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Project Nautilus


Project Nautilus is the Naval subdivision of the xFusionCorp Industries. Nautilus Application helps the Naval forces to make smart procurement decisions of their manned or unmanned maritime systems while ensuring that the operational requirements are met. It also aims to provide the best-in-class operational support, improving the safety and life extension of existing machines and reducing the cost of ownership.

Current Repertoire

Sonar Technology and Systems LUSV - Large Unmanned Surface Vehicles Autonomous Unmanned Undersea Pods Nuclear Submarines Laser Guidance Systems Application Architecture Nautilus deployment architecture can be viewed here

The Nautilus is a three-tier application and is deployed in the Stratos Datacenter in the North America Region.

Data Tier: The Data tier is the layer that stores data with the retrieval storage and execution methods made by the application layer. We are making use of MariaDB which is one of the most popular open source relational databases.

Application Tier: Makes use of a LAMP which is a stack of open-source software that can be used to create web applications. LAMP is an acronym that usually consists of the Linux OS, the Apache HTTP Server, a MySQL relational DBMS (like MariaDB), and PHP.

Client Tier: The application client which in this case is a web browser software that processes and displays HTML resources, issues HTTP requests for resources, and processes HTTP responses.

Load Balancer: Nginx is used for HTTP Load Balancing to distribute requests through multiple application servers.

Shared Services

Storage Filer: A NAS (Network Attached Storage) filer is used to provide reliable and stable external storage for the application tier servers.

SFTP Server: SFTP, which stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer data amongst two remote systems.

Backup Server: A staging backup system used for short term archival.

Jump Server: The intermediary host or an SSH gateway to a remote network hosting the Nautilus application.

kk dashboard rank

Infrastructure Details

Kodekloud Server's Login Credentials

Credentials required by the Server include a User ID, Password, and Hostname ( IP)

Server Name IP Hostname User Password Purpose
stapp01 tony Ir0nM@n Application 1
stapp02 steve Am3ric@ Application 2
stapp03 banner BigGr33n Application 3
stlb01 loki Mischi3f HTTP LBR
stdb01 peter Sp!dy Database Server
ststor01 natasha Bl@kW Storage Server
stbkp01 clint H@wk3y3 Backup Server
stmail01 groot Gr00T123 Mail Server
jump_host Dynamic thor mjolnir123 Jump Server
jenkins jenkins j@rv!s Jenkins Server

Getting Started

Kodekloud Engineer Labs

This repository contains all my notes for past Kodekloud Engineer tasks. These tasks simulate actual enterprise challenges and the day-to-day work of System Administrators and DevOps Engineers.

For each task, The documentation for the servers is also provided. Find the solution for each problem. Solve the given time of the task.

Labs - Per Category


Level 1

✔️ Lab 01 - Create a user
✔️ Lab 02 - Create a group
✔️ Lab 03 - Create a Linux User with non-interactive shell
✔️ Lab 04 - Linux User Without Home
✔️ Lab 05 - Linux User Expiry
✔️ Lab 06 - Linux User Files
✔️ Lab 07 - Disable Root Login
✔️ Lab 08 - Linux Archives
✔️ Lab 09 - Linux File Permissions
✔️ Lab 10 - Linux Access Control List
✔️ Lab 11 - Linux String Substitute
✔️ Lab 12 - Linux Remote Copy
✔️ Lab 13 - Cron schedule deny to users
✔️ Lab 14 - Linux Run Levels
✔️ Lab 15 - Linux TimeZones Setting
✔️ Lab 16 - Linux NTP Setup
✔️ Lab 17 - Linux Firewalld Rules
✔️ Lab 18 - Linux Resource Limits
✔️ Lab 19 - Selinux Installation

Level 2

✔️ Lab 01 - Create a Cron Job
✔️ Lab 02 - Linux Banner
✔️ Lab 03 - Linux Collaborative Directories
✔️ Lab 04 - Linux String Substitute (sed)
✔️ Lab 05 - Linux SSH Authentication
✔️ Lab 06 - Linux Find Command
✔️ Lab 07 - Install a package
✔️ Lab 08 - Install Ansible
✔️ Lab 09 - Configure Local Yum repos
✔️ Lab 10 - Linux Services
✔️ Lab 11 - Linux Configure sudo
✔️ Lab 12 - DNS Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 13 - Linux Firewalld Setup
✔️ Lab 14 - Linux Postfix Mail Server
✔️ Lab 15 - Linux Postfix Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 16 - Install and Configure HaProxy LBR
✔️ Lab 17 - Haproxy LBR Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 18 - MariaDB Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 19 - Linux Bash Scripts
✔️ Lab 20 - Add Response Headers in Apache
✔️ Lab 21 - Apache Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 22 - Linux GPG Encryption
✔️ Lab 23 - Linux LogRotate
✔️ Lab 24 - Application Security

Level 3

✔️ Lab 01 - Apache Redirects
✔️ Lab 02 - Install And Configure SFTP
✔️ Lab 03 - Install and Configure Tomcat Server
✔️ Lab 04 - Linux Network Services
✔️ Lab 05 - IPtables Installation And Configuration
✔️ Lab 06 - Linux Nginx as Reverse Proxy
✔️ Lab 07 - Configure protected directories in Apache
✔️ Lab 08 - Linux Process Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 09 - PAM Authentication For Apache
✔️ Lab 10 - Setup SSL for Nginx

Level 4

👨‍💻 Lab 01 - Install and Configure Nginx as an LBR
👨‍💻 Lab 02 - LEMP Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 03 - Install and Configure PostgreSQL
👨‍💻 Lab 04 - Bash scripts if/else statements
👨‍💻 Lab 05 - Configure LAMP server
✔️ Lab 06 - Install and Configure DB Server
✔️ Lab 07 - Install and Configure Web Application
✔️ Lab 08 - Install and Configure PHP-FPM
👨‍💻 Lab 09 - Configure Nginx + PHP-FPM Using Unix Sock


Level 1

✔️ Lab 01 - Git Install and Create Bare Repository
✔️ Lab 02 - Git Clone Repositories
✔️ Lab 03 - Git Fork a Repository
✔️ Lab 04 - Git Repository Update
✔️ Lab 05 - Git Delete Branches

Level 2

✔️ Lab 01 - Git Install and Create Repository
✔️ Lab 02 - Git Create Branches
✔️ Lab 03 - Git Merge Branches
✔️ Lab 04 - Git Manage Remotes
✔️ Lab 05 - Git Revert Some Changes

Level 3

✔️ Lab 01 - Git Cherry Pick
✔️ Lab 02 - Manage Git Pull Requests
✔️ Lab 03 - Git hard reset
✔️ Lab 04 - Git Clean
✔️ Lab 05 - Git Stash

Level 4

✔️ Lab 01 - Git Rebase
✔️ Lab 02 - Manage Git Repositories
✔️ Lab 03 - Resolve Git Merge Conflicts
✔️ Lab 04 - Git Hook
✔️ Lab 05 - Git Setup from Scratch


Level 1

✔️ Lab 01 - Jenkins Installation
✔️ Lab 02 - Jenkins Plugins
✔️ Lab 03 - Jenkins Create Users
✔️ Lab 04 - Jenkins Folders
✔️ Lab 05 - Jenkins Install Packages

Level 2

✔️ Lab 01 - Jenkins Views
✔️ Lab 02 - Jenkins Parameterized Builds
✔️ Lab 03 - Jenkins Workspaces
✔️ Lab 04 - Jenkins Database Backup Job
✔️ Lab 05 - Jenkins Scheduled Jobs

Level 3

✔️ Lab 01 - Jenkins Slave Nodes
✔️ Lab 02 - Jenkins Project Security
✔️ Lab 03 - Jenkins Build Images
✔️ Lab 04 - Jenkins Deploy Pipeline
✔️ Lab 05 - Jenkins Conditional Pipeline

Level 4

✔️ Lab 01 - Jenkins Deployment Job
👨‍💻 Lab 02 - Jenkins Chained Builds
👨‍💻 Lab 03 - Jenkins MR Jobs
👨‍💻 Lab 04 - Jenkins Multistage Pipeline
✔️ Lab 05 - Jenkins Setup Node App


Level 1

✔️ Lab 01 - Ansible Basic Playbook
✔️ Lab 02 - Ansible Inventory Update
✔️ Lab 03 - Ansible Config File Update
✔️ Lab 04 - Ansible Copy Module
✔️ Lab 05 - Ansible File Module

Level 2

✔️ Lab 01 - Ansible Ping Module Usage
✔️ Lab 02 - Ansible Install Package
✔️ Lab 03 - Ansible Archive Module
✔️ Lab 04 - Ansible Unarchive Module
✔️ Lab 05 - Ansible Blockinfile Module

Level 3

✔️ Lab 01 - Creating Soft Links Using Ansible
✔️ Lab 02 - Managing ACLs Using Ansible
✔️ Lab 03 - Ansible Manage Services
✔️ Lab 04 - Ansible Lineinfile Module
✔️ Lab 05 - Ansible Replace Module

Level 4

✔️ Lab 01 - Ansible Facts Gathering
✔️ Lab 02 - Ansible Create Users and Groups
✔️ Lab 03 - Managing Jinja2 Templates Using Ansible
✔️ Lab 04 - Ansible Setup Httpd and PHP
✔️ Lab 05 - Using Ansible Conditionals


Level 1

✔️ Lab 01 - Install Docker Package
✔️ Lab 02 - Run a Docker Container
✔️ Lab 03 - Docker Delete Container
✔️ Lab 04 - Docker Copy Operations
✔️ Lab 05 - Docker Container Issue

Level 2

✔️ Lab 01 - Pull Docker Image
✔️ Lab 02 - Docker Update Permissions
✔️ Lab 03 - Create a Docker Image From Container
✔️ Lab 04 - Docker EXEC Operations
✔️ Lab 05 - Write a Docker File

Level 3

✔️ Lab 01 - Create a Docker Network
✔️ Lab 02 - Docker Volumes Mapping
✔️ Lab 03 - Docker Ports Mapping
✔️ Lab 04 - Save, Load and Transfer Docker Image
✔️ Lab 05 - Write a Docker Compose File

Level 4

✔️ Lab 01 - Resolve Dockerfile Issues
✔️ Lab 02 - Resolve Docker Compose Issues
✔️ Lab 03 - Deploy an App on Docker Containers
✔️ Lab 04 - Docker Node App
✔️ Lab 05 - Docker Python App


Level 1

✔️ Lab 01 - Create Pods in Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 02 - Create Deployments in Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 03 - Create Namespaces in Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 04 - Set Limits for Resources in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 05 - Rolling Updates in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 06 - Rollback a Deployment in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 07 - Create Replicaset in Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 08 - Create Cronjobs in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 09 - Countdown job in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 10 - Kubernetes Time Check Pod
✔️ Lab 11 - Troubleshoot Issue With Pods
✔️ Lab 12 - Update an Existing Deployment in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 13 - ReplicationController in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 14 - Fix Issue with VolumeMounts in Kubernetes

Level 2

✔️ Lab 01 - Kubernetes Shared Volumes
✔️ Lab 02 - Kubernetes Sidecar Containers
✔️ Lab 03 - Deploy Nginx Web Server on Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 04 - Print Environment Variables
✔️ Lab 05 - Rolling Updates And Rolling Back Deployments in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 06 - Deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 07 - Deploy Grafana on Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 08 - Deploy Tomcat App on Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 09 - Deploy Node App on Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 10 - Troubleshoot Deployment issues in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 11 - Fix issue with LAMP Environment in Kubernetes

Level 3

✔️ Lab 01 - Deploy Apache Web Server on Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 02 - Deploy Lamp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster
✔️ Lab 03 - Init Containers in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 04 - Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 05 - Manage Secrets in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 06 - Environment Variables in Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 07 - Kubernetes LEMP Setup
✔️ Lab 08 - Kubernetes Troubleshooting
✔️ Lab 09 - Deploy Iron Gallery App on Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 10 - Fix Python App Deployed on Kubernetes Cluster

Level 4

✔️ Lab 01 - Deploy Redis Deployment on Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 02 - Deploy MySQL on Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 03 - Kubernetes Nginx and PhpFPM Setup
✔️ Lab 04 - Deploy Drupal App on Kubernetes
✔️ Lab 05 - Deploy Guest Book App on Kubernetes


kodekloud practice session






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