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release 1.2.1
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ftwkoopmans committed Oct 6, 2024
1 parent 42b6448 commit fa8e9cb
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Showing 19 changed files with 335 additions and 188 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Package: msdap
Title: Mass Spectrometry Downstream Analysis Pipeline
Description: Analyze label-free proteomics datasets from various sources (MaxQuant, Spectronaut, etc) using a pipeline that facilitates peptide filtering and many algorithms for normalization and statistical analysis. A comprehensive PDF report can be generated that includes many data visualizations and documentation thereof.
Version: 1.2
Version: 1.2.1
person(given = "Frank",
family = "Koopmans",
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ export(limma_wrapper)
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R/dea.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,6 +210,10 @@ dea = function(dataset, qval_signif = 0.01, fc_signif = 0, dea_algorithm = "deqm
peptides_for_contrast = dataset$peptides %>%
select(sample_id, protein_id, peptide_id, sequence_plain, sequence_modified, detect, intensity=!!as.character(col_contr_intensity), any_of(c("confidence","charge"))) %>%
filter(sample_id %in% samples_for_contrast$sample_id & is.finite(intensity))
# if(!all(samples_for_contrast$sample_id %in% unique(peptides_for_contrast$sample_id)) ) {
# append_log("some samples that are defined in the current contrast do not have any datapoints in the dataset$peptides table (at currently selected 'peptide filter') column", type = "error")
# }

# peptide ExpressionSet
eset_peptides = tibble_as_eset(peptides_for_contrast, dataset$proteins, samples_for_contrast)
# rollup peptide abundance matrix to protein-level
Expand Down
111 changes: 78 additions & 33 deletions R/export_stats_genesummary.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,9 +215,70 @@ export_stats_genesummary = function(dataset, gene_ambiguity = "prio_specific", d

# the allstats table is already sorted by "best hits on top" (last few lines @ summarise_stats() function; `arrange(desc(signif), pvalue)` )
result = disambiguate_protein_table_by_gene(protein_data = allstats, hgnc = hgnc, gene_ambiguity = gene_ambiguity, xref = xref, distinct_factors = c("contrast", "dea_algorithm"), remove_nohgnc = remove_nohgnc) %>%
arrange(desc(signif), pvalue, gene_symbols_or_id)

### print output tables
if( {
append_log("output_dir parameter set to NA, skip writing Excel output tables", type = "info")
} else {
for(contr in unique(result$contrast)) {
for(algo_dea in unique(result$dea_algorithm)) {
tmp = result %>% filter(contrast == contr & dea_algorithm == algo_dea)
f = sprintf("%s/%s__%s.xlsx", output_dir, filename_strip_illegal_characters(sub("contrast: *", "", contr), strict = TRUE), algo_dea)
openxlsx::write.xlsx(tmp, f)


#' given some table with protein-level data, map to HGNC genes and deal with redundant or ambiguous gene-level results
#' @description
#' The order of the data table is pivotal: the first row for each unique gene (criteria in parameter `gene_ambiguity`)) is selected !
#' @param protein_data a data.frame with columns (from dataset$proteins) protein_id, gene_symbols, gene_symbols_or_id.
#' Importantly, if you opt to return only unique entries per gene then the row of the FIRST matching protein_id is
#' returned, so sort your data table by pvalue upstream !
#' @param hgnc see `export_stats_genesummary()`
#' @param gene_ambiguity see `export_stats_genesummary()`
#' @param xref see `export_stats_genesummary()`
#' @param remove_nohgnc see `export_stats_genesummary()`
#' @param distinct_factors a set of columns in protein_data that should be considered (together with protein_id) factors that describe subsets of data (to return unique gene-level data within)
disambiguate_protein_table_by_gene = function(protein_data, hgnc, gene_ambiguity, xref = NULL, remove_nohgnc = FALSE, distinct_factors = NULL) {

### input validation
if(!( && all(c("hgnc_id", "hgnc_symbol", "type", "value") %in% colnames(hgnc)))) {
append_log("hgnc parameter should be a data.frame with columns hgnc_id, hgnc_symbol, type, value (output from hgnc_lookuptable() function)", type = "error")
if(!(length(gene_ambiguity) == 1 && all(gene_ambiguity %in% c("leading_gene", "prio_specific", "only_specific")))) {
append_log("gene_ambiguity parameter should be 1 of the following options: leading_gene, prio_specific, only_specific", type = "error")
if(!is.null(xref) && !( && nrow(xref) > 0 && ncol(xref) >= 3 && all(c("symbol", "uniprot_id") %in% colnames(xref)))) {
append_log("xref parameter should be a data.frame with columns mgi_id/rgd_id, symbol, uniprot_id (output from mgi_lookuptable() or rgd_lookuptable() function)", type = "error")
if(!is.null(xref) && !colnames(xref)[1] %in% c("mgi_id", "rgd_id")) {
append_log("xref parameter only works with MGI and RGD atm (output from mgi_lookuptable() or rgd_lookuptable() function): first column must be mgi_id or rgd_id", type = "error")
if(!(length(remove_nohgnc) == 1 && remove_nohgnc %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))) {
append_log("remove_nohgnc parameter should be TRUE or FALSE", type = "error")
if(!( && all(c("protein_id", "gene_symbols", "gene_symbols_or_id") %in% colnames(protein_data)))) {
append_log("protein_data parameter should be a data.frame with columns protein_id, gene_symbols and gene_symbols_or_id", type = "error")
if(!(is.null(distinct_factors) || (is.character(distinct_factors) & all(distinct_factors %in% colnames(protein_data))))) {
append_log("distinct_factors parameter should be NULL or a set of columns in protein_data that should be considered (together with protein_id) factors that describe subsets of data (to return unique gene-level data within)", type = "error")

### create long-format table of uniprot_id*symbol for each unique proteingroup
proteins = allstats %>%
proteins = protein_data %>%
select(protein_id, gene_symbols) %>%
distinct(protein_id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
mutate(uniprot_id = strsplit(protein_id, "[ ,;]+"),
Expand All @@ -242,24 +303,24 @@ export_stats_genesummary = function(dataset, gene_ambiguity = "prio_specific", d

### now join the unique proteingroup-to-HGNC mappings with table `allstats`
### now join the unique proteingroup-to-HGNC mappings with table `protein_data`
# hgnc_list = a list column where each protein_id has an array of HGNC identifiers (length > 0), NA where missing/failed
allstats = allstats %>%
protein_data = protein_data %>%
left_join(proteins_long %>% select(protein_id, hgnc_list = hgnc_id) %>% tidyr::chop(cols = "hgnc_list"), by = "protein_id")

### apply mapping rules
### importantly, sorting of `allstats` table prior to running below code MUST be ascending by pvalue
### importantly, sorting of `protein_data` table prior to running below code MUST be ascending by pvalue

allstats$hgnc_list_unique_notna = lapply(allstats$hgnc_list, function(g) { unique(na.omit(g)) }) # naive/slow, but prefer simple code
# dev note: don't use `allstats %>% filter(lengths(hgnc_list) == 1)` because a proteingroup can contain multiple uniprot identifiers that all map to the same gene --> hgnc_list will not be length 1
protein_data$hgnc_list_unique_notna = lapply(protein_data$hgnc_list, function(g) { unique(na.omit(g)) }) # naive/slow, but prefer simple code
# dev note: don't use `protein_data %>% filter(lengths(hgnc_list) == 1)` because a proteingroup can contain multiple uniprot identifiers that all map to the same gene --> hgnc_list will not be length 1

allstats$isambiguous = grepl(";", allstats$gene_symbols_or_id, fixed = TRUE) # infer ambiguous directly from uniprot gene symbols (i.e. failed mapping to HGNC have no effect)
# allstats$isambiguous = lengths(allstats$hgnc_list_unique_notna) > 1 # alternatively, determine "ambiguous" from successful HGNC mappings @ hgnc_list_unique_notna
protein_data$isambiguous = grepl(";", protein_data$gene_symbols_or_id, fixed = TRUE) # infer ambiguous directly from uniprot gene symbols (i.e. failed mapping to HGNC have no effect)
# protein_data$isambiguous = lengths(protein_data$hgnc_list_unique_notna) > 1 # alternatively, determine "ambiguous" from successful HGNC mappings @ hgnc_list_unique_notna

# take the first non-NA HGNC identifier (NA if none)
allstats$hgnc_id = unlist(lapply(allstats$hgnc_list_unique_notna, function(g) {
protein_data$hgnc_id = unlist(lapply(protein_data$hgnc_list_unique_notna, function(g) {
# always return exactly 1 value, thus downstream unlist() will yield an array that exactly matches table length
if(length(g) == 0) return(NA_character_)
Expand All @@ -268,34 +329,33 @@ export_stats_genesummary = function(dataset, gene_ambiguity = "prio_specific", d
if(gene_ambiguity == "only_specific") {
# invalidate all entries that are ambiguous
# importantly, do this before computing `hgnc_id_FORUNIQUE`
allstats$hgnc_id[allstats$isambiguous] = NA_character_
protein_data$hgnc_id[protein_data$isambiguous] = NA_character_

if(gene_ambiguity == "prio_specific") {
# sort table such that ambiguous hits are at the bottom; importantly, ties-of-ambiguity are still sorted as-is
# taking first match per gene downstream = prio specific/unambiguous over ambiguous proteingroup that has a "better pvalue"
allstats = allstats %>% arrange(isambiguous)
protein_data = protein_data %>% arrange(isambiguous)

# ! importantly, add a unique ID to proteingroups not mapped to HGNC so we can use distinct() downstream without grouping NA values (failed mappings)
allstats$hgnc_id_FORUNIQUE = ifelse($hgnc_id), allstats$gene_symbols_or_id, allstats$hgnc_id)
protein_data$hgnc_id_FORUNIQUE = ifelse($hgnc_id), protein_data$gene_symbols_or_id, protein_data$hgnc_id)
# result table: retain unique rows per gene*contrast*dea_algorithm (assuming table has been sorted upstream)
result = allstats %>% distinct(hgnc_id_FORUNIQUE, contrast, dea_algorithm, .keep_all = TRUE)
distinct_factors = unique(c("hgnc_id_FORUNIQUE", distinct_factors))
result = protein_data %>% distinct(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(distinct_factors)), .keep_all = TRUE)

### finally, stable sort result table + add gene database crossreferences
# sort table again ("prio_specific" option affects sorting, so here enforce stable ordering)
### add gene database crossreferences
result = result %>%
arrange(desc(signif), pvalue) %>%
select(-tidyselect::any_of(c("gene_symbols", "symbol", "hgnc_list", "hgnc_list_unique_notna", "hgnc_id_FORUNIQUE", "isambiguous"))) %>%
hgnc_add_xrefs(hgnc = hgnc)
# add named column specifically for GOAT
result$gene = result$entrez_id

tmp = allstats %>% distinct(protein_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
tmp = protein_data %>% distinct(protein_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
log_pg_ambiguous = sum(tmp$isambiguous)

if(gene_ambiguity == "only_specific") {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,20 +392,5 @@ export_stats_genesummary = function(dataset, gene_ambiguity = "prio_specific", d
result = result %>% filter(!

### print output tables
if( {
append_log("output_dir parameter set to NA, skip writing Excel output tables", type = "info")
} else {
for(contr in unique(result$contrast)) {
for(algo_dea in unique(result$dea_algorithm)) {
tmp = result %>% filter(contrast == contr & dea_algorithm == algo_dea)
f = sprintf("%s/%s__%s.xlsx", output_dir, filename_strip_illegal_characters(sub("contrast: *", "", contr), strict = TRUE), algo_dea)
openxlsx::write.xlsx(tmp, f)

16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions R/gene_idmapping.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ rgd_lookuptable = function(f) {
#' helper function to match a protein table to HGNC via gene symbols (and synonyms)
#' @description typically called from `export_stats_genesummary`
#' @param proteins_long long-format data.frame with columns protein_id and symbol pairs (i.e. no semicolon-delimted values)
#' @param proteins_long long-format data.frame with columns protein_id and symbol pairs (i.e. no semicolon-delimited values)
#' @param hgnc HGNC lookup table from `hgnc_lookuptable()`
#' @param use_synonyms boolean; use synonyms? if FALSE, only uses hgnc_symbol
idmap_symbols = function(proteins_long, hgnc, use_synonyms = TRUE) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ idmap_symbols = function(proteins_long, hgnc, use_synonyms = TRUE) {
#' helper function to match a protein table to HGNC via an intermediate mapping table (e.g. MGI/RGD)
#' @description typically called from `export_stats_genesummary`
#' @param proteins_long long-format data.frame with columns protein_id and symbol pairs (i.e. no semicolon-delimted values)
#' @param proteins_long long-format data.frame with columns uniprot_id and symbol pairs (i.e. no semicolon-delimited values)
#' @param hgnc HGNC lookup table from `hgnc_lookuptable()`
#' @param idmap MGI or RGD lookup table from `mgi_lookuptable()` or `rgd_lookuptable()`
#' @param use_symbols boolean; use symbols to map from proteins_long to the idmap table? if FALSE, only matches by uniprot identifier
idmap_uniprotid = function(proteins_long, hgnc, idmap, use_symbols = TRUE) {
if(! || nrow(proteins_long) == 0 || !all(c("uniprot_id", "symbol") %in% colnames(proteins_long)) ) {
append_log("proteins_long parameter must be a data.frame with columns 'protein_id' and 'symbol'", type = "error")
append_log("proteins_long parameter must be a data.frame with columns 'uniprot_id' and 'symbol'", type = "error")
if(! || nrow(hgnc) == 0 || !all(c("hgnc_id", "hgnc_symbol", "type", "value") %in% colnames(hgnc)) ) {
append_log("hgnc parameter must be a data.frame with columns 'hgnc_id', 'hgnc_symbol', 'type', 'value' as typically prepared using the hgnc_lookuptable() function", type = "error")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,10 +329,12 @@ idmap_uniprotid = function(proteins_long, hgnc, idmap, use_symbols = TRUE) {
proteins_long$xref_id[rows] = idmap$XREF_ID_VALUES__TEMPCOL[match(proteins_long$uniprot_id[rows], idmap$uniprot_id)]

# fallback to symbol matching (no `xref_id` yet)
rows =$hgnc_id) &$xref_id) & #
# double-check that we don't even attempt to match missing gene symbols
!$symbol) & nchar(proteins_long$symbol) >= 2
proteins_long$xref_id[rows] = idmap$XREF_ID_VALUES__TEMPCOL[match(toupper(proteins_long$symbol[rows]), toupper(idmap$symbol))]
if(use_symbols) {
rows =$hgnc_id) &$xref_id) & #
# double-check that we don't even attempt to match missing gene symbols
!$symbol) & nchar(proteins_long$symbol) >= 2
proteins_long$xref_id[rows] = idmap$XREF_ID_VALUES__TEMPCOL[match(toupper(proteins_long$symbol[rows]), toupper(idmap$symbol))]

### map to HGNC using crossreference identifiers
Expand Down

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