"dotnet new" templates for building NuGet-published multi-targeting binary or source-only libraries with all the bells and whistles
About • Download • How To Use • Contributors • Contributors • Versioning • Credits • Related • License
A bunch of dotnet new
templates to quickly get you started building high-quality binary or source-only libraries including everything you need to publish it on NuGet or make it available as open-source.
It includes:
- Multi-targeting to cover as many .NET frameworks as possible
- Can create projects for binary or source-only packages
- Code coverage using Coverlet and Coveralls.io
- Static code analysis using Roslyn analyzers StyleCopAnalyzers, Roslynator, CSharpGuidelinesAnalyzer and Meziantou.
- Auto-formatting using
and settings honored by JetBrains Rider and ReSharper - A Nuke C# build script that you can run locally as well as in your CI/CD pipeline
- A GitHub Actions workflow that builds, tests, packages and publishes your library
- An extensive read-me
- Automatic versioning using GitVersion and tagging
- Contribution guidelines
- Customized release notes templates for GitHub connected to pull requests labels.
- A test project using xUnit and Fluent Assertions 7
- Validation of the public API of the library against snapshots using Verify
I like to build my software systems in a nicely broken down set of libraries that are easy to maintain, test and deploy based on the Principles Of Successful Package Management. However, every time I or the teams I work with need to start a new library or reusable component, we have to piece together so much from other projects that I felt this would fill the gap.
This is the result of years of experience in building in-house and open-source libraries that are used by thousands of developers around the world. I hope it's a great starting point for building your own libraries.
Tip You can also use this as a starting point for a GitHub Template Repository, fork and adapt the repository for your own company, or use it as an organization template in Azure DevOps.
My name is Dennis Doomen and I'm a Microsoft MVP and Principal Consultant at Aviva Solutions with 28 years of experience under my belt. As a software architect and/or lead developer, I specialize in designing full-stack enterprise solutions based on .NET as well as providing coaching on all aspects of designing, building, deploying and maintaining software systems. I'm the author of several open-source projects such as Fluent Assertions, Reflectify, Liquid Projections, and I've been maintaining coding guidelines for C# since 2001.
Contact me through Email, Bluesky, Twitter/X or Mastadon
This repository is available as a NuGet package on https://nuget.org. To install it, use the following command-line:
dotnet new install DotNetLibraryPackageTemplates
Create a new directory for your library initialized with Git
Run the following command
dotnet new class-library-package-solution --name TheNameOfYourAwesomeLibrary
Or, if you prefer to build a NuGet package that only adds source files to a project (and avoids binary dependencies)
dotnet new class-library-source-only-package-solution --name TheNameOfYourAwesomeLibrary
Make the necessary changes to the generated code (see next section)
Commit the changes to your repository into a new commit. Without it, the build script will crash on generating the version number.
to build the code, run the tests, and package the library into a NuGet package in theArtifacts
The template makes a lot of assumptions, so after generating the project, there's a couple of things you can tweak.
- Update the
with information about your library - Review the guidelines in
to see if it aligns with how you want to handle contributions - Adjust the .NET frameworks this library should target
- Adjust the namespace
- Set-up labels in GitHub matching those in the
so you can label pull requests accordingly - Alter the coverage service that is being used.
- Determine if you want to use API verification against snapshots
- Study the Nuke
file or invoking it throughbuild.ps1 -plan
to see how it works - See if all dependencies are up-to-date
- Adjust the
to allow people to sponsor your project
The ApiVerificationTests
will generate a .txt
file containing a representation (per target framework) of the public API of your library. It's a nice technique to prevent accidentally introducing breaking changes. So, whenever the structure of your API changes compared to the snapshot stored in the ApprovedApi
folder, the test will fail.
You can then use AcceptApiChanges.ps1
to update the snapshots and make the test succeed again.
To build this repository locally, you need the following:
- The .NET SDKs for .NET 4.7, 6.0 and 8.0.
- Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider or Visual Studio Code with the C# DevKit
You can also build, run the unit tests and package the code using the following command-line:
Or, if you have, the Nuke tool installed:
Also try using --help
to see all the available options or --plan
to see what the scripts does.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please have a look at the contribution guidelines first.
(Made with contrib.rocks)
This library uses Semantic Versioning to give meaning to the version numbers. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This library wouldn't have been possible without the following tools, packages and companies:
- ASP.NET Core Template - Created by Nikolay Kostov and the inspiration for this repo.
- Nuke - Smart automation for DevOps teams and CI/CD pipelines by Matthias Koch
- Rider - The world's most loved .NET and game dev IDE by JetBrains
- xUnit - Community-focused unit testing tool for .NET by Brad Wilson
- Coverlet - Cross platform code coverage for .NET by Toni Solarin-Sodara
- Polysharp - Generated, source-only polyfills for C# language features by Sergio Pedri
- GitVersion - From git log to SemVer in no time
- ReportGenerator - Converts coverage reports by Daniel Palme
- StyleCopyAnalyzer - StyleCop rules for .NET
- Roslynator - A set of code analysis tools for C# by Josef Pihrt
- CSharpCodingGuidelines - Roslyn analyzers by Bart Koelman to go with the C# Coding Guidelines
- Meziantou - Another set of awesome Roslyn analyzers by Gérald Barré
- Verify - Snapshot testing by Simon Cropp
- My Blog
- FluentAssertions - Extension methods to fluently assert the outcome of .NET tests
- C# Coding Guidelines - Forkable coding guidelines for all C# versions
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.