E-Com Plus service for customer login and signup with Passportjs
- NodeJS 12+
- Express web framework package
- Passport package
- OAuth strategies: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoo and Windows Live
- JSON Web Token
git clone https://github.com/ecomplus/passport
cd ecomplus-passport
cp config/config-sample.json config/config.json
nano config/config.json
Edit config.json
placing correct values for your environment,
after that, start app with node:
node ./main.js
You need to use a web server such as NGINX or Apache HTTP, proxy passing the requests to configured TCP port.
var uri = 'https://passport.e-com.plus/v1/pt_br/1004/sdjcksadcasbcsabdcbsldjlbcasbdcs/login.html'
var popup = window.open(uri, 'Passport', 'height=400,width=340')
if (window.focus) {
var getCustomerInfo = function () {
// run after login
// public callback function
window.passportCallback = function () {
// logged
// fallback
var popupWatch = setInterval(function () {
if (popup.closed) {
// may be logged
}, 400)