This is my solution to the home exam in the course DATA2410 Networking and cloud computing, spring of 2024. Description of the exam is given here:
Using A simple file transfer program with DATA2410 Reliable Transport Protocol (DRTP)
When using this program, you need to invoke the server first, and then the client.
To invoke the server on your computer, you can use the following code:
python3 -s
Then, in another terminal window, use the following code to invoke the client:
python3 -c -f <file_name>
The client will then try to send the file with <file_name> to the server using the default IP address and port number.
The solution uses argparse, and there are some optional arguments available for both the server and the client. Be sure to always use the same IP address and port for both client and server. The default values are and 8088 for IP address and port, respectively. Here's a look at the --help page:
IP: Default value set to, but can be set to something else with the IPv4 format (ex with the following code:
python3 -s -i <IP_address>
Port: Default value set to 8088, but can be set to something else within range [1024,65535] with the following code:
python3 -s -p <port_no>
Discard: A test case where a data packet is discarded. If -d 5 is passed to the server, data packet with seq no 5 is discarded.
python3 -s -d <discard_packet_number>
File: must be included, or else the client doesn't know which file to send.
IP: Default value set to, but can be set to something else with the IPv4 format (ex. with the following code:
python3 -c -f <file_name> -i <IP_address>
Port: Default value set to 8088, but can be set to something else within range [1024,65535] with the following code:
python3 -c -f <file_name> -p <port_no>
Window: Default sliding window size is set to 3, but it can be changed using this option. If you pass -w 10 to the client, the window size will be 10.
python3 -c -f <file_name> -w <window_size>