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Releases: emmt/LocalFilters.jl


12 Mar 15:31
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LocalFilters v2.1.0

Diff since v2.0.1

  • New methods localmap(f, A, B) and localmap!(f, dst, A, B) yield the result of applying the function f to the values of A taken in a neighborhood defined by B around each position in A for localmap or in dst for localmap!.

  • Methods to locally reduce along given dimensions with an associative operator and using the van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm have been renamed localreduce and localreduce!. Calling localfilter and localfilter! for that purpose is deprecated.

  • LocalFilters.ball(DimS{N}, r) now yields a centered N-dimensional ball where values are set according to whether the distance to the center is ≤ r. Compared to the previous versions, add 1//2 to r to get a similar shape. The algorithm is faster and has been fixed for N > 2. The result is identical whether r is integer or floating-point.

  • In localfilter!, argument initial may be a function to compute the state variable from the value of the source array at the current destination index. This imposes that the source and destination arrays have the same axes. This fixes issue#3.

  • In localfilter, an optional first argument, T, may be specified to provide the element type of the result.

  • Morphological methods have a slow keyword (false by default) to force not using the the van Herk-Gil-Werman algorithm.

  • localmean and localmean! accept a null keyword to specify the value of the result when the sum of weights in a neighborhood is zero.

  • Macro @public to declare public methods even though they are not exported. This concept was introduced in Julia 1.11, for older Julia versions, nothing change.

  • The algorithm to infer the result type is now based on Julia's arithmetic rules and can cope with arguments that have units.

  • Non-exported public aliases LocalFilters.Kernel{N} and LocalFilters.Window{N}for union of types suitable to define N-dimensional kernels or windows in LocalFilters. A kernel is an array of weights implementing a local filter or an array of Booleans representing a local neighborhood. A window is an array of Booleans representing a local neighborhood. As an optimization, a box is an hyper-rectangular neighborhood with axes aligned with the Cartesian axes. Thus, a window whose values are all true is also a box and a kernel with Boolean values is also a window. The function kernel(Dims{N},B) yields an N-dimensional array for any B::LocalFilters.Kernel{N}, with Boolean values for any B::LocalFilters.Window{N}.

  • Non-exported public type LocalFilters.Box{N} is now an alias to an efficient type to represent N-dimensional boxes, that is uniformly true windows or hyper-rectangular neighborhoods. Currently, instances of this type are fast uniformly true arrays with offset axes from the StructuredArrays package and LocalFilters.Box{N} is just FastUniformArray{Bool,N,true}.

  • In local filtering operations, small integers arguments are automatically promoted to a wider integer type to avoid overflows. This is similar to what is done by base reduction methods such as sum and prod.

  • Exported method B = reverse_kernel(args...) yields a reversed kernel such that correlation by B is identical to convolution by A = kernel(args...) and conversely.

  • Building a structuring element with B = strel(T, args...) accepts args... like kernel.

  • Constants for filter ordering follow more general naming rules: FORWARD_FILTER and REVERSE_FILTER instead of ForwardFilter and ReverseFilter.

  • Filter ordering is always specified by the keyword order and is FORWARD_FILTER by default.

Merged pull requests:


15 Nov 17:13
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LocalFilters v2.0.1

Diff since v2.0.0

  • Fix import of unused function that has been removed (see PR #9).

Merged pull requests:


07 Feb 10:40
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LocalFilters v2.0.0

This is a major release.

Version 2 of LocalFilters better integrates in the Julia ecosystem as fewer
custom types are introduced:

  • To represent hyper-rectangular Cartesian sliding windows, former type
    RectangularBox has been replaced by CartesianIndices.

  • Kernels with values or neighborhoods with more complex shape than
    hyper-rectangular Cartesian sliding windows are all represented by abstract
    arrays (with boolean entries to define a neighborhood). The former type
    LocalFilters.Kernel is no longer provided. To account for offsets in the
    indexing, it is recommended to use the
    OffsetArrays package. The
    method LocalFilters.centered(B) can be called to yield a kernel or a
    neighborhood whose index ranges are approximately centered. This method is
    not exported to avoid conflicts (for instance, it has a slightly different
    semantic in OffsetArrays).

Version 2 of LocalFilters provides more general, more consistent, and better
optimized methods:

  • Most filtering operations take an optional ordering argument ord right
    before the argument, say B, specifying the kernel or the neighborhood. If
    ord is ForwardFilter, B is indexed as in discrete correlations;
    otherwise, if ord is ReverseFilter, B is indexed as in discrete
    convolutions. The default ordering is ForwardFilter as this is the most
    natural for many filters (except discrete convolutions of course) and as it
    yields faster code. For symmetric kernels and neighborhoods, the ordering has
    no incidence on the result. In LocalFilters version 1, indexing as in
    discrete convolutions was the only rule.

  • The API of localfilters! have changed a bit, the syntax is
    localfilters!(dst,A,ord=ForwardFilter,B,initial,update,final=identity) with
    dst the destination, A the source, ord the direction of the filter, B
    the kernel or neighborhood of the filter, initial the value of the initial
    state variable, update a method to update the state variable, and final a
    method to yield the result to store in the destination dst given the value
    of the state variable at the end of visiting the neighborhood.

  • Constructor LocalFilters.Indices and helper method
    LocalFilters.localindices may be used as an alternative to localfilters!
    to build custom filters.

  • In all filters, a simple neighborhood that is a hyper-rectangular Cartesian
    sliding window can be specified in many different ways. Such a neighborhood
    is represented by an instance of CartesianIndices with unit step ranges.
    Method LocalFilters.kernel(Dims{N},args...) can be called to build such a
    N-dimensional neighborhood from argument(s) args....

  • Non-exported LocalFilters.ball method is now type stable. Call
    LocalFilters.ball(Dims{N},r) instead of LocalFilters.ball(N,r).

  • The strel method uses uniform arrays from package
    StructuredArrays to
    represent structuring elements with the same value for all valid indices.

  • In out-of-place filters, the destination array needs not be of the same size
    as the source array. The local filtering operation is applied for all indices
    of the destination, using boundary conditions to extract the corresponding
    value in the source array. Currently only flat boundary conditions are
    implemented but this may change in the future.

Guidelines for porting code from version 1 to version 2

If the high level API was used, there should be almost no changes, except for
non-symmetric kernels or neighborhoods for which ReverseFilter ordering must
be specified to mimic the former behavior.

At a lower level, the following changes should be done:

  • Non-exported union LocalFilters.IndexInterval has been replaced by
    LocalFilters.Axis to represent the type of any argument that can be used to
    define a sliding window axis: an integer length or an integer-valued index

  • Non-exported method LocalFilters.ismmbox has been replaced by

  • Non-exported method LocalFilters.cartesian_region has been replaced by the
    more general and better designed exported method kernel.

  • Replace Neighborhood{N}(args...) by kernel(Dims{N}, args...) and
    Neighborhood{N} or RectangularBox{N} by LocalFilters.Box{N}.

  • Replace LocalFilters.Kernel by OffsetArrays.OffsetArray.

  • Update the arguments of localfilters!: initial is no longer a method but
    the initial state value, update has the same semantics, and final just
    yields the result of the local filter given the last state value. By default,
    final is identity.

  • Replace LocalFilters.ball(N,r) by LocalFilters.ball(Dims{N},r) which is

Release 1.2.0 of LocalFilters

09 Jun 13:22
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  • Scalar and array element type restrictions have been relaxed for most filter methods. This is to let users apply these methods to non-standard types.
  • Some optimizations.
  • Syntax Kernel(T,G,B) has been deprecated in favor of Kernel{T}(G,B).
  • Rename some unexported methods.


18 Nov 06:48
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LocalFilters v1.1.0

Diff since v1.0.0

Update to Julia ≥ 1.0

Release 1.0.0 of LocalFilters

14 Feb 14:11
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New features and changes:

  • Compatibility with Julia 0.6 to 1.1 without loss of efficiency (thanks to the
    new cartesianregion method).

  • Add van Herk / Gil & Werman algorithm. Some filters have a huge speed-up
    when this algorithm can be used.

  • Add the bilateral filter.

  • Provide the strel method to build structuring elements.

  • Method cartesianregion is provided to return either a CartesianIndices{N}
    or a CartesianRange{CartesianIndex{N}} (whichever is the most efficient
    depending on Julia version) to loop over the N-dimensional indices of
    anything whose type belongs to CartesianRegion{N}. Type
    CartesianRegion{N} is an union of the types of anything suitable to define
    a Cartesian region of indices.

  • Method anchor has been removed because its result depends on the indexing
    of the embedded array of kernel coefficients.

First official release of LocalFilters.jl

02 Nov 23:24
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This package implements multi-dimensional local filters for Julia (convolution, mathematical morphology, etc.). Local filters are defined by specific operations combining each value of a source array with the values in a local neighborhood which may have any size, shape and dimensionality. Predefined local filters are provided as well as means to simply implement custom filters.