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A JS package providing a single-host (OS local) bridge between Node (or Electron) and a Python3 execution kernel (similar to a Jupyter kernel). Primarily built to explore ability to move data between JS and Python at high speed, using shared memory.

Experimental and a work in progress.

Relies on mmap-io for JS implementation of Posix-like mmap(2).


const { PyShell, PyRepl, PyScope } = require("pyrepl/pyrepl");

async function main() {
  // the exec shell/repl
  let shell = new PyRepl();

  // create named execution scopes, which will have separate Python
  // locals()/globals().
  let scope = await shell.newScope("scopeName");

  // eval() python expressions.  Same rules as Python3 eval():
  console.log("1+1 =>", await scope.eval("1+1"));

  // exec() python statements.  Same rules as Python exec():
  const pyCode = `
def sum(x, y):
  return x+y
  await scope.exec(pyCode);
  console.log("sum(8, 2) =>", await scope.eval("sum(8, 2)"));

  // Python exceptions become JS exceptions
  try {
    await scope.eval("1+=+1");
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("caught a Python error!");

  // stdout and stderr are caught and become async events.
  // PyRepl is an EventEmitter
  shell.on("message", msg => {
    if (msg.type == "message" && msg.content_type == "text/plain") {
      console.log(`Python IO on ${msg.pipe}: ${}`);
  scope.exec('print("hello world!")');
  scope.exec('import sys; print("stderr message", file=sys.stderr)');

  // cleanup
  await scope.destroy();
  await shell.exit();

See __tests__ for more examples.


Two demos are included:

  • simple.js shows basic functionality
  • filter demonstrates embedding in a single-page web app in Electron

To run the simple demo, first install the dependencies for both node and python by cloning this repo and running the following commands from inside the top-level directory

  • npm install
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run the demo with

node demos/node/simple.js

To run the filter demo call

node_modules/.bin/electron demos/electron/filter

Note: pyrepl depends on mmap-io, which is a node extension module (dynamically loaded shared library). This package must be built for individually for each node and electron version. When installed, it will automatically build against the system installed node version. You can use the electron-rebuild NPM script to rebuild it for the installed electron version, or npm rebuild to rebuild for the installed node version.


npm test

Good to Know / Known Issues

  • Tests and demos known to work on Linux, Windows, and macOS. On Windows, you may find Windows Build Tools useful.
  • Many of the devDependencies packages are only needed for demos, eg, lodash.throttle, electron, andelectron-rebuild.
  • If getting a node-gyp error during installation on macOS due to a python version issue try using the macOS default python using npm config set python /usr/bin/python


JS/Python execution bridge







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  • JavaScript 60.4%
  • Python 39.6%