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Auto Chapter Skip

A plugin for Jellyfin to automatically skip chapters based on the chapter name matching a regular expression


  • Automatically skip 1 or more chapters in series with a name matching a regular expression
  • Allows the user to manually seek backwards on a video to watch a previously skipped chapter, the plugin will only resume skipping chapters after playback returns to a previously unwatched position
  • Stops video playback if all remaining chapters are to be skipped and marks the video as watched

Supported Clients


Add a new plugin repository to Jellyfin and use for the Repository URL, then install Auto Chapter Skip on the Catalog tab and restart Jellyfin to complete the process


Navigate to the plugin settings and configure a regular expression to match on. Upon first installation the match field is empty, this will not match anything and no chapters will be skipped.


  • Match: Intro
    • Skip all chapters that contain the word Intro
  • Match: \[SponsorBlock\]: Sponsor
    • Skip chapters that are Sponsor segments as marked by SponsorBlock


Q: Does this work on chromecast?

A: Unfortunately there is no support for sending PlaystateCommand.Seek to the Chromecast client

Q: Does this work on other clients?

A: I'm unable to verify other clients as I don't have access to those devices. Please let me know if you are successful

Q: How does it work?

A: This plugin attaches an event listener to the ISessionManager.PlaybackProgress event, if the current playback position is inside the bounds of a chapter that we want to skip, we send a PlaystateCommand.Seek with a target position of the start of the next chapter that doesn't match the regular expression. All plugin data held in memory related to a Session is removed once playback is stopped to keep the memory footprint low.