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periodicpoint committed Aug 16, 2017
1 parent db896bb commit a20f975
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Showing 50 changed files with 6 additions and 7,194 deletions.
38 changes: 2 additions & 36 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,41 +1,7 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected], …
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project ist LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

This project ist LICENSED under the following license:

Martin Maga 2016 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
[Creative Commons](
**Philosophy Ethos 2016 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
[Creative Commons](**

Creative Commons Corporation (“Creative Commons”) is not a law firm and does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or other relationship. Creative Commons makes its licenses and related information available on an “as-is” basis. Creative Commons gives no warranties regarding its licenses, any material licensed under their terms and conditions, or any related information. Creative Commons disclaims all liability for damages resulting from their use to the fullest extent possible.

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32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project ist LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:


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31 changes: 0 additions & 31 deletions contents/a1_research/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:
# Forschen
Unser *Forschen* begreifen wir als das gemeinsame, systematische Streben nach Erkenntnis.

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32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions contents/a1_research/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

# Wir forschen fair
Alle Forschenden haben ungeachtet ihrer körperlichen und seelischen Verfasstheit und ihrer religiösen, politischen, weltanschaulichen, familiären, finanziellen und sozio-kulturellen Hintergründe denselben Anspruch auf eine vollumfängliche Teilhabe am Forschungsgeschehen.

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32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions contents/a1_research/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

# Wir forschen frei
Wir sind frei in Bezug auf *Inhalt* und *Methode* unserer Forschung, das heißt wir wollen unabhängig und unbefangen jeden Untersuchungsgegenstand auf jede Art und Weise untersuchen können und wollen diese Freiheit auch für alle anderen ermöglichen.
Ethische, moralische, rechtliche oder institutionelle Begrenzungen dieser Freiheit erkennen wir an.
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32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions contents/a1_research/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

# Wir forschen lebendig
Sowohl die Bedingungen unseres Forschens als auch unsere Forschung selbst gestalten wir lebendig und kritisch sowie im Geiste des intellektuellen Austauschs.

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32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions contents/a1_research/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

# Wir forschen offen
*Forschen* umfasst für uns die Dokumentation und die Zugänglichmachung aller relevanter Anteile unserer eigenen Forschung, wie beispielsweise unserer Methoden, Resultate, Texte, Voraussetzungen, Daten et cetera, sodass alle Interessierten die Möglichkeit haben, sich einzubringen.
Wenn möglich, nutzen wir Standards, Normen, Formate, Software, Hardware, Daten und Werkzeuge, die offen sind.
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32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions contents/a1_research/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

# Wir forschen professionell
Wir forschen nach den höchsten Idealen der Wissenschaften.
Wir versuchen die Gedanken anderer zuerst zu verstehen, bevor wir versuchen unsere Gedanken verständlich zu machen.
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34 changes: 1 addition & 33 deletions contents/a1_research/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,4 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

# Wir forschen verantwortungsvoll
# Wir forschen verantwortungsvoll
Wir reflektieren unsere Forschung, Forschungsinhalte, Forschungsvorhaben, Forschungsmethoden und Forschungsresultate kritisch und übernehmen die volle Verantwortung dafür.

In unserer Forschung berücksichtigen wir die ethischen, moralischen, gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Kontexte.
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32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions contents/a2_teach/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,3 @@
NAME - The NAME of this project is:
FILE - The FILENAME of the current file is:
CREATION - This project was CREATED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
MODIFICATION - This project was last MODIFIED on:
2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
VERSION - The current VERSION of this project is:
<git-commit-hash>-2017-01-28-16:15:00 UTC
CREATOR(S) - This project was CREATED by:
Michael Czechowski, Martin Maga
CONTACT - You can CONTACT the creator(s) or developer(s) of this project at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT - The COPYRIGHT holder of this project is:
COPYRIGHT (c) 2016 Martin Maga
LICENSE - This project is LICENSED under the following license:
Martin Maga 2016 CC BY-SA 4.0
SUBFILE – This is a SUBFILE! For more INFORMATION on this project go to:

# Lehren
Lehren ist für uns das systematische Vermitteln von Wissen sowie der unvoreingenommene Austausch von Wissen auf Augenhöhe.
Es umfasst neben der Lehrveranstaltungen die Vor- und Nachbereitung von Sitzungsinhalten, Prüfungsvorbereitungen und -durchführungen, eine offene Feedbackkultur, sowie eine angemessene Betreuung der Studierenden.

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