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This repository hosts code for quickly getting started with the protocols at the Diffusion Developer Conference 2019.

To get started, see the glossary of what to build on below.

Thanks all for a massive Diffusion 2019! See you in 2020!

Check out the fantastic submissions under DiffusionCon. Thanks to the hackers, mentors, judges, speakers and investors! See you at Diffusion 2020!

Get started

Get your repo

Submissions are made using your team's repo under the DiffusionCon organisation (this one). In order to get a repo, just register your submission on devpost here and make sure at least one team member has their GitHub profile linked. Your team repo will then be created for you, and you will have full access.

You can choose to work in a repo elsewhere (e.g. under your own GitHub user) provided you pull the latest version into your team's repo for judging. Make sure whatever code you have is committed to your official repo by 14:00 on Sunday. You may continue editing until the deadline, as long as some of your code is in by 14:00.

Protocol Glossary

Build on one or more of the below to qualify for a prize.

Name Area Languages Description
Agoric Security / smart contracts JS / Solidity Secure smart contracts.
Alkemi DeFi Solidity Profit off idle tokens.
Aragon DAO JS / Solidity Build DAOs.
Chainlink DeFi / data JS / Solidity Data / FIAT blockchain plugins.
Cosmos Blockchain platform Go Build blockhains.
DAOStack DAO JS Build DAOs.
Enigma Privacy / smart contracts Rust / JS Decentralized private compute.
Ethereum Smart contracts Many languages Open source platform for decentralized applications.
Fetch.AI Machine Learning Python / C++ Decentralized machine learning.
Fission IPFS / Ethereum Most languages Ethereum and IPFS tooling.
FOAM Location JS / Haskell / PureScript Proof of location.
Golem Compute Rust / Python / JS / Solidity Compute network.
Hyperledger/Sovrin Identity Rust / Python / JS / Java / C# / iOS Self-sovereign identity.
iExec Compute JS / Java Compute network.
IOTA Transactions / DAG Java / JS / Go / Python / C# Scalable distributed ledger.
Ocean Protocol Data marketplace Python / JS / Java Buy and sell datasets.
OrbitDB Databases / IPFS JS Decentralized database.
Parity/Substrate Blockchain platform Rust / JS Hyper-fast blockchains.
Rightmesh Mesh networking Kotlin / Java IoT edge networking.
SEED Chatbots Python / JS Conversational AI.

Check out the tracks and the technology starter kits in this repo.

Submissions must use one of the technologies of the Convergence Stack, please see the rules.

Judging criteria

Diffusion is all about the diffusion of innovation - to bring the innovation of all protocols participating in Diffusion 2019 to a wider audience. Within this, there are two main areas judges will consider:

  • User experience (UX) - for projects that build a product that will be used directly by people, e.g. a DApp or a service.
  • Developer experience (DX) - for projects that build an API, tool or component that enable developers to work with the technologies out of the Convergence Stack.

Other aspects like technical soundness, security, and innovation are important, but within the above areas.

Furthermore, judges will consider the following aspects:

  • Track fit: Judges are connected to tracks and will consider the fit of the project with the theme of the track, and any specific rules that track might have. See the details for your track in the track descriptions on the website and GitHub, and don’t be afraid to ask your track mentors in the track Telegram channel.
  • Sustaining development: it’s important that you clarify how your project will continue to be developed. That might be a commercial model, and it might be something else like an open source community. You should have an answer to the question how your project could be alive in 1, 2, 12… months.
  • Convergence Stack Mashup: judges will rate projects to use more than one technology out of the Convergence Stack in a sensible way more highly than projects that build on a single technology. There are 7 technologies handing out prizes to projects building on their technologies, so using multiple technologies is also a great way to qualify for more prizes.

With the exception of the token engineering track, your submission must build on one or more of the protocols in the glossary above to be eligible for a prize.

Judging procedure

See all details about submitting your results and the judging procedure.

Prize Glossary

There are plenty of prizes to be won!

Overall prizes

Prize EUR Value
Winner of Diffusion Dev Con '19 €1,600
Silver Runner-Up Diffusion Dev Con '19 €1,000
Bronze Runner-Up Diffusion Dev Con '19 €400

Prizes are paid out in a combination of EUR and Fetch.AI tokens.

Track prizes

Prize EUR Value
T-Labs Sharing in Consortia Networks Track Winner €1,000
ETHBerlin and the DoD: Middleware Bounty Track Winner €1,000
ETHBerlin and the DoD: UX Bounty Track Winner €1,000
ETHBerlin and the DoD: Networking Bounty Track Winner €1,000
Token Engineering Track Winner €1,000
Hyperledger Identity Layer - Integrated Credential Track Winner €900
Hyperledger Identity Layer - Empowering IoT Track Winner €900
Hyperledger Identity Layer - Social Impact Track Winner €900
Hyperledger Identity Layer - Travel Enablement Track Winner €900
A Stack for Good Track Winner €400
Web 2.5 Track Winner €400
The Odyssey Serendipity Network Track Winner €400
Machine Learning in the Decentralised World Track Winner €400
Shaking Up the Model Track Winner €400
The Usable Stack Track Winner €400

Hyperledger, ETH Berlin and T-labs prizes are paid out in EUR. All other prizes are paid out in a combination of EUR and Fetch.AI tokens.

Techology prizes

Prize EUR Value Paid As Rules
Winner of the Ocean Protocol Technology Prize €1,000 OCEAN Build with Ocean Protocol
Ocean Runner-Up €250 OCEAN Build with Ocean Protocol
Ocean Runner-Up €250 OCEAN Build with Ocean Protocol
Ocean Runner-Up €250 OCEAN Build with Ocean Protocol
Ocean Runner-Up €250 OCEAN Build with Ocean Protocol
Ocean Runner-Up €250 OCEAN Build with Ocean Protocol
Winner of the IOTA Technology Prize €1,000 IOTA Build with IOTA
IOTA Runner-Up €250 IOTA Build with IOTA
IOTA Runner-Up €250 IOTA Build with IOTA
IOTA Runner-Up €250 IOTA Build with IOTA
Winner of the Technology Prize €1,000 FET Build with
Fetch Runner-up €250 FET Build with
Fetch Runner-up €250 FET Build with
Fetch Runner-up €250 FET Build with
Fetch Runner-up €250 FET Build with
Fetch Runner-up €250 FET Build with
Fetch Runner-up €250 FET Build with
Fetch Runner-up €250 FET Build with
Winner of the Enigma Technology Prize €1,000 ENG Build with Enigma
Enigma runner up 1 €250 ENG Build with Enigma
Enigma runner up 2 €250 ENG Build with Enigma
Enigma runner up 3 €250 ENG Build with Enigma
Winner of the FOAM Technology Prize €1,000 EUR Build with FOAM
FOAM runner up 1 €250 EUR Build with FOAM
FOAM runner up 2 €250 EUR Build with FOAM
FOAM runner up 3 €250 EUR Build with FOAM
Winner of the iExec Technology Prize €1,000 DAI Build with iExec
iExec Runner-Up €250 DAI Build with iExec
iExec Runner-Up €250 DAI Build with iExec
iExec Runner-Up €250 DAI Build with iExec
Winner of the Chainlink Technology Prize €450 LINK Build with Chainlink

Hackathon agenda


Timings Agenda
8:00 - 10:00 Registration opens, check-in and formation of new teams, breakfast.
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome speech, talks and workshops start.
11:00 Hack starts.
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch.
16:30 Mentor / team check-in with coffee and snacks.
19:00 - 21:00 Dinner and drinks - sponsored by Deutsche Telekom.
24:00 Closed for the day.


Timings Agenda
8:00 Registration open, hack starts.
9:00 - 11:00 Breakfast.
11:30 Mentor/ team check-in with coffee and snacks.
13:00 - 15:00 Lunch.
15:00 Judging of submissions.
18:00 - 19:00 Awards ceremony.
19:00 - 20:30 Dinner and drinks.

Talk Agenda


Timings Lexis: Purple zone (Ground Floor) Lexis: Yellow zone (Ground Floor) Lexis: Blue zone (Ground Floor) TE Room (First Floor) Peter (2nd Floor)
9:30 Open to take seats Open to take seats Open to take seats
10:00 Opening ceremony Opening ceremony Opening ceremony
11:00 Zero-to-One workshop: token engineering
12:30 Fetch.AI workshop: decentralized ML FOAM talk: using proof-of-location today Ocean Protocol workshop: buying and selling datasets
13:00 Fission workshop: apps on IPFS in seconds Deutsche Telekom talk: Ståx - decentalised ecostructure for consortia networks SEED talk: conversational AI
13:30 Evernym talk: self-sovereign identity Chainlink talk: smart contracts in real-life situations OrbitDB workshop: a decentralized database in seconds
14:00 IOTA talk: state of the DAG ditCraft talk: dit is the new git Cosmos workshop: build a blockchain app
14:30 Enigma talk: private smart contracts on public networks ETH Berlin talk: using the Goerli testnet Fractal talk: regulatory compliance cheatsheet cadCAD workshop: token engineering DAOStack workshop: deploy DAOs fast
15:00 Cosmos & Agoric workshop: blockchain interoperability Fetch.AI talk: Fetch.AI for Ethereum developers Tupelo talk: Tupelo - PoS + NFT + IPFS DAOStack workshop: deploy DAOs fast
15:30 Alkemi talk: profiting off idle tokens Odyssey talk: ecosystems for good Ocean Protocol talk DAOStack workshop: deploy DAOs fast
16:00 Parity workshop: build fast blockchains with Substrate Decentralized Identity Foundation talk: decentralized identity Nervos talk: a blockchain that stores any crypto DAOStack workshop: deploy DAOs fast
16:30 Outlier Ventures Base Camp OS Coin talk: Radicle - paying open-source devs
17:00 Outlier Ventures Base Camp


Timings Lexis: Purple zone (Ground Floor) Lexis: Yellow zone (Ground Floor) Lexis: Blue zone (Ground Floor) Peter (2nd Floor)
10:00 Cosmos talk: Tendermint - proof of stake at scale today MOXY talk: interoperable decentralised identity
10:30 Neufund talk: regulation-compliant security tokens Upvest talk: onboarding the 99% to blockchain
11:00 Fission talk: licensing open-source software Blockdaemon talk: node monitoring
11:30 Steamr talk: pub/sub data trading
18:00 Closing ceremony Closing ceremony Closing ceremony
18:30 Closing ceremony Closing ceremony Closing ceremony

Registering a submission

Register submissions on Devpost.

  1. Start a submission by pressing the button on the right.
  2. Ensure all team members have been added.
  3. Ensure your submission links to your project's github repository.
  4. Describe your project and each team member's contributions.
  5. Hit submit.

Judging will take place on the platform and announced at the event, as well as over email.


Please join the Telegram channel for questions and discussions.

Use hashtags in the chat to easily share resources or ask for help about different technologies or platforms. eg. #ipfs or #solidity

IPFS Help Desk

There is an IPFS Help Desk with the team from Fission and Moxy Studio volunteering to help anyone that wants to use IPFS to host or integrate with their projects.


Starting code for all protocols at the Diffusion DevCon.







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