2.0.0 - Python 3, New Slack App support, & Microsoft Teams support
Added full support for running under Python 3
- Python 2 will also be supported until OctoPrint itself drops support for Python 2
Added support for the new Slack App bots & webhooks
- Transitioned from the Slack RTM method of retrieving channel messages to the Slack Web API
- The list of required bot scopes can be found within the Octoslack settings UI
Adding support for Microsoft Teams - https://teams.microsoft.com/
Added support for responding to the timelapse render event from Octolapse (thanks @N-Schaef)
Including OctoPrint and Slack usernames relevant to each event in the notification text
- Messages can also includes these values via two new variables: {octoprint_user} and {slack_user}
Fixed 'Minimum notification interval' support for G-code received events
Fixed the Nozzle label for single nozzle printers (Nozzle0 --> Nozzle)
Removed the 'OctoPrint restart required' popup from the Octoslack settings dialog as all configuration changes will be automatically applied without a restart