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URL Shortener

A simple URL shortener service built with Node.js and SQLite. This service allows users to shorten long URLs. It's still a work in progress so its going to have more features in the future.


  • Shorten long URLs
  • Redirect users to the original URL
  • Display the created shortened URL
  • Basic error handling
  • SQLite3 database for storing URLs and users

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • npm (v6 or higher)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd url-shortener-service
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install sqlite3 express crypto ejs

Running the Service

  1. Start the server:

    npm run devStart 

    configured in package.json as:

    "scripts": {
        "devStart": "nodemon ./src/server.js"
  2. Will be available at http://localhost:8000.

API Endpoints

  • POST /shorten

    Create a shortened URL.

    • Request Body:

        "originalUrl": ""
    • Response:

        "shortUrl": "http://localhost:8000/abcdef"
  • GET /:shortUrl

    Redirect to the original URL.


The service uses SQLite3 to store the URLs. The database schema includes a table urls, and a table users, with the following columns:

'urls' table:

  • id (INTEGER): Primary key
  • originalUrl (TEXT): The original long URL
  • shortUrl (TEXT): The shortened URL

'users' table:

  • id (INTEGER): Primary key
  • username (TEXT): User's username
  • email (TEXT): User's email
  • password (TEXT): User's password ( We hash the password before inserting into the database)

Code Structure

  • ./src/server.js: Entry point of the application
  • ./src/routes/: Handles requests and routes
  • ./src/controllers/: All the logic behind requests


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.