I am a research associate at the University of Oxford, working with Sam Staton. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pisa, working with Filippo Bonchi. Until November 2023, I was a PhD student in the Compositional Systems and Methods group at Tallinn University of Technology under the supervision of Paweł Sobociński.
- A Diagrammatic Algebra for Program Logics, to appear in FoSSaCS 2025
Filippo Bonchi, Alessandro Di Giorgio and EDL
[arXiv preprint] - Strong Induction is an up-to Technique, to appear in CSL 2025
Filippo Bonchi, EDL and Anna Ricci - A Coalgebraic Model of Quantum Bisimulation, to appear in ACT 2024
Lorenzo Ceragioli, EDL, Giuseppe Lormurno and Gabriele Tedeschi - Categorical Foundation of Explainable AI: A Unifying Theory, xAI 2024
Francesco Giannini, Stefano Fioravanti, Pietro Barbiero, Alberto Tonda, Pietro Liò, and EDL - Monoidal Width, LMCS, Volume 19, Issue 3
EDL and Paweł Sobociński
[arXiv] - Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories, LiCS 2023
EDL and Mario Román
[arXiv] [Slides] - Span(Graph): a Canonical Feedback Algebra of Open Transition Systems, Software and Systems Modeling
EDL, Alessandro Gianola, Mario Román, Nicoletta Sabadini and Paweł Sobociński
[arXiv] - Monoidal Width: Capturing Rank Width, ACT 2022
EDL and Paweł Sobociński
[arXiv] [Slides] - Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming, LiCS 2022
EDL, Giovanni de Felice and Mario Román
[arXiv] - Compositional modelling of network games, 2021, CSL 2021
EDL, Jules Hedges and Paweł Sobociński
[arXiv] [Slides] - A canonical algebra of open transition systems, FACS 2021
EDL, Alessandro Gianola, Mario Román, Nicoletta Sabadini, Paweł Sobociński
[arXiv] - Functorial language games for question answering, ACT 2021
Giovanni de Felice, EDL, Mario Román, Alexis Toumi
- EDL, Bart Jacobs and Mario Román, A Simple Formal Language for Probabilistic Decision Problems, arXiv preprint 2024.
- Filippo Bonchi, EDL and Mario Román, Effectful Mealy Machines: Bisimulation and Trace arXiv preprint 2024.
- EDL, Giovanni de Felice and Mario Román, Coinductive Streams in Monoidal Categories, arXiv preprint 2022.
- EDL and Paweł Sobociński, Monoidal Width: Unifying Tree width, Path Width and Branch Width, arXiv preprint 2022.
- EDL, Wilmer Leal, Valeria de Paiva, Dialectica Petri nets, arXiv preprint 2021.
- (April 2025): program committee member for the MFPS 2025 conference.
- (March 2025): program committee member for the ACT 2025 conference.
- (since November 2023): member of the steering committee of the Adjoint School.
- (since May 2023): member of the executive board of Compositionality.
- (January - May 2023): TA for the category theory and applications course at Tallinn University of Technology.
- (8-9 September 2022): local co-organiser SYCO 9 at the University of Insubria, Como.
- (May 2022): program committee member for the ACT 2022 conference.
- (September 2021 - August 2023): co-organiser of the ACT Adjoint school 2022 and 2023.
- (May 2021): TA for the introductory course on category theory at Tallinn University of Technology.
- (19 June 2024): talk at ACT (distinguished).
- (16 May 2024): talk at the Topos Institute Colloquium (recording).
- (9 April 2024): talk at the University of Padova.
- (19 March 2024): talk at the workshop on Process Theory for Security Protocols and Cryptography.
- (8 March 2024): talk at the OASIS seminar at the University of Oxford.
- (29 February 2024): talk at the Challenges and Perspectives of Formal Methods for Trustworthy Software seminar series at the University of Pisa.
- (8 January 2024): talk at Directions and Perspectives in the λ-calculus.
- (22 November 2023): talk at the Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory.
- (1 August 2023): talk at ACT (distinguished).
- (18 July 2023): talk at the Coresources workshop.
- (17 July 2023): talk for the Bob Walters tribute.
- (27 June 2023): talk at LiCS (conference paper).
- (25 June 2023): talk at the QuaLog workshop.
- (14 June 2023): talk at the CatNiP workshop.
- (26 April 2023): talk at the ItaCa fest on partial Markov categories (recording).
- (1 August 2022): talk at the WiL workshop.
- (22 July 2022): talk at the ACT2022 conference (conference paper and recording of the talk).
- (26 June 2022): talk at the FMCS workshop.
- (25 May 2022): talk at the Comonads Meetup.
- (24 May 2022): talk at the Mathematical Foundations Seminar at the University of Bath about Dialectica Petri nets.
- (13-14 December 2021): talks at SYCO 8. Slides of the talk on monoidal width, slides of the talk on Dialectica Petri nets.
- (26 January 2021): talk at the CSL 2021 conference (conference paper and recording of the talk).
- (January 2025): started a postdoctoral position with Sam Staton at the Computer Science Department of the University of Oxford.
- (October, November 2024): academic visit to the Compositional Systems and Methods research group at Tallinn University of Technology.
- (March 2024): academic visit to Mario Román at the University of Oxford.
- (1 January 2024): started a postdoctoral position with Filippo Bonchi at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa.
- (17 November 2023): I defended my PhD thesis with Samson Abramsky and Dan Marsden as opponents.
- (November 2022): academic visit to Jamie Vicary at the University of Cambridge (slides).
- (August 2022): our LiCS2022 paper on Monoidal Streams won the Kleene Award and was chosen as a distinguished paper.
- (June 2022): academic visit to Fabio Gadducci and Filippo Bonchi at the University of Pisa.
- (March 2020 - July 2020): participated in the ACT school 2020 in the Dialectica categories for Petri nets project under the supervision of Valeria de Paiva. We wrote a blogpost on the nCafé.
- Notes on Kleisli categories for the CT course (Pisa)
- Notes on monoidal categories for the CT course (Pisa)
- Notes on monads for the CT course (Tallinn)
- Notes on adjunctions for the CT course (Tallinn)
- Open games on a category with feedback (draft), with Mario Román
- Timing processes (the naive way), with Mario Román
- Game equilibria as fixed point semantics, with Mario Román
- Composing optics with feedback, with Mario Román
- Optic embeds into the Int construction, with Mario Román
- January 2025 - present: research associate at the Computer Science Department, University of Oxford, with Sam Staton.
- January 2024 - December 2024: postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Science Department, Università di Pisa, with Filippo Bonchi.
- November 2019 - November 2023: PhD at Tallinn University of Technology under the supervision of Paweł Sobociński.
- September 2018 - September 2019: MSc in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Oxford, where I learned category theory.
- September 2017 - September 2018: BSc in Mathematics at Università di Pisa, where I studied some pure math.
- September 2014 - July 2017: BSc in Mathematical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, where I studied the mathematics that is useful for engineering and some basics of engineering.