Releases: elixir-europe/rdmkit
Releases · elixir-europe/rdmkit
v2.0.0 - New landing page and better navigation
What's Changed
- First DS Wizard deep link proposal by @rwwh in #664
- removed mPower by @pinarpink in #667
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #668
- Add plant genomics diagram by @DanFaria in #669
- Tools update by @bedroesb in #670
- added DISH doi and DAISY link by @pinarpink in #666
- Improve DSW descriptions by @MarekSuchanek in #665
- Update by @korbinib in #672
- Update by @korbinib in #673
- Updating to bootstrap 5.1 + taking away popper.js by @bedroesb in #674
- fix broken link by @jburel in #677
- Omero by @jburel in #676
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #678
- Switching to SCSS by @bedroesb in #675
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #684
- Adding a contact page by @bedroesb in #681
- Adding outreach page by @bedroesb in #682
- Typo fix by @rabuono in #686
- Redesign of listing related pages - training - tools - ... by @bedroesb in #661
- Replacing tags with related_pages for less confusion by @bedroesb in #687
- Guide update by @floradanna in #688
- Small fixes by @bedroesb in #689
- fix registry zenodo in training by @floradanna in #690
- Training registry by @floradanna in #691
- Fixing keywords in metadata head by @bedroesb in #693
- Adding biohackathon as event by @bedroesb in #692
- Changing
Your problem
toYour tasks
by @bedroesb in #694 - update related_pages_system image by @floradanna in #696
- Adding Machine-Readable Metadata event by @bedroesb in #698
- Contributor cards on page level + better buttons by @bedroesb in #699
- Making use of more bootstrap classes by @bedroesb in #700
- Update events.yml by @floradanna in #703
- Update by @korbinib in #705
- Update events.yml by @floradanna in #704
- Bump nokogiri from 1.11.5 to 1.12.5 by @dependabot in #706
- Add ISA4J tool in the tools table by @lauportell in #710
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #711
- Support for news + events page by @bedroesb in #702
- Extract DSW deep link prefix to var by @MarekSuchanek in #709
- Update news.yml by @wittigue in #713
- new domain page "Proteomics" by @wittigue in #707
- Add new info + tool in the epitranscriptome page by @lauportell in #718
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #719
- New page - Toxicology data by @lauportell in #714
- More information tiles makeover by @bedroesb in #717
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #720
- update data publication page by @floradanna in #722
- Better mechanics for listing related pages by @bedroesb in #723
- Changing contributers title style by @bedroesb in #721
- Automatic resource lookup on FAIRsharing by @bedroesb in #724
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #727
- machine actionability page by @floradanna in #715
- Update by @erlefloch in #734
- Update by @erlefloch in #740
- Update by @erlefloch in #733
- Updated the diagram with new tools by @erlefloch in #732
- Start of tools assembly index page by @bedroesb in #586
- Adding schema and list style details by @martin-nc in #751
- Adding more attributes to pages by @bedroesb in #726
- Update by @keesvanbochove in #731
- Nicer vcf listing in plant sciences page by @bedroesb in #757
- links to faircookbook by @floradanna in #759
- Update by @floradanna in #761
- Updating tools with updates from the spreadsheet by @bedroesb in #763
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #764
- Update by @korbinib in #747
- TeSS link update by @bedroesb in #756
- Upgrades to the tool assembly index page by @bedroesb in #760
- Adding history button + tooltips by @bedroesb in #767
- Updating editorial guide by @bedroesb in #769
- Updating documentation about adding a new tool or resource by @bedroesb in #770
- Sensitive fix by @rwwh in #653
- General improvements by @bedroesb in #772
- Start for national resource pages by @bedroesb in #749
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #775
- Update by @floradanna in #777
- Micro.biotech by @floradanna in #752
- Bioimaging Domain by @jburel in #765
- Updating toolstable by @bedroesb in #779
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #780
- Adding instance_of to national resources by @bedroesb in #781
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #782
- Having news that is relevant for the user by @bedroesb in #778
- Machine actionability page by @floradanna in #776
field visualized in the description of the tool by @bedroesb in #783- Update machine_actionability by @rabuono in #784
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #788
- typo fix by @rabuono in #787
- Support for empty lists in metadata markdown by @bedroesb in #789
- Update human data with transfer info by @lauportell in #790
- Update human data page with data quality by @lauportell in #791
- Update by @korbinib in #785
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-actions in #794
- Adding Nazeefa as editor by @bedroesb in #793
- Update by @jennyostrop in #798
- National Resources - Norway by @bianchini88 in #792
- Update by @floradanna in #802
- Update by @korbinib in #801
- Updating tools table using the online spreadsheet by @bedroesb in #807
- Automatic tool/resource-list update by @github-ac...
v1.1.0 - Demonstrator extension
Implemented enhancements:
- Preassign tag #626
- Suggested accessibility improvements #484
- Improving accessibility #549 (bedroesb)
Fixed bugs:
- FAIRsharing collection not supported in tooltable #561
Closed issues:
- New page - XNAT-PIC: XNAT for Preclinical Imaging Centers #633
- Recommendation in Horizon Europe Program Guide #627
- Marine metagenomics tools assembly #614
- Content link missing ? #613
- Icons toolbox #594
- Tool(s) Assembly #583
- Refinement git contribution guide #574
- Tools assembly - IFB (ELIXIR-FR) #570
- Norwegian sensitive data tools assembly #567
- Tool assembly - CSC (ELIXIR-FI) #566
- New page - Epitranscriptome data #565
- Existing data - Focus Group #548
- RDMkit logo on Data Lif Cycle wheel in mediakit #545
- No LIMS in the RDMkit #517
- A page dedicated to the WP3 leaders #500
- Institutes branding page #499
- Improve Data storage page #452
- Identifiers - Focus Group #441
- Editorial board section #380
Merged pull requests:
- Create plant_genomics_assembly #663 (DanFaria)
- Update footer.html #662 (korbinib)
- Small fixes with XNAD-PIC #660 (bedroesb)
- Update #659 (korbinib)
- Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 #658 (dependabot[bot])
- Update main.yml #657 (korbinib)
- Adding new tools #656 (bedroesb)
- Automatic tool/resource-list update #655 (github-actions[bot])
- Update #654 (OlivierCollin)
- page for IFB France assembly #652 (floradanna)
- XNAT-PIC #651 (szullino)
- Update #650 (korbinib)
- noun project icons for tool assemblies #649 (korbinib)
- Tools update #648 (bedroesb)
- Update NeLS_toolkit.svg #647 (korbinib)
- Marine metagenomics tool assembly #646 (lauportell)
- Tool list update #645 (bedroesb)
- Update #644 (pinarpink)
- Update #643 (korbinib)
- Transmed assembly page added #640 (pinarpink)
- Registry badges update #639 (bedroesb)
- Adding Horizon Europe reference #637 (martin-nc)
- Horizon Europe recommendation in footer #636 (bedroesb)
- Minor fixes for the style guide #635 (martin-nc)
- fairsharing collection fix + tooltable update #632 (bedroesb)
- Replacing tags with page titles #631 (bedroesb)
- Replacing plus icons with arrows in sidepanel #630 (bedroesb)
- Top nav improvements + other small changes #629 (bedroesb)
- Update SVG tool assembly noun icons #628 (korbinib)
- Automatic tool/resource-list update #623 (github-actions[bot])
- Updating the tools table #622 (bedroesb)
- FEGA description replaced with EGA description #621 (pinarpink)
- added links to (national) tool assemblies for sensitive data #618 (pinarpink)
- Fix broken link to sensitive_data #615 (nicjar)
- optional_template_infrastructure_tool_assembly.svg #612 (korbinib)
- NeLS "-Norway" #611 (korbinib)
- Using capitals in the tags + sign up link in event #610 (bedroesb)
- DMP Canvas Generator update #608 (lauportell)
- existing data page #607 (floradanna)
- Update #604 (korbinib)
- TSD tool assembly page #603 (korbinib)
- format enumeration #601 (jburel)
- Local build using Docker #600 (jburel)
- Events on front page #599 (bedroesb)
- Adding counters to the front page and some contributor info #598 (bedroesb)
- Revision following Paul Kersey's feedback #596 (DanFaria)
- Revision based on Paul Kersey's feedback #595 (DanFaria)
- Automatic tool/resource-list update #592 (github-actions[bot])
- adding CSC tool assembly #591 (floradanna)
- Update #590 (lauportell)
- Tools assembly -> tool assembly #588 (korbinib)
- Automatic tool/resource-list update #587 (github-actions[bot])
- Adding my affiliation #585 (martin-nc)
- Adding support for country specific tools #584 (bedroesb)
- Update epitranscriptome data page #582 (lauportell)
- Small fix on wheel landing page #581 ([bedroesb](https:...
v1.0.0 - Public release
We are live!
RDMkit is out of beta and ready to be shown to the world. Check out our change log below to find out what changed in this release compared to our beta release. Thank you to all contributors for their contributions.
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve listing of tagged pages #408
- Storage guidelines-WP1 DMNetwork #376
- Branding - acknowledgement grants #17
- Front page changes #466 (bedroesb)
Closed issues:
- Adding section descriptions to the frontpage #479
- A media page with all our logo's #463
- Improve Plant domain page #453
- Add link to "ELIXIR Services software tools" on the Data Analysis page. #437
- Show CC-BY-4 licence on the website #434
- Difference between Data sharing and Open data #430
- Licensing vs. Licencing #425
- feedback email subject "RDMKit feedback feedback" #422
- Fixes to the Marine Metagenomics page #410
- Delete "External Links" paragraph #409
- Idea for the home page #405
- Tools table tags not updated #399
- FairdomHub should have a metadata tag #397
- Adding a resource for the Plant domain #396
- Fix an error in one of the tool/resource (MCPD) #395
- Reconsider title for "Data Classification" page #386
- Add "Is access and benefit-sharing (ABS) legislation relevant for my research?" to Your Problem – Compliance Monitoring #382
- Check on analyse page #381
- Possible additions to the data sharing page #375
- Your Role pages need update #374
- Gap analysis for remaining pages (post Jan2021 contentathon) #364
- Change table header on domain pages #361
- Data Anonymization and Pseudonymization #339
- New Page for Microbial Biotechnology #319
- Proposal for page metadata visualization #298
- Should we use an analytics package on the website + which one? #183
- An introductory paragraph to the "Your role", "Your Problem" and "Your Domain" section is needed #156
- Incorporate 'Your role' section #94
- ensure (local) legal requirements #15
Merged pull requests:
- Automatic tool/resource-list update #493 (github-actions[bot])
- Automatic tool/resource-list update #491 (github-actions[bot])
- Improved text on the accessibility page #490 (martin-nc)
- Update #489 (floradanna)
- Start of a contributors page #488 (bedroesb)
- Possible improvements to transfer #487 (alaninmcr)
- Update #486 (DanFaria)
- Adding accessibility page #485 (martin-nc)
- Revised section descriptions #482 (DanFaria)
- Update landingpage.html #481 (DanFaria)
- Expanding the about section + media kit page #480 (bedroesb)
- Add contributors to the COVID-19 page #478 (lauportell)
- Collapse sidebar in mobile mode #477 (bedroesb)
- Update #476 (floradanna)
- tidied up biomol sim page #475 (pinarpink)
- Making the headings consistent in 'Your problem' #474 (martin-nc)
- small capitalisation changes #473 (pinarpink)
- added tag and fixed section title #472 (pinarpink)
- more rdm-toolkit-->rdmkit renaming #471 (pinarpink)
- Adding a cookie banner + google analytics #470 (bedroesb)
- RDMkit instead of RDMKit #468 (bedroesb)
- rdm-toolkit renamed to rdmkit #467 (pinarpink)
- Create #465 (lauportell)
- Update main.yml #464 (DanFaria)
- Added more explanations and descriptions #462 (KarelBerka)
- Update #461 (DanFaria)
- Microbial Biotechnology Page #460 (davidcmarkham)
- Update main_tool_and_resource_list.csv #459 (davidcmarkham)
- Update #458 (veraort)
- Adding extra button on the home page for All tools #457 (martin-nc)
- Theme improvements #456 (bedroesb)
- Update data sharing: sharing is not open access #454 (floradanna)
- Changing data classification to sensitive data #451 (bedroesb)
- Attempt to avoid indented Solutions block #449 (stain)
- Update #448 (floradanna)
- no sidebar on index #446 (bedroesb)
- Update #445 (floradanna)
- Update #443 (pinarpink)
- About Docker, containers etc #442 (stain)
- Update #440 (KarelBerka)
- Automatic tool/resource-list update #439 (github-actions[bot])
- Add RO-Crate #438 (stain)
- Start of new style #436 (bedroesb)
- License in footer #435 (bedroesb)
- Update [#433](
Our website is live at
Release notes
- Easy to maintain Jekyll backbone
- Website deployed using github pages
- Custom github tags, github issues and CODEOWNERS for a better github flow
- Tools table listing 105 RDM tools with links to Tess, and FAIRSharing.
- Automatic linking between TeSS, and the tools table
- Site navigation structure with the following dimensions
- RDM lifecycle stages
- Functional areas in RDM
- Research domains with specific RDM challenges
- Roles of site visitors
- Example tool assemblies
- Navigation through the rdm cycle diagram
- 29 pages containing best practices guidelines
- Tagging system that allows cross linking between guideline pages and between the pages and the tools table
- Style guide
- Editorial board guide
- Contribution guide
- Code of conduct, about page and privacy notice
- Keywords based site search feature.
- Contributors carousel to acknowledge contribution
- Give feedback or contact us by