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Chicory SDK

This is an experimental Java SDK using the JVM-native Chicory runtime. This library and the runtime are still very experimental, however, there should be enough there to complete a full Extism SDK. If anyone would like to work on it feel free to reach out to @bhelx on the Extism Discord.

Note: If you are interested in a solid and working Java SDK, see our Extism Java SDK. But if you have a need for pure Java solution, please reach out!



To use the Chicory java-sdk with maven you need to add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:



To use the Chicory java-sdk with maven you need to add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

implementation 'org.extism.sdk:chicory-sdk:999-SNAPSHOT'

Getting Started

The primary concept in Extism is the plug-in. You can think of a plug-in as a code module stored in a .wasm file. Since you may not have a Extism plug-in on hand to test, let's load a demo plug-in from the web:

var url = "";
var wasm = ManifestWasm.fromUrl(url).build();
var manifest = Manifest.ofWasms(wasm).build();
var plugin = Plugin.ofManifest(manifest).build();

Note: See the Manifest docs as it has a rich schema and a lot of options.

Calling A Plug-in's Exports

This plug-in was written in Rust and it does one thing, it counts vowels in a string. As such, it exposes one "export" function: count_vowels. We can call exports using Plugin#call

var output ="count_vowels", "Hello, World!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
System.out.println(new String(output, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// => "{"count": 3, "total": 3, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}"

All exports have a simple interface of bytes-in and bytes-out. This plug-in happens to take a string and return a JSON encoded string with a report of results.

Plug-in State

Plug-ins may be stateful or stateless. Plug-ins can maintain state b/w calls by the use of variables. Our count vowels plug-in remembers the total number of vowels it's ever counted in the "total" key in the result. You can see this by making subsequent calls to the export:

var output ="count_vowels","Hello, World!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// => "{"count": 3, "total": 6, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}"

var output ="count_vowels", "Hello, World!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
// => "{"count": 3, "total": 9, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}"

These variables will persist until this plug-in is freed or you initialize a new one.


Plug-ins may optionally take a configuration object. This is a static way to configure the plug-in. Our count-vowels plugin takes an optional configuration to change out which characters are considered vowels. Example:

var plugin = new Plugin(manifest, false, null);
var output ="count_vowels", "Yellow, World!");
// => {"count": 3, "total": 3, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}

// Let's change the vowels config it uses to determine what is a vowel:
var config = Map.of("vowels", "aeiouyAEIOUY");
var manifest2 = Manifest.ofWasms(wasm)
        .withOptions(new Manifest.Options().withConfig(config)).build();
var plugin = Plugin.ofManifest(manifest2).build();
var result = new String("count_vowels", "Yellow, World!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// => {"count": 4, "total": 4, "vowels": "aeiouyAEIOUY"}
// ^ note count changed to 4 as we configured Y as a vowel this time

Host Functions

Let's extend our count-vowels example a little bit: Instead of storing the total in an ephemeral plug-in var, let's store it in a persistent key-value store!

Wasm can't use our app's KV store on its own. This is where Host Functions come in.

Host functions allow us to grant new capabilities to our plug-ins from our application. They are simply some java methods you write which can be passed down and invoked from any language inside the plug-in.

Let's load the manifest like usual but load up this count_vowels_kvstore plug-in:

var url = "";
var manifest = new Manifest(List.of(UrlWasmSource.fromUrl(url)));
var plugin = new Plugin(manifest, false, null);

Note: The source code for this plug-in is here and is written in rust, but it could be written in any of our PDK languages.

Unlike our previous plug-in, this plug-in expects you to provide host functions that satisfy its import interface for a KV store. We want to expose two functions to our plugin, kv_write(String key, Bytes value) which writes a bytes value to a key and Bytes kv_read(String key) which reads the bytes at the given key.

// Our application KV store
// Pretend this is redis or a database :)
var kvStore = new HashMap<String, byte[]>();

ExtismFunction kvWrite = (plugin, params, returns) -> {
    System.out.println("Hello from kv_write Java Function!");
    var key = plugin.memory().readString(params.getRaw(0));
    var value = plugin.memory().readBytes(params.getRaw(1));
    System.out.println("Writing to key " + key);
    kvStore.put(key, value);

ExtismFunction kvRead = (plugin, params, returns) -> {
    System.out.println("Hello from kv_read Java Function!");
    var key = plugin.memory().readString(params.getRaw(0));
    System.out.println("Reading from key " + key);
    var value = kvStore.get(key);
    if (value == null) {
        // default to zeroed bytes
        var zero = new byte[]{0, 0, 0, 0};
        returns.setRaw(0, plugin.memory().writeBytes(zero));
    } else {
        returns.setRaw(0, plugin.memory().writeBytes(value));

var kvWriteHostFn = ExtismHostFunction.of(
        List.of(ExtismValType.I64, ExtismValType.I64),

var kvReadHostFn = ExtismHostFunction.of(

Note: In order to write host functions you should get familiar with the methods on the ExtismCurrentPlugin class. The plugin parameter is an instance of this class.

Now we just need to pass in these function references when creating the plugin:.

var plugin = Plugin.ofManifest(manifest).withHostFunctions(kvReadHostFn, kvWriteHostFn).build();
var output ="count_vowels", "Yellow, World!".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
var result = new String(output, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// => Hello from kv_read Java Function!
// => Reading from key count-vowels
// => Hello from kv_write Java Function!
// => Writing to key count-vowels
// => {"count": 3, "total": 3, "vowels": "aeiouAEIOU"}



To build the Extism chicory-sdk run the following command:

mvn clean verify


Zero-dependency Java SDK based on the Chicory Runtime







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