Cave story is 2-D platformer, where the protagonist is tasked to kill the enemies at each level
- The code is designed and written by me
- Graphics are taken from various sources, particularly
Gaming Controls:
- Use A, and D to move left and move right respectively
- Use W to jump
- Use the LSHIFT key to fire
- Use S on animated tiles to save the game, fill health, increase maximum health, and exit the level
How to find/start the game:
- Go to the "Release" folder in the repository and open "GAMEENGINECOLLISION.exe"
- Visual Studio is recommended for compiling and running the code
- All the dependencies are within this repository
- You need to add paths to the library and include files in the Visual Studio setting, use the following link : (
- You also need to add the following libraries sfml-graphics-s.lib, sfml-window-s.lib, sfml-system-s.lib, opengl32.lib, freetype.lib, winmm.lib
- Make sure to select the x86 32-bit application
- That's it, enjoy the game
Libraries/Dependencies used:
- SFML framework is used for rendering