A collection of scripts to create historical RefSeq versions.
The two files you'll need to rollback to a desired RefSeq version are:
- The current bacterial RefSeq FASTA file
- The catalog file associated with the version you want to rollback to.
Two scripts are provided to help you download these files:
./download_refseq_catalog.sh 80
download_latest_bacterial_refseq.sh will create a directory and download the latest bacterial RefSeq FASTA files, concatenate them and delete the pieces. download_refseq_catalog.sh will download the catalog file you want to rollback to, in the example we chose 80, though any version can be selected.
If you want to use these files to roll back to version 80, you would do the following:
./refseq_rollback.pl -catalog RefSeq-release80.catalog.gz \
-fasta RefSeq-release88.fasta.gz \
-out RefSeq-release80.fasta
In the MetaDB manuscript we present diversity metrics for bacterial RefSeq over time. The script used to create the OTU table in the analysis is create_otu_table.pl.
Rev DJN 10Jul2018