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byorgey committed Jun 6, 2024
0 parents commit 4473781
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Showing 19 changed files with 7,734 additions and 0 deletions.
1,136 changes: 1,136 additions & 0 deletions Data/Presburger/Omega/Expr.hs

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1,001 changes: 1,001 additions & 0 deletions Data/Presburger/Omega/LowLevel.hsc

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366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions Data/Presburger/Omega/Rel.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@

-- | Relations whose members are represented compactly using a
-- Presburger arithmetic formula. This is a high-level interface to
-- 'OmegaRel'.
-- This module is intended to be imported qualified, e.g.
-- > import qualified Data.Presburger.Omega.Rel as WRel

module Data.Presburger.Omega.Rel
-- * Building relations
rel, functionalRel, fromOmegaRel,

-- * Operations on relations

-- ** Inspecting
inputDimension, outputDimension,

-- ** Bounds
upperBound, lowerBound,

-- ** Binary operations
union, intersection, composition, join,
restrictDomain, restrictRange,
difference, crossProduct,

-- ** Unary operations
domain, range,

import System.IO.Unsafe

import Data.Presburger.Omega.Expr
import qualified Data.Presburger.Omega.LowLevel as L
import Data.Presburger.Omega.LowLevel(OmegaRel, Effort(..))
import Data.Presburger.Omega.SetRel
import qualified Data.Presburger.Omega.Set as Set
import Data.Presburger.Omega.Set(Set)

-- | A relation from points in a /domain/ Z^m to points in a /range/ Z^n.
-- A relation can be considered just a set of points in Z^(m+n). However,
-- many functions that operate on relations treat the domain and range
-- differently.

-- Variables are referenced by de Bruijn index. The order is:
-- [dom_1, dom_2 ... dom_n, rng_1, rng_2 ... rng_m]
-- where rng_1 has the lowest index and dom_m the highest.
data Rel = Rel
{ relInpDim :: !Int -- ^ number of variables in the input
, relOutDim :: !Int -- ^ the function from input to output
, relFun :: BoolExp -- ^ function defining the relation
, relOmegaRel :: OmegaRel -- ^ low-level representation of this relation

instance Show Rel where
-- Generate a call to 'rel'
showsPrec n r = showParen (n >= 10) $
showString "rel " .
shows (relInpDim r) .
showChar ' ' .
shows (relOutDim r) .
showChar ' ' .
showsPrec 10 (relFun r)
showChar c = (c:)

-- | Create a relation whose members are defined by a predicate.
-- The expression should have @m+n@ free variables, where @m@ and @n@ are
-- the first two parameters. The first @m@
-- variables refer to the domain, and the remaining variables refer to
-- the range.

rel :: Int -- ^ Dimensionality of the domain
-> Int -- ^ Dimensionality of the range
-> BoolExp -- ^ Predicate defining the relation
-> Rel
rel inDim outDim expr
| variablesWithinRange (inDim + outDim) expr =
{ relInpDim = inDim
, relOutDim = outDim
, relFun = expr
, relOmegaRel = unsafePerformIO $ mkOmegaRel inDim outDim expr
| otherwise = error "rel: Variables out of range"

mkOmegaRel inDim outDim expr =
L.newOmegaRel inDim outDim $ \dom rng -> expToFormula (dom ++ rng) expr

-- | Create a relation where each output is a function of the inputs.
-- Each expression should have @m@ free variables, where @m@
-- is the first parameter.
-- For example, the relation @{(x, y) -> (y, x) | x > 0 && y > 0}@ is
-- > let [x, y] = takeFreeVariables' 2
-- > in functionalRel 2 [y, x] (conjE [y |>| intE 0, x |>| intE 0])

functionalRel :: Int -- ^ Dimensionality of the domain
-> [IntExp] -- ^ Function relating domain to range
-> BoolExp -- ^ Predicate restricting the domain
-> Rel
functionalRel dim range domain
| all (variablesWithinRange dim) range &&
variablesWithinRange dim domain =
{ relInpDim = dim
, relOutDim = length range
, relFun = relationPredicate
, relOmegaRel = unsafePerformIO $
mkFunctionalOmegaRel dim range domain
| otherwise = error "functionalRel: Variables out of range"
-- construct the expression domain && rangeVar1 == rangeExp1 && ...
relationPredicate =
conjE (domain : zipWith outputPredicate [dim..] range)

outputPredicate index expr =
varE (nthVariable index) |==| expr

-- To make an omega relation, we combine the range variables and the domain
-- into one big happy formula, with the conjunction
-- @domain /\ rangeVar1 == rangeExp1 /\ ... /\ rangeVarN == rangeExpN@.

mkFunctionalOmegaRel :: Int -> [IntExp] -> BoolExp -> IO OmegaRel
mkFunctionalOmegaRel dim range domain =
L.newOmegaRel dim (length range) $ \dom rng ->
L.conjunction (domainConstraint dom : rangeConstraints dom rng)
domainConstraint dom = expToFormula dom domain

rangeConstraints dom rng = zipWith (rangeConstraint dom) range rng

-- To make a range constraint, we first add the range variable
-- as the outermost bound variable, then convert this expression to an
-- equality constraint (rangeVar == ...), then convert
rangeConstraint dom expr rngVar =
let -- Add the range variable as the outermost bound variable
vars = dom ++ [rngVar]

-- Turn the range formula into an equality constraint
-- (rngVar == ...)
expr' = expr |==| varE (nthVariable dim)

in expToFormula vars expr'

-- | Convert an 'OmegaRel' to a 'Rel'.
fromOmegaRel :: OmegaRel -> IO Rel
fromOmegaRel orel = do
(dim, range, expr) <- relToExpression orel
return $ Rel
{ relInpDim = dim
, relOutDim = range
, relFun = expr
, relOmegaRel = orel

-- | Internal function to convert an 'OmegaRel' to a 'Rel', when we know
-- the relation's dimensions.
omegaRelToRel :: Int -> Int -> OmegaRel -> IO Rel
omegaRelToRel inpDim outDim orel = return $
{ relInpDim = inpDim
, relOutDim = outDim
, relFun = unsafePerformIO $ do (_, _, expr) <- relToExpression orel
return $ expr
, relOmegaRel = orel

-- Operations on relations

-- Some helper functions
useRel :: (OmegaRel -> IO a) -> Rel -> a
useRel f r = unsafePerformIO $ f $ relOmegaRel r

useRelRel :: (OmegaRel -> IO OmegaRel) -> Int -> Int -> Rel -> Rel
useRelRel f inpDim outDim r = unsafePerformIO $ do
omegaRelToRel inpDim outDim =<< f (relOmegaRel r)

useRel2 :: (OmegaRel -> OmegaRel -> IO a) -> Rel -> Rel -> a
useRel2 f r1 r2 = unsafePerformIO $ f (relOmegaRel r1) (relOmegaRel r2)

useRel2Rel :: (OmegaRel -> OmegaRel -> IO OmegaRel)
-> Int -> Int -> Rel -> Rel -> Rel
useRel2Rel f inpDim outDim r1 r2 = unsafePerformIO $ do
omegaRelToRel inpDim outDim =<< f (relOmegaRel r1) (relOmegaRel r2)

-- | Get the dimensionality of a relation's domain
inputDimension :: Rel -> Int
inputDimension = relInpDim

-- | Get the dimensionality of a relation's range
outputDimension :: Rel -> Int
outputDimension = relOutDim

-- | Convert a 'Rel' to an 'OmegaRel'.
toOmegaRel :: Rel -> OmegaRel
toOmegaRel = relOmegaRel

-- | Get the predicate defining a relation.
predicate :: Rel -> BoolExp
predicate = relFun

domain :: Rel -> Set
domain r = useRel (\ptr -> Set.fromOmegaSet =<< L.domain ptr) r

range :: Rel -> Set
range r = useRel (\ptr -> Set.fromOmegaSet =<< L.range ptr) r

lowerBoundSatisfiable :: Rel -> Bool
lowerBoundSatisfiable = useRel L.lowerBoundSatisfiable

upperBoundSatisfiable :: Rel -> Bool
upperBoundSatisfiable = useRel L.upperBoundSatisfiable

obviousTautology :: Rel -> Bool
obviousTautology = useRel L.obviousTautology

definiteTautology :: Rel -> Bool
definiteTautology = useRel L.definiteTautology

-- | True if the relation has no UNKNOWN constraints.
exact :: Rel -> Bool
exact = useRel L.exact

-- | True if the relation has UNKNOWN constraints.
inexact :: Rel -> Bool
inexact = useRel L.inexact

-- | True if the relation is entirely UNKNOWN.
unknown :: Rel -> Bool
unknown = useRel L.unknown

upperBound :: Rel -> Rel
upperBound r = useRelRel L.upperBound (relInpDim r) (relOutDim r) r

lowerBound :: Rel -> Rel
lowerBound r = useRelRel L.lowerBound (relInpDim r) (relOutDim r) r

-- | Test whether two relations are equal.
-- The relations must have the same dimension
-- (@inputDimension r1 == inputDimension r2 && outputDimension r1 == outputDimension r2@),
-- or an error will be raised.
-- The answer is precise if both relations are 'exact'.
-- If either relation is inexact, this function returns @False@.
equal :: Rel -> Rel -> Bool
equal = useRel2 L.equal

-- | Union of two relations.
-- The relations must have the same dimension
-- (@inputDimension r1 == inputDimension r2 && outputDimension r1 == outputDimension r2@),
-- or an error will be raised.
union :: Rel -> Rel -> Rel
union s1 s2 = useRel2Rel L.union (relInpDim s1) (relOutDim s1) s1 s2

-- | Intersection of two relations.
-- The relations must have the same dimension
-- (@inputDimension r1 == inputDimension r2 && outputDimension r1 == outputDimension r2@),
-- or an error will be raised.
intersection :: Rel -> Rel -> Rel
intersection s1 s2 =
useRel2Rel L.intersection (relInpDim s1) (relOutDim s1) s1 s2

-- | Composition of two relations.
-- The second relation's output must be the same size as the first's input
-- (@outputDimension r2 == inputDimension r1@),
-- or an error will be raised.
composition :: Rel -> Rel -> Rel
composition s1 s2 =
useRel2Rel L.composition (relInpDim s2) (relOutDim s1) s1 s2

-- | Same as 'composition', with the arguments swapped.
join :: Rel -> Rel -> Rel
join r1 r2 = composition r2 r1

-- | Restrict the domain of a relation.
-- > domain (restrictDomain r s) === intersection (domain r) s
restrictDomain :: Rel -> Set -> Rel
restrictDomain r s = unsafePerformIO $
omegaRelToRel (relInpDim r) (relOutDim r) =<<
L.restrictDomain (relOmegaRel r) (Set.toOmegaSet s)

-- | Restrict the range of a relation.
-- > range (restrictRange r s) === intersection (range r) s
restrictRange :: Rel -> Set -> Rel
restrictRange r s = unsafePerformIO $
omegaRelToRel (relInpDim r) (relOutDim r) =<<
L.restrictRange (relOmegaRel r) (Set.toOmegaSet s)

-- | Difference of two relations.
-- The relations must have the same dimension
-- (@inputDimension r1 == inputDimension r2 && outputDimension r1 == outputDimension r2@),
-- or an error will be raised.
difference :: Rel -> Rel -> Rel
difference s1 s2 =
useRel2Rel L.difference (relInpDim s1) (relOutDim s1) s1 s2

-- | Cross product of two sets.
crossProduct :: Set -> Set -> Rel
crossProduct s1 s2 = unsafePerformIO $
omegaRelToRel (Set.dimension s1) (Set.dimension s2) =<<
L.crossProduct (Set.toOmegaSet s1) (Set.toOmegaSet s2)

-- | Get the gist of a relation, given some background truth. The
-- gist operator uses heuristics to simplify the relation while
-- retaining sufficient information to regenerate the original by
-- re-introducing the background truth. The relations must have the
-- same input dimensions and the same output dimensions.
-- The gist satisfies the property
-- > x === gist effort x given `intersection` given
gist :: Effort -> Rel -> Rel -> Rel
gist effort r1 r2 =
useRel2Rel (L.gist effort) (relInpDim r1) (relOutDim r1) r1 r2

-- | Get the transitive closure of a relation. In some cases, the transitive
-- closure cannot be computed exactly, in which case a lower bound is
-- returned.
transitiveClosure :: Rel -> Rel
transitiveClosure r =
useRelRel L.transitiveClosure (relInpDim r) (relOutDim r) r

-- | Invert a relation, swapping the domain and range.
inverse :: Rel -> Rel
inverse s = useRelRel L.inverse (relOutDim s) (relInpDim s) s

-- | Get the complement of a relation.
complement :: Rel -> Rel
complement s = useRelRel L.complement (relInpDim s) (relOutDim s) s

deltas :: Rel -> Set
deltas = useRel (\wrel -> Set.fromOmegaSet =<< L.deltas wrel)

-- | Approximate a relation by allowing all existentially quantified
-- variables to take on rational values. This allows these variables to be
-- eliminated from the formula.
approximate :: Rel -> Rel
approximate s = useRelRel L.approximate (relInpDim s) (relOutDim s) s

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