Some of my bigger repositories are remove-github-forks, chrome-supergenpass, oncilla, purisa-code, react-tools.
I have contributed significantly to css-variables-loader, redux-cursor, supergenpass-lib, whoops.
Minor projects and contributions
Minor projects: bookmark-js-eval, chrome-custom-css, chrome-random-bookmark, color, color-picker, custom-favicon-redirect, eslint-plugin, hide-video-duration, media-query-props, reddit-rss, stopwatch, update-current-bookmark, and even some less notable ones.
I have contributed in some amount to amsul/pickadate.js, cbowdon/TsMonad, digitick/php-sepa-xml, derek-watson/jsUri, dompdf/dompdf, eslint/eslint, gianu/react-fittext, js/docuri, HabitRPG/habitrpg, kkaefer/sgp, malte-wessel/react-textfit, mwilliamson/node-options, myfreeweb/cssprefixer, perifer/timePicker, SlikNL/SafeHTML, zendframework/zf2, zikula/doctrine1.
In some cases important projects heard my suggestions: the API of useTransition in React, the typings of filter in TypeScript, tiny info icon in the log panel of Chromium.