phe3V is a 3D Physics Engine library written in C++ made to showcase my abilities in creating complex systems. It provides a robust framework to experiment with linear and angular motion of Rigid Bodies.
- Linear and angular motion integration.
- Collision of rigid bodies
- OpenGL wrappers (for things like windows, rendering, shaders).
- Easy implementation for real-time demos.
- C++
- CMake
- OpenGL
- glew
- glm (for math)
I have built this project to push my limits as a software developer. With this project I aim to:
- Demonstrate technical knowledge: Create high quality and polished engine that will stand out in my portfolio, proving my capability of designing and building complex systems.
- The laws of linear and angular motion, and how forces, torques and damping work together.
- C++ best practices, like memory management, clean code architecture and debugging.
- Practical experience integrating and using libraries like GLM, GLEW and GLFW.
- The importance of separation of concerns.
- How to design a reusable physics engine library that serves as a portfolio project.
- Problem solving and optimizations.
- The importance of clear documentation.
Note: If you have ANY questions, feel free to contact me via the email listed on my profile I'm open to feedback, contributions and discussions!
A really simple demonstration showcasing the first features of the Physics Engine.
Note: I'll add new demos for every feature added, so more demos soon :D
When building for the first time, you need to generate compile_commands.json
using Bear and then move it down a folder.
First, install Bear.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install bear
Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S bear
macOS (Homebrew):
brew install bear
Windows (MSYS2 - Pacman)
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-bear
Then create the build directory and build with CMake and bear:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
bear -- cmake --build .
mv compile_commands.json ..
After that, you can always build and compile with these commands inside the pheV3 folder:
cd ..
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
Everything should work. If not, contact me for help :D.
How to create and utilize a window:
int main() {
// create a window with specified width, height and title
phe::graphics::Window* window = phe::graphics::createWindow(800, 600, "Example pheV3");
if (!window) {
return 1;
// initialize the window
if (phe::graphics::initWindow(window) < 0) {
return 1;
// main loop
while (!phe::graphics::shouldClose(window)) {
phe::graphics::destroyWindow(window); // Clean up and free window
How to initialize the renderer and clear the window:
// After initializing the window and before the loop
phe::graphics::Renderer renderer = phe::graphics::renderInit(window->width, window->height);
while (!phe::graphics::shouldClose(window)) {
// clear the window with specified RGBA respectively
graphics::renderClear(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
// Render other stuff here...
How to draw a static Rigid Body:
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
/* ... */
// Inside main
phe::physics::RigidBody rigidBody(glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3(0.8f, 0.2f, 0.3f), 1.0f) // Size vector, RGB vector, mass
// Inside the render loop
phe::graphics::drawRigidBody(rigidBody, renderer); // draw the body using the renderer
I'M WORKING ON THE README. It's not done yet. I'll put more code examples soon.