"On universal approximation of set-valued maps and DeepONet approximation of the controllability map"
For reproducibility purposes, this repository contains the code used in the examples described in the "Numerical experiments" section of the manuscript "On universal approximation of set-valued maps and DeepONet approximation of the controllability map", (2024), by Carlos J. García-Cervera1, Mathieu Kessler2, Pablo Pedregal 3 and Francisco Periago2. Preprint is available at: link to the manuscript.
- Clone the present project in the folder of your choice:
git clone https://github.com/fperiago/deeponet.git
- Create the conda virtual enviromment
cd deeponetcontrol
conda env create -f deeponetcontrol_env.yml
- Activate the deeponetcontrol virtual environment:
conda activate deeponetcontrol
- Run any of the scripts by:
python3 folder/script_name.py
Department of Mathematics. University of California, Santa Barbara. CA 93106, USA ↩
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Campus Muralla del Mar, 30202, Cartagena (Murcia), Spain ↩ ↩2
Department of Mathematics. University of Castilla-La Mancha, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain ↩