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Compile-Time Dimensional Analysis in Typescript

Early Ehlinger


One of the things I really appreciate as an engineer working at Earnest is the opportunity to participate in the Engineering Learning Club. We meet fortnightly, and explore a wide variety of topics, including event-sourcing and other distributed system architectures, machine learning, functional programming, the Go programming language, and recently, Typescript.

Although we do typically try to tie our studies back to our work, we also recognize that knowledge for knowledge sake is valuable and look into things that are wholly unrelated to our mission to make higher education affordable to all. Besides, it is the case that many innovations come about precisely because somebody makes an unexpected connection between seeminly unrelated domains.

We recently looked at this blog post by Alexander Smirnov, Compile-time functional programming in TypeScript, where he presents a mechanism to do compile-time addition and subtraction using the Typescript Generic Types. The basic idea is that, while Typescript does not allow direct addition, like this:

type Three = 1 + 2 // Syntax error. We can't add inside the compiler! 😡

It does allow you to create types as concatenations of array types:

type A1 = [undefined];
type A2 = [undefined, undefined];
type A3 = [...A1, ...A2]; // A3 = A1 + A2! We CAN add inside the compiler! 😈

By combining this with the power provided by Conditional Types in TypeScript 2.8, Smirnov proceeds to show us how to switch back and forth between representing numbers as, well, numbers, and representing them as arrays of a given length.

The old days of C++ Dimensional Analysis

Upon seeing this, I was reminded of a 1994 book by Barton and Nackman (okay, the 1995 excerpt in C++ Journal) where they presented a library for performing dimensional analysis at compile time in C++ using templates. A quick introduction for those who may not be familiar:

It is common in physics and engineering to double-check one's work by carrying units through the mathematical gyrations one goes through to arrive at a solution, and verify that the units make sense. For example, if you are asked to find the acceleration of an object, and you divide a distance by time, you will get units of meters/second. When you compare this against the expected type for acceleration, meters/second/second, you will very quickly notice that you have made an error somewhere, and have to go back and correct your work.

However, in computing, it's not entirely uncommon to just represent physical values solely as numbers:

const l = 14; // meters
const t = 2; // seconds

const a = l/t; // this compiles. If we had dimensional
  // analysis, we'd know that the resulting type is
  // "meters/second" rather than "meters/second/second"

In the book above, Barton and Nackman show that you can use the C++ templating engine to perform these checks for you:

auto l = 14 * meters; // updated a little to modern C++ syntax
auto t = 2 * seconds;

acceleration a = l / t;
  // error: cannot assign dimensioned<double,1,-1,0,0,0,0,0>
  // to dimensioned<double,1,-2,0,0,0,0,0>

What's more, because the C++ templates do not use any dynamic types (no virtual functions), an optimizer can very easily have this devolve directly to loading the values 14 and 2 into registers and then dividing (or better, just storing 7 directly into a.) In other words, there is theoretically no run-time cost to using this library.

Scott Meyers has a short PDF describing the technique in C++ here.

So what is necessary to make this work at compile-time in a given language?

Basically, you need to be able to use lists of signed integers as generic/template parameters, and to perform signed addition on those parameters.

The Smirnov post shows that this is possible in Typescript!

Dimensional Analysis in Typescript

Typescript allows us to have a generic parameter list of signed integers. However, it does not directly let us perform signed addition on those parameters. What we need is a library that helps us perform signed addition. Smirnov showed us how to convert numbers into a different domain, array-length-domain. Unfortunately, adding and subtracting numbers in array length domain can only be doned with positive numbers, and then only with positive numbers in the proper order. I.e., 5-2 will result in 3, but 2-5 will result in 0 rather than -3, because there is no such thing as a negative length array.

We get around this by creating a tuple type SignedNumber<M,S>, where M is the magnitude of the number we're trying to represent, and S is the sign. We then implement SignedAdd to be the result of adding two signed numbers. We provide a Negate type that provides the - you guessed it - negation of its parameter. SignedSubtract is just SignedAdd where you negate the second parameter.

Creating a dimensioned type is then just a matter of specifying a series of SignedNumber<> generic parameters, one for each unit: length, time, and mass. There are 4 other base dimensions in the SI model: current, temperature, amount of substance (moles), and luminous intensity. We chose not to implement them in the interest of having the code be somewhat readable.

The bookkeeping around dimensions is done by providing two generic functions: div and mul, which are responsible not only for dividing and multiplying, but performing the SignedAdd on the generic arguments for the provided dimensioned types. For example:

import * as d from  "../src/index.js"

const l = d.meters(20);
const t = d.seconds(10);
const s = d.seconds(1);
const m = d.kilograms(32);

const v:d.Velocity     = d.div(l,t);
const a:d.Acceleration = d.div(v,s);
const f:d.Force        = d.mul(m,a);

Here we calculate first a velocity, by dividing a distance of 20 meters by a time period of 10 seconds. Next, we divide that velocity by another time period of 1 second, to obtain an acceleration. Finally, we multiply that acceleration by a mass to obtain a force. The type system disallows storing the result of d.mul(m,a) into, say, a d.Acceleration, because the resulting exponent for the mass dimension from the d.mul call is 1.


Typescript does not offer operator overloading, and as a consequence we are forced to explicitly call utility functions, e.g., d.div and d.mul, in order to do any math on the value of our dimensioned objects. This is a mild annoyance compared to languages like C++ where you could write the equations above in a more human-friendly style:

Velocity const v = l / t;
Accelaration const a = v / s;
Force const f = m * a;

There are several proposals to add operator overloading to Typescript. It doesn't appear likely that any will be accepted, but one can dream :-).

Next steps

There are a number of steps that one could take to make improvements to the library as it currently stands, that we are choosing not to take at this time:

  1. Place into an npm package for easier consumption and reuse.

  2. Provide library support for conversions. That is, provide conversion factors for the varied SI prefixes (nano, mili, kilo, mega, exa, etc.), as well as conversion factors for other systems like imperial, ancient Roman, etc. If these are tracked intelligently, it could help with numeric precision issues that floating point numbers introduce. For example, if we try to track areas or volumes that ought to be expressed in light-year scales as meters, then the fact that Number is a floating point value will cause numerical problems. But if we can store in the type system that an object is not only a length, but a length at light-year scale, then we can keep the magnitude of our numbers smaller and the precision higher.

  3. Support all 7 SI base units and all of the common derived units.

The code is available here


A repository containing some dimensional analysis libraries and posts.






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