I am a Head of Development, Engineering Manager, also worked on my startups as a CTO.. I have a bachelor's degree in computer science. I have over 7 years of experience in developing IT products. Managed cross-functional teams of up to 22 developers. Communicated product requirements to teams, from OKR to decomposed tasks and production. Builded web application architecture based on needs (fault tolerance, scalability, etc.) Established development processes, implemented agile and scrum, cross code review, CI/CD pipelines. Planned sprints and was responsible for releases.
Formed highly motivated teams from scratch. Through regular 1-1 meetings, I ensure that each team member is in their place and receives not only a salary from work, but also a personal growth plan, experience, and a range of responsibilities corresponding to the desired position. Formed and communicated product hypotheses to the team.
Worked in corporations, in small product companies, and on my own startups.
As CTO, I repeatedly pitched to investors and partners and attracted investments.
During my career as a Software Engineer, I have worked on many projects in the field of medicine, fintech, banking, real estate and construction, developed blogs, online stores and landing pages.
On projects, I was responsible for front-end product development, participated in the full development cycle:
- developed front-end part of web applications based on React, TypeScript, JavaScript, REST, GraphQL + Apollo Client, Redux, RTK Query, Next.js technology stack,
- defined a stack of technologies and tools for the implementation of specific business tasks,
- discussed and formalized business requirements,
- decomposed tasks, planned team sprints,
- designed a scalable and maintainable architecture,
- made architectural decisions, improved the quality of the code base and reduced the amount of technical debt of projects, tracked project coverage with tests,
- optimized the performance of the client side of web applications,
- configured dev build and continuous integration for projects,
- participated in the code review of my team, mentoring and introducing new developers to the project.
• Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, at a basic level: NodeJs, Java, C#, Python, SQL;
• Technologies: HTML5/CSS3, SASS/SCSS/LESS, styled-components, css-modules, BEM Methodology, Unit Testing, Jest, Webpack, ESLint, Stylelint, Firebase, Websocket, Docker;
• Frameworks and Libraries: ReactJS, Redux, Storybook, Bootstrap, Ant Design, axios, Ajax, React Router, Redux Toolkit, Mobx, Redux Sagas, Redux Thunk, Effector.js, Recoil.js, i18next, husky;
• Design principles: Feature-Sliced Design, SOLID, KISS, DRY, OOP, REST;
• Software Engineering Management: JIRA, Trello, Agile, KANBAN, SCRUM, Code Review Process, Git-Flow, GitLab, Miro, Figma;
• Testing: Jest, React-testing-library, Enzyme, WebdriverIO, sypress, puppeteer, hermione, React Profiler, loki.
My hobbies: economics, investment, study of products and business models, philosophy, astrophysics and travels.
As a sport, I do bodybuilding and weightlifting.
My favorite bands: The Doors, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Cure, Joy Division, New Order and Depeche Mode.