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Releases: fivetran/dbt_jira

Breaking Change: Jira Daily Field History Partition Bug Fix and Versions Disable Feature

24 Aug 17:58
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🚨 Breaking Change: Jira Daily Field History Partition Bug Fix and Versions Disable Feature 🚨

This release includes a breaking change in the form of an adjusted partition within the int_jira__issue_field_history_scd and jira__daily_issue_field_history models to accurately partition field values by issue_id. This change will require a dbt run --full-refresh in order to capture all changes in incremental models. Thanks to @RivkiHofman for raising this to our attention!

Other changes within this release include:

  • Addition of the jira_using_versions variable which allows a user to disable the version models if they do not currently sync the source version table. #20

Breaking: dbt 20 Compatibility + Package Updates

02 Aug 20:46
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Happy Monday! This is a 🚨 BREAKING CHANGE 🚨. dbt v0.20.0 or greater is required for this release. If you are not ready to upgrade, consider using a previous release of this package.

This release also:

  • Ensures compatibility with Postgres 🥳
  • Fixes an issue in which, if an issue was updated over a month after it was resolved, these new changes were not reflected in the daily issue field history model. You will need to run a full refresh in order for this change to take place in your data (re: #29)
  • Incorporates the STATUS_CATEGORY and VERSION source tables to further enrich the jira__issue_enhanced model with each issue's current status-category and the names of the project version(s) it is tagged to either fix or affect (re: #22)
  • Adds a jira_issue_history_buffer variable to extend the month-long buffer in the jira__daily_issue_field_history model. See the README for more details.
  • Fixes an issue in which some Snowflake users were receiving duplicate-column errors in jira__issue_enhanced (re: #35)

Additional considerations when upgrading to this package:

  • This package utilizes the latest v0.7.x release of the dbt-labls/dbt_utils package. If your project also utilizes a version of the fishtown-analytics/dbt_utils package then you will receive a duplicate package error. If this is the case you will need to consider upgrading your other packages to be compatible with this update or use a previous release of this package.
  • Similar to the above point, all previous Fivetran dbt packages utilize the fishtown-analytics/dbt_utils package and you will need to upgrade all Fivetran dbt packages to the latest dbt 0.20.0 compatibility releases in order for your packages to run without package conflicts.

Breaking Change: issue_field_history_columns variable switch

20 May 20:31
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🚨This new release introduces a breaking change by updating the field used to populate the issue_field_history_columns variable. Previously the field_name from the Jira FIELD table was used; however, to make the package more scalable the field_id column is now used. Be sure to update your variable with the field_id equivalent of your previous configuration. 🚨

Additionally, this release includes the following changes:

  • Fixes a bug which occured if dbt compile is run prior to dbt run. Issue #15
  • FIxes a bug which occured if duplicate fields were found within the jira__issue_enhanced and jira__issue_field_history models. Issue #23

Breaking Changes: Custom Build Schemas + Daily Field History Fix

14 Apr 22:55
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🚨This new release introduces a breaking change in the form of custom build schemas, which output final models into a respective <target.schema+_jira schema and staging models into <target.schema>+_stg_jira. Refer to the ReadMe for more details.🚨

Additionally, this release:

  • fixes this issue in incremental runs of jira__daily_issue_field_history
  • adds some more README details

Add Feature Requests

19 Mar 22:11
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As requested by users, this release includes the following:

  • Introduction of the jira_using_components variable, as requested here
  • Joining the latest record from jira__daily_issue_field_history to the jira__issue_enhanced table.

Bug Fix

15 Feb 18:30
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In previous version of the package, there is a bug that causes the incremental runs of jira__daily_issue_field_history.sql to have missing values if the issue field had not been updated prior to the last incremental run. All full refreshes worked without problem.

This release fixes the bug described above.

Package Tweaks

03 Feb 23:12
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This release:

  • fixes an issue causing future dates to appear in jira__daily_issue_field_history
  • updates the jira_source package dependency

New Features Upgrade

15 Jan 20:33
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This release introduces the following requested improvements:

  • Allow users to disable modeling related to Sprints. Not all Jira customers use Sprints, and therefore don't have the Sprint table.
  • Allow users to disable the issue_comment aggregation. This is computationally expensive and can result in db errors.
  • Removes the use of the board table. Only the staging model was created and not all users have this table.
  • Adds additional sprint related fields to the final jira__issue_enhanced model.

Custom Passthrough Column Bug Fix

04 Jan 23:03
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Ringing in the new year with a bug fix!

This release fixes a bug in the jira__daily_issue_field_history model, where fields specified by the issue_field_history_columns variable had all null values if the columns were not provided in all lower-case.

Moreover, this release normalizes all custom column names to be lower-case in jira__daily_issue_field_history.

Initial Release

22 Dec 21:54
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This is the initial release of this package.

This package enables you to better understand the workload, performance, and velocity of work done by your team using Jira issues.

Currently the package supports Redshift, BigQuery, and Snowflake. It is compatible with the Jira schema released on September 10, 2020. If your Jira connector was set up prior to September 10, 2020, you will need to fully resync or set up a new Jira connector in order for the Fivetran dbt Jira packages to work.