xtradb-proxy-check Public
Used for health checking PXC/MariaDB Galera cluster backends for HAProxy or other TCP load balancing solutions
yelp_me Public
A CLI tool for finding food on Yelp using the Yelp API
palworld-server-docker Public
Forked from thijsvanloef/palworld-server-dockerA Docker Container to easily run a Palworld dedicated server.
Shell MIT License UpdatedJan 31, 2024 -
terragrunt Public
Forked from gruntwork-io/terragruntTerragrunt is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools for working with multiple Terraform modules.
go-buildkite Public
Forked from buildkite/go-buildkiteA Go library for the Buildkite API
helm-charts Public
Forked from go-skynet/helm-chartsgo-skynet helm chart repository
Smarty UpdatedMay 8, 2023 -
percona-postgresql-operator Public
Forked from percona/percona-postgresql-operatorPercona Operator for PostgreSQL
cosmos-sdk Public
Forked from cosmos/cosmos-sdk⛓️ A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains ✨
aws-vault Public
Forked from 99designs/aws-vaultA vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments
rbac-tool Public
Forked from alcideio/rbac-toolRapid7 | insightCloudSec | Kubernetes RBAC Power Toys - Visualize, Analyze, Generate & Query
BrewInstallPackages Public
Easy way to install Homebrew and all packages that I find useful
docker-unifi-controller Public
Forked from linuxserver-archive/docker-unifi-controller -
telegraf Public
Forked from influxdata/telegrafThe plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.
examples Public
Forked from pulumi/examplesInfrastructure, containers, and serverless apps to AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes... all deployed with Pulumi
terraform-aws-sns-topic Public
Forked from cloudposse/terraform-aws-sns-topicTerraform Module to Provide an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
aeron Public
Forked from aeron-io/aeronEfficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport
alpaca-trade-api-go Public
Forked from alpacahq/alpaca-trade-api-goGo client for Alpaca's trade API
jetbrains-toolbox-install Public
Forked from nagygergo/jetbrains-toolbox-installInstaller for jetbrains toolbox
bosh-agent Public
Forked from cloudfoundry/bosh-agentBOSH Agent runs on each BOSH deployed VM
percona-docker Public
Forked from percona/percona-dockerCollection of Dockerfiles for Percona sofware. See individual directories for more details.
docker-boshrelease Public
Forked from cloudfoundry-incubator/docker-boshreleaseDocker BOSH Release
ssl_cert_inspector Public
Python based CLI tool for inspecting properties in SSL certs
percona-backup-mongodb Public
Forked from percona/percona-backup-mongodbPercona Backup for MongoDB
simpleforce Public
Forked from simpleforce/simpleforceSimple Golang client for Salesforce