Validate http request parameters (or others) by defined rule, without models.
require 'focuslight-validator'
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(params, {
:request_param_key_name => { # single key, single value
default: default_value,
rule: [
Focuslight::Validator.rule(:int_range, 0..10),
array_value_key_name: { # single key, array value
array: true
size: 1..10 # default is unlimited (empty also allowed)
# default cannot be used
rule: [ ... ]
# ...
[:param1, :param2, :param3] => { # rule for combination of 2 or more params
# default cannot be used
rule:>(p1, p2, p3){ ... }, "error_message")
result.has_error? #=> true/false
result.errors #=> Hash ( { param_name => "error message" } )
result.hash #=> Hash ( contains formatted values )
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'focuslight-validator'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install focuslight-validator
valid if value is NOT nil
or NOT empty
- return stripped String (
params = { v1: 'Foooo!!!! ', v2: '' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:not_blank)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v2=>"v2: missing or blank"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>"Foooo!!!!"}
valid if value is included in specified array
- return untouched value
params = { v1: 'yellow', v2: 'gold' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:choice, %w[ yellow red ])
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v2=>"v2: invalid value"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>"yellow"}
valid if value is integer
- return value converted to Integer (
params = { v1: '-3104', v2: '3.104' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:int)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v2=>"v2: invalid integer"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>-3104}
valid if value is 0 or natural number
- return value converted to Integer (
params = { v1: '3104', v2: '-3104' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:uint)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v2=>"v2: invalid integer (>= 0)"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>3104}
valid if value is natural number
- return value converted to Integer (
params = { v1: '3104', v2: '0' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:natural)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v2=>"v2: invalid integer (>= 1)"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>3104}
valid if value is integer or decimal(include the exponential notation)
- return value converted to Float (
params = { v1: '3.104', v2: '3104', v3: '3.104e-03', v4: 'three' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:float)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule }, v2: { rule: rule },
v3: { rule: rule }, v4: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v4=>"v4: invalid floating point num"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>3.104, :v2=>3104.0, :v3=>0.003104}
valid if value is included in specified range of integer
- return value converted to Integer (
params = { v1: '3104', v2: '3.104', v3: '-1' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:int_range, 0..10000)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
v3: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v3=>"v3: invalid number in range 0..10000"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>3104, :v2=>3}
valid if value is true, false, 1 or 0
- return true or false
params = { v1: 'true', v2: '0', v3: 'FalseClass' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:bool)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
v3: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v3=>"v3: invalid bool value"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>true, :v2=>false}
valid if value is matched specified regexp
- return untouched value
params = { v1: 'Foooo!!!! ', v2: '' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:regexp, /^F.*/)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v2=>"v2: invalid input for pattern ^F.*"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>"Foooo!!!! "}
If you want to validate by the rule of non existing definition, you can use rule that define by yourself.
validation of message body size limit
params = { message: 'focuslight-validator is so awesome!!' }
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
message: {
rule: Focuslight::Validator.rule(
->(m) { m && (1..10000).include?(m.strip.length) },
'invalid length', :strip
p result.has_error? #=> false
p result.errors #=> {}
p result.hash #=> {:message=>"focuslight-validator is so awesome!!"}
validation of data having a single value
params = { v1: nil, v2: nil, v3: nil }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:int)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule, default: '100' },
v3: { rule: rule, excludable: true },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v1=>"v1: invalid integer"}
p result.hash #=> {:v2=>100, :v3=>nil}
- default
- specify
value - default value when value is
- specify
- excludable
- specify
- apply
to result when value isnil
- specify
validation of data having array in the value
params = { v1: %w[ 10 20 30 ], v2: %w[ 3104 ] }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:int)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { array: true, rule: rule },
v2: { array: true, rule: rule, size: 5..10 },
v3: { array: true, rule: rule, excludable: true },
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:v2=>"v2: doesn't have values specified: 5..10"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>[10, 20, 30], :v3=>[]}
- array
- Whether to validate of data having array in the value
- size
- Specify allowable size of array
- excludable
- apply empty array when value is
- apply empty array when value is
complex validation for multiple values
params = { v1: '10', v2: '20', v3: '30' }
rule = Focuslight::Validator.rule(:int)
result = Focuslight::Validator.validate(
v1: { rule: rule },
v2: { rule: rule },
v3: { rule: rule },
[ :v1, :v2, :v3 ] => {
-> (x, y, z) { x.to_i + y.to_i + z.to_i < 15 },
'too large'
p result.has_error? #=> true
p result.errors #=> {:"v1,v2,v3"=>"v1,v2,v3: too large"}
p result.hash #=> {:v1=>10, :v2=>20, :v3=>30}
- cannot use
built-in rules
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git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
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