As I am not a a frontend guy, the client does not look good at all on mobile devices. This is the best I could do. Help is greatly appreciated.
Include ticker symbols with the symbols.txt
file - put each symbol here in a new line. Check symbols.txt.example
an example use case.
There are 2 special symbols which you can use as a shortcut
to include all S&P500 symbols$CURRENCY_PAIRS
to include currency pairs where the base currency is EUR
(Execute these in the root folder of the project)
# Build the image
$ docker build -t stock -f docker/Dockerfile .
# Run it
$ docker run --rm --name stock -v $(pwd):/code -p 8050:8050 stock
After this you can access it at localhost:8050
Disclaimer: in a proper setup you would create 2 different images, on for the RestAPI and one for the Client App. Then with a
you could create the services. But just like with Heroku, this is a toy and local deployment, so I won't do fancy stuff here.
- Wait until the data creation and search model creation is done (1-2 mins)
- The environment variable
controls the connection with the RestAPI. It should be the base URL
- The environment variable
- Enjoy 😎
First of all, this is a mono-repo which is not ideal, but the deployment is just an example.
This is why a multi-buildpack solution is used with heroku-community/multi-procfile
$ heroku create stock-restapi --remote restapi
$ heroku buildpacks:add -a stock-restapi heroku/python
$ heroku buildpacks:add -a stock-restapi -i 1 heroku-community/multi-procfile
$ heroku config:set -a stock-restapi PROCFILE=Procfile_restapi
$ git push restapi master
$ heroku create stock-dash-client --remote dash
$ heroku buildpacks:add -a stock-dash-client heroku/python
$ heroku buildpacks:add -a stock-dash-client -i 1 heroku-community/multi-procfile
$ heroku config:set -a stock-dash-client PROCFILE=Procfile_dash
$ heroku config:set -a stock-dash-client REST_API_URL= --> this is the URL where we can reach the RestAPI
$ git push dash master
Heroku Files:
describes the Python versionProcfile_restapi
Heroku Procfile for the RestAPI appProcfile_dash
Heroku Procfile for the Dash Client app
- Backend
- Proper logging and getting rid of
s - RAM and Speed measurements for the different Search Models
- Proper logging and getting rid of
- Frontend
- React frontend instead of the dash app