[Deployed App Link](https://shakeitrecipes.netlify.app/)
Have friends over and don't know which cocktail to make? No worries.. With this app, you can search any cocktail's recipe!
I've used CocktailsDB API
- 404: As a user I get to see a 404 page with a feedback message if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault.
- Signup: As an anonymous user I can sign up on the platform so that I can search for cocktail recipes.
- Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can access my profile and start searching for recipes and post pictures of what I made.
- Logout: As a logged in user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it.
- Profile Page: As a logged in user I can visit my profile page so that I can access the edit page and see my favorite cocktails.
- Cocktails: As a user I want to click and visit each cocktail page, so I can see the recipe and images of it.
- Random cocktail: As a use i want to click on the random cocktail, so I can get a random cocktail recipe to surprise myself.
- Add posts: As a user I can add a post with a picture of the cocktail that I made, so people can see.
- By ingridient: As a user I want to search a cocktail by an ingridient.
- View Ranks: As a user I want to see the feed so that I can see what people are posting.
Path | Component | Permissions | Behavior |
/login |
LoginPage | anon only <AnonRoute> |
Login form, navigates to home page after login. |
/signup |
SignupPage | anon only <AnonRoute> |
Signup form, navigates to home page after signup. |
/ |
HomePage | public <Route> |
Home page. |
/user-profile |
ProfilePage | user only <PrivateRoute> |
User profile for the current user. |
/user-profile/edit |
EditProfilePage | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Edit user profile form. |
/cocktail/:cocktailId |
CocktailDetailsPage | public <Route> |
See cocktail details. |
/random/:cocktailId |
RandomCocktail | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Random cocktail details page. |
/byIngridient |
byIngridient | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Search cocktails by Ingridient. |
/posts-feed |
PostsFeed | user only <PrivateRoute> |
Users can see what other users are posting feed. |
- CocktailsCard
- PostsCard
- ProfileCard
- Navbar
Auth Service
- `authService` :
- `authService` :
User Service
- `userService` :
.updateCurrentUser(id, userData)
- `userService` :
Cocktails Service
- `Cocktails Service` : -
User model
username: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
password: { type: String, required: true },
email: { type: String, required: true },
profilePic_URL: { type: String },
user_posts: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Post" }],
favorite_drinks: { [ type: String ]},
Posts model
title: { type: String, required: true },
picture: { type: String, required: true },
description: { type: String, required: true },
author: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },
comments: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Comment" }],
timestamps: true,
Comments model
comment_user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },
comment_text: { type: String, required: true },
timestamps: true,
HTTP Method | URL | Request Body | Success status | Error Status | Description |
GET | /auth/profile |
Saved session | 200 | 404 | Check if user is logged in and return profile page |
POST | /auth/signup |
{name, email, password} | 201 | 404 | Checks if fields not empty (422) and user not exists (409), then create user with encrypted password, and store user in session |
POST | /auth/login |
{username, password} | 200 | 401 | Checks if fields not empty (422), if user exists (404), and if password matches (404), then stores user in session |
POST | /auth/logout |
204 | 400 | Logs out the user | |
GET | /api/cocktails |
200 | 400 | Show all cocktails | |
GET | /api/cocktails/:id |
200 | Show specific cocktail | ||
GET | /api/random/cocktail/:id |
200 | Show specific cocktail | ||
GET | /api/by-ingridient/cocktail/:id |
200 | Show cocktails by ingridient | ||
GET | /api/posts-feed |
200 | Show all posts on feed | ||
POST | /api/posts-feed |
200 | Show all posts on feed |
The url to your repository and to your deployed project
[Client repository Link](https://github.com/dpereiraaa/shake-it-client)
[Server repository Link](https://github.com/dpereiraaa/shake-it-server)
[Deployed App Link](https://shakeitrecipes.netlify.app/)