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v3.0.0-alpha.24 | User-installable apps, jda-emojis

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@freya022 freya022 released this 04 Feb 15:37
· 11 commits to 3.X since this release

JDA version


Added user-installable apps and jda-emojis.

Note: This should be the last V3 alpha.

User-installable apps (#163)

These will allow you to use interactions anywhere on Discord, by installing them on users directly instead of guilds.
You can read more about them on the JDA release notes.

After installing your app on the user, allowing a command to be installed on the user requires you to add USER_INSTALL to the integrationTypes property of your top level command.

Then, you can define the contexts property (again, on the top-level command), this property defines where the command can be used (Guild, Bot DMs, Friend DMs, Group DMs).

You can also check out the wiki for more details.

Breaking changes

  • Meaning of CommandScope#GLOBAL has changed, it previously meant having a command accessible on both the installed Guild, and the Bot's DMs
    However, since then, it only specifies the scope on which the command is added.

    If you have used this scope, you will likely get a warning which recommends you to use the "Guild" variant of the event,
    to fix this and restore previous behavior, you will need to add InteractionContextType.GUILD and InteractionContextType.BOT_DM in the contexts property, alongside your existing scope = CommandScope.GLOBAL.

    Kotlin example:

    @TopLevelSlashCommandData(scope = CommandScope.GLOBAL)
    @JDASlashCommand(name = "foo")
    fun onSlashFoo(event: GlobalSlashEvent) {

    when updating to 3.0.0-alpha.24, becomes:

    // Same as @TopLevelSlashCommandData(scope = CommandScope.GLOBAL, contexts = [InteractionContextType.GUILD, InteractionContextType.BOT_DM])
    @TopLevelSlashCommandData(contexts = [InteractionContextType.GUILD, InteractionContextType.BOT_DM])
    @JDASlashCommand(name = "foo")
    fun onSlashFoo(event: GlobalSlashEvent) {


  • Deprecated CommandScope#GLOBAL_NO_DM, set contexts on your top-level command to InteractionContextType.GUILD instead
  • Deprecated CommandScope in code-declared commands, use interaction contexts instead

New features

  • Can now set interaction contexts (where a command can run)
  • Can now set integration types (where a command can be installed)
  • Default integration types and interaction contexts can be changed
    • In GuildApplicationCommandManager for guild-scoped commands
    • In GlobalApplicationCommandManager for global-scoped commands
    • These defaults apply for both annotated and code-declared commands

Added jda-emojis (#229)

This library was added to allow a more seamless usage of emojis in your JDA code.

When you previously had to take the proper Unicode manually, or using JEmoji and converting to JDA's UnicodeEmoji, you can now directly take the same emoji Discord supports, from Emojis (in the dev.freya02.jda.emojis.unicode package) or UnicodeEmojis.

Remember, if you are converting from JEmoji to jda-emojis, you will find the emoji names using Discord's names.

Check out the wiki for more details.


  • ButtonContent: fromUnicode, fromShortcode

New features

  • Added an withEmoji overload with JDA's Emoji in ButtonContent/ButtonFactory (when building a button)

New features


  • Added withDisabled on ButtonContent and ButtonFactory
    • This allows disabling a component before it is built

Don't hesitate to check out the examples and the wiki.

Full Changelog: v3.0.0-alpha.23...v3.0.0-alpha.24