EagleEye-Updater is a tool designed to update Eagle Eye software on single board computers.
- Lets you download update on regular wifi connection
- Updates Eagle Eye on robot wifi
Download the Latest Release:
- Navigate to the Releases section of this repository.
- Download the latest release archive.
Extract the Archive:
- Extract the contents of the downloaded archive to your desired directory.
Run the main.exe application:
- Run the main.exe application to start the updater.
- You may get a warning from Windows Defender SmartScreen. Click on "More info" and then "Run anyway" to run the application. (It is a ton of money to get a certificate to sign the application, sooo we aint doin it)
Use the updater:
- Click the Download Update button when on a hotspot or regular wifi connection.
- Connect to robot wifi and click the Deploy Update Button.
- If the current version listed is less than the latest make sure to click the download update button before deploying.
- (Note the current version listed is the cached version on your computer and may not be the actual version on the robot)