#CV Francisco Caro Diaz ##Mobile and Web Software Engineer
Diploma in Technical Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering degree in Computer Science and two master conducted by the University of Seville: the first "E-Learning" and the second "Web and Mobile Application Development." I have work experience as a developer, tester and project manager for Web applications and mobile devices.
I have good experience in dealing in many international projects, I have good knowledge on overall businesses that may be of your interest. I have social skills and competences I think with the power and ability to work in teams. I am an open person and entrepreneur who likes new challenges and working hard to achieve their goals. I consider myself tenacious, hardworking and restless eager to learn each day and grow personally and professionally.
I love the world of mobility and every day my interest is higher, and therefore try to learn and renew my knowledge day by day. I try to guide my career on projects both Android, iOS and hybrid mobile development technologies and I've always had a passion for it, also because I think it is not our future if it’s our present.
Working for more than three years for an international company in several international projects like the Olympics Games or Airbus, I have obtained various capacities and professional skills:
- High level of responsibility, organization, planning and supervision.
- Ability to communicate and listen.
- Perseverance and constancy of purpose, both individually and as a team.
- Agile methodology for achieving results in the short, medium and long term and quality.
- Analytical capacity for decision-making.
- Entrepreneurial spirit, fostering creativity and initiative.
- Experience with project management.
- Flexibility, mobility. Open to other cultures and the use of new technologies.
Mobile Engineer in InvierteMe Ventures. Responsible of development of the mobile application Klifik. The main assigned challenge was achieved: launch application on the three platforms: web, android and ios.
Participation in various projects with iOs and Android technology.
Software Engineer in project Bundle ECM-Search Component. IT project for Airbus where we offer different services: Vivisimo Java developer, server process monitoring, project management consulting, Projects and Development, for different platforms Airbus: Airbus World, People and Airbus Airbus Supply.
Software developer in Project NOS SEUR. Technological renovation project of the entire operating system initially decentralized SEUR for each franchise, gathering all information and operating in the same DB Seur working with web technologies: framework SEAM,JSF RichFaces, Ajax, javascript, CSS, data processing specifications XML and JSON, transformation and presentation for XML document: XSL Transformations (XSLT) and the XML Path Language (XPath) , EJB 3.0, Hibernate (JPA), Oracle.
Tester project Olympics Games London 2012. Design, analysis and testing in information difussion systems (INFO) and the Commentator Information System (CIS).
Tester project KPN Belgium. Design, analysis and testing of new functionality in systems leading provider of telephony, data and Internet. Temporary collaboration in other projects: Euskaltel, analyst Billing System Upgrade.
Design and develop with open ESB tool using NetBeans IDE as a development environment and deployed to the GlashFish server, exposing a web service on the bus, database processing using binding components, HTTP BC, BC JDBC, BPEL processes. Creating an EJB module. OpenESB on JBoss study. Creating WebServices with an EJB module using Java as a language to process data from an Oracle database.
Technical Engineering in Computer Systems. University of Sevilla. 2003-2007.
Degree in Computer Engineering. University of Sevilla. 2008 - 2011.
Scolarship Erasmus during 11 months in Genova (Italy). 2009- 2010.
- Digital Marketing Google – IAB Spain – University of Seville.
- iOS Mobile Development Bootcamp Barcelona IronHack.
- Online course Developing iOS 7 APPS FOR IPHONE AND IPAD.
- MASTER DEGREE In Developing applications for Internet and mobile devices.
- Course Application Development J2ME Java for Mobile Devices.
- Course object oriented programming with Java.
- Course website design based on Content Management Systems (CMS).