思维与实践 31 26412 2055 9372 37215 11536
2022高校学生人工智能训练营(英特尔-华师大) 1 0 0 119 2 0
计算机系统 4 0 0 217 686 0
专业英语 1 0 0 244 558 0
统计方法与机器学习 3 1946 0 1305 4089 0
2022“人工智能”教学研讨班 1 322 0 0 459 0
计算机视觉(2024) 1 0 0 0 0 0
区块链系统 1 0 0 0 5 0
统计与机器学习(非全) 3 112 0 388 1213 0
2022年人工智能初探 2 630 61 87 556 0
软件系统优化 5 176 0 725 2251 0
软件开发管理与实践 1 0 0 5 0 0
机器学习 2 0 0 0 0 0
人工智能初探 2 393 141 1 339 0
人工智能基础(上海市重点课程) 3 358 185 149 1579 524
设计思维 1 0 0 0 6 0
数据科学与工程算法基础 1 100 0 0 512 0
数据挖掘 1 0 0 335 956 0
数据系统前沿 1 0 0 0 4 0
编程思维与实践(微专业) 1 51 0 0 48 0
计算机文化与数字胜任力 4 0 50 0 54481 0
人工智能基础与应用 26 8079 37 0 12186 0
计算机编程语言 1 0 45 0 0 115
社会计算 3 0 50 55 383 0
当代人工智能 1 0 158 0 1 0
计算机与程序设计基础(D) 7 0 0 0 0 118
计算机系统(拔尖基地) 2 345 0 0 1261 0
算法与人工智能 1 0 12 0 44 0
数据科学与工程导论 6 525 39 865 3884 129
neXt-lab的机器学习 1 0 0 0 74 17
编程思维与实践(下)——探索数据的世界 1 0 0 0 38 461
Total Count: 91 396 194003 18070 50425 331129 65457
students: , records: 659084

Contact Us

If you are interested in using our dataset, please contact us via email([email protected]) to obtain the necessary authorization. Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could acknowledge the contribution of this dataset in the acknowledgment section of your paper.

如果您需要使用我们的数据集进行研究,请通过电子邮件([email protected])联系我们以获取必要的授权。此外,如果您在论文的致谢部分提到我们的贡献,我们将不胜感激。

If you have any questions or suggestions, please also contact us via email or GitHub issue.

如果您有任何疑问或建议,也请通过邮件或者GitHub issue的方式联系我们。


A repository for sharing datasets from the Shuishan(Sequoia) eLearning platform







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