Hi there 👋
👨🏫 I'm a Frontend Teacher passionate about helping students learn web development. I have experience in both JavaScript and layout, and I am actively teaching web development to students. I guide them in creating websites, focusing on best practices and clean code.
💻 I am also working with various web technologies, including React, and I continue to learn and grow in my craft. I can work with Git for version control and ensure my code meets Pixel Perfect standards. I create layouts from Figma designs and use semantic HTML. I also work with Gulp and Parcel for project build automation and use SASS for styling.
🔭 Currently, I’m mentoring students and working on web projects. 🌱 I’m continuing to improve my React skills. 🤔 I'm always looking for ways to improve my teaching methods and code. Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate or need help with any web development challenges!