Parse simple SQL statements into an abstract syntax tree (AST) with the visited tableList, columnList and convert it back to SQL.
- support multiple sql statement seperate by semicolon
- support select, delete, update and insert type
- support drop, truncate and rename command
- output the table and column list that the sql visited with the corresponding authority
- support various databases engine
From npmjs
npm install node-sql-parser --save
yarn add node-sql-parser
npm install @taozhi8833998/node-sql-parser --registry=
Import the JS file in your page:
// support all database parser, but file size is about 750K
<script src=""></script>
// or you can import specified database parser only, it's about 150K
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
object is onwindow
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<p><em>Check console to see the output</em></p>
<script src=""></script>
window.onload = function () {
// Example parser
const parser = new NodeSQLParser.Parser()
const ast = parser.astify("select id, name from students where age < 18")
const sql = parser.sqlify(ast)
- BigQuery
- DB2
- Hive
- MariaDB
- Mysql
- PostgresQL
- TransactSQL
- FlinkSQL
- New issue could be made for other new database.
// import Parser for all databases
const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser');
const parser = new Parser();
const ast = parser.astify('SELECT * FROM t'); // mysql sql grammer parsed by default
"with": null,
"type": "select",
"options": null,
"distinct": null,
"columns": "*",
"from": [
"db": null,
"table": "t",
"as": null
"where": null,
"groupby": null,
"having": null,
"orderby": null,
"limit": null
const opt = {
database: 'MySQL' // MySQL is the default database
// import mysql parser only
const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser/build/mysql');
const parser = new Parser()
// opt is optional
const ast = parser.astify('SELECT * FROM t', opt);
const sql = parse.sqlify(ast, opt);
console.log(sql); // SELECT * FROM `t`
const opt = {
database: 'MariaDB' // MySQL is the default database
const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser/build/mariadb');
const parser = new Parser()
// opt is optional
const { tableList, columnList, ast } = parser.parse('SELECT * FROM t', opt);
- get the table list that the sql visited
- the format is {type}::{dbName}::{tableName} // type could be select, update, delete or insert
const opt = {
database: 'MySQL'
const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser/build/mysql');
const parser = new Parser();
// opt is optional
const tableList = parser.tableList('SELECT * FROM t', opt);
console.log(tableList); // ["select::null::t"]
- get the column list that the sql visited
- the format is {type}::{tableName}::{columnName} // type could be select, update, delete or insert
- for
select *
andinsert into tableName values()
without specified columns, the.*
column authority regex is required
const opt = {
database: 'MySQL'
const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser/build/mysql');
const parser = new Parser();
// opt is optional
const columnList = parser.columnList('SELECT FROM t', opt);
console.log(columnList); // ["select::t::id"]
- check table authority
function check ontable
mode andMySQL
database by default
const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser');
const parser = new Parser();
const sql = 'UPDATE a SET id = 1 WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM b)'
const whiteTableList = ['(select|update)::(.*)::(a|b)'] // array that contain multiple authorities
const opt = {
database: 'MySQL',
type: 'table',
// opt is optional
parser.whiteListCheck(sql, whiteTableList, opt) // if check failed, an error would be thrown with relevant error message, if passed it would return undefined
- check column authority
const { Parser } = require('node-sql-parser');
const parser = new Parser();
const sql = 'UPDATE a SET id = 1 WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM b)'
const whiteColumnList = ['select::null::name', 'update::a::id'] // array that contain multiple authorities
const opt = {
database: 'MySQL',
type: 'column',
// opt is optional
parser.whiteListCheck(sql, whiteColumnList, opt) // if check failed, an error would be thrown with relevant error message, if passed it would return undefined
This project is based on the SQL parser extracted from flora-sql-parser module.
If you like my project, Star in the corresponding project right corner. Your support is my biggest encouragement! ^_^
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Donate money by paypal to my account [email protected]
If you have made a donation, you can leave your name and email in the issue, your name will be written to the donation list.