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GitPitch Cheat Sheet

GitPitch - A slide system built using Markdown and Reveal.js

This cheat sheet is designed to reduce the docs for GitPitch down dramatically to have a good reference source.


Make everything in a file. Use standard Markdown for all formatting.





Start from a certain directory: ?p=$directory

Template Repo

You can pull down and merge those files into your repo for some templates, as well as to have some example slides to look off of.


--- marks a new slide horizontally (right) +++ marks a new slide vertically (down)


Keystrokes Action
N , Space, PageDown Next slide
P, PageUp Previous slide
, H Navigate left *
, L Navigate right *
, K Navigate up *
, J Navigate down *
Shift + * Skip over slide fragments
Home First slide
End Last slide
B , . Blackout
F Fullscreen
Esc, O Slide overview
X Select Code Block
S Speaker notes view
? Keyboard shortcuts help screen

With mousewheel : true in the settings you can use the mouse wheel to control slides. (Disabled by default)

With remote-control : true in the settings you can use a remote control device with the slides. (Disabled by default)

PITCHME Settings

Use a PITCHME.yaml file to store some presentation settings that are loaded with the slide show.

If the file is not there, the presentation halts and you have to add the file.

See the Slideshow Settings section to see all the settings.

Template Anatomy

├── PITCHME.yaml
└── template
    ├── css
    │   └── PITCHME.css
    ├── img
    │   ├── batman.png
    │   ├── dataflow.png
    │   ├── developer.jpg
    │   ├── einstein.png
    │   └── ....
    └── md
        ├── about/
        ├── announcement/
        ├── code-presenting/
        ├── header-footer/
        ├── image/
        ├── list-content/
        ├── quotation/
        ├── sidebar/
        ├── sidebox/
        ├── split-screen/
        └── wrap-up/

Related slides are grouped and maintained within distinct, design-specific markdown files. This provides a modular support.

Custom styling is in template/css/PITCHME.css

Markdown Shortcuts


These can be used on a line alone or in the middle of text.

Custom font size:


size-value can be any valid CSS size (px, em, etc.)

Custom font color:


color-value can be any valid CSS color (white, #ffffff, #fff, etc.)

Custom CSS class:


class-name can be any custom theme class without the period. (so headline not .headline)

Custom slide transition


transition-type is any supported type (none, slide, fade, convex, concave, zoom) or pair. If paired, use -in or -out added to the in (like zoom-in fade-out)

You cannot use custom transitions with snap layouts.

Font Awesome


Adds a Font Awesome icon in place in text. You can include colors and other classes here too.

Rendered emoji (Pro)


Adds an emoji in place in text.

Markdown Widgets

Box types


type... is one or more CSS types. These include:

  • rounded and waved or the default (don't specify for a square box)
  • some colors with bg- and the color (like bg-white, bg-green, etc.)
  • some text colors with text- and the color (like text-white, text-green, etc.)
  • custom CSS types

Rendered quotes


Puts text in a rendered box using CSS formatting.


Puts text in a rendered formatted box with the attribution or author after it.

Rendered styled images


Inserts an image using the rendered default for the slide.


Inserts an image using any rendered CSS classes associated with images. Specify them with .reveal img or optionally add in any sub-class, then add the subclass to the widget.

  • Use a clip-img class to round an image.
  • Use a bg- + color class to add a background to transparent images.


Use fragments to separate content that can be advanced through one by one.

Text Fragments


To turn text into a fragment.

Box-text fragments


Turns text into a box fragment.

Image fragments


Turns an image into a fragment.

Font Awesome Icon Fragment


Turns an Font Awesome Icon into a fragment.

Snap Layout Fragments


Turns any snap region into a fragment.

Table row fragments

   <tr class="fragment">

Turns table rows into individual fragments.

HTML fragments

<tag class="fragment">...</tag>

Turns any HTML snippet into a fragment. This works on any element that can take a CSS class attribute.


Unordered List with Fragment Items


- Item
- Item


Unordered Lists with Custom CSS class with Fragment ITems


- Item
- Item


where class is a custom CSS attribute you've defined in the template CSS file.

Unordered Lists with Fragment-Specific Speaker Notes


- Item @note[speaker note text]
- Item @note[speaker note text]


Ordered List with Fragment Items


- Item
- Item


Ordered Lists with Custom CSS class with Fragment ITems


- Item
- Item


where class is a custom CSS attribute you've defined in the template CSS file.

Ordered Lists with Fragment-Specific Speaker Notes


- Item @note[speaker note text]
- Item @note[speaker note text]


Lists with Fragments Disabled


Code Presenting



to load the Gist and format it with a language, then give it a title on the slide.

Optional parameters include:

  • &lang=js for language syntax formatting
  • &color=#123456 for a background color
  • &title=text for a slide title header

Gist code fragments


to highlight the lines in fragment-range and put the optional annotation at the bottom of the slide.

Fenced Code Blocks

code goes here

This automatically adds syntax highlighting.

code goes here

To add language-specific highlighting. Examples include:

  • bash, sh, zsh, etc.
  • c, cpp, cs, csharp, c++, etc.
  • html
  • haskell, hs
  • javascript, js, jsx
  • php, php3, php4, php5, etc.
  • powershell, ps

and so on. See for a full list of all languages used by Highlight.js

Set a default code language with the highlight : lang setting in PITCHME.yaml.

Repo Source Files


Renders the src/server.go file on a slide. Optional parameters include:

  • &lang=js for language syntax formatting
  • &color=#123456 for a background color
  • &title=text for a slide title header

Markdown Files

Use the same format as Repo Source Files above. (?code=src/


Simple image


inserts a basic image. Local files must be relative to root of the Git repo (ex: assets/img/logo.png) or remote files should be prefixed with http:// or https://.

Background Image


where url-src is a local file relative to root of the Git repo (ex: assets/img/logo.png) or remote files should be prefixed with http:// or https://.

Optional parameters include:

  • &size=50% 100% to scale the image. Use any valid CSS background-size values (width, width height, auto, auto auto, or other)
  • &size=auto 90% to scale a tall image to fit on the slide properly (you can adjust the 90% as desired)
  • &size=contain to resize the image so that it's fully visible within the slide
  • &size=cover to resize the image so it completely fills the background, stretching it if need be
  • &color=#123456 to change the background color. Use any valid CSS color value
  • &position=center to adjust the background position of the image. You can use any background-position CSS property, including center, left, right, px values, percentage values, and more. Default is center.
  • &repeat=repeat-x to repeat the image in a tiled pattern. Any background-repeat CSS property can work including no-repeat, repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, space, round, and more. It can be either one syntax or horizontal vertical syntax.
  • &transition=fade to add a transition between slides.

Background Opacity (Pro)

Add the following parameter to a background image:


where num is a percentage of the capacity (where 0% is perfect transparent and 100% is perfectly opaque).

Image animations

Make a set of image slides that have minor changes, then name them traisition between each other:





Size limitations

Images over 1 megabyte will not load automatically. This is to help prevent excessive loading time. Use some image editing tools to shrink that down.

Rich Media

Linear gradients

Add the gradient to a background color slide:

---?color=linear-gradient(to left, #123456, #654321)

Use to make some gradients and get CSS codes to use.

Math formulas

You can use MathJax scripting to display math formulas.


\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^{\!\!2} \leq
 \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)

See to learn about syntax.

It is disabled by default, you'll need to enable it in settings:

mathjax : TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML-full


Charts are rendered with Chart.js. Enclose it in <chart> tags:

<canvas data-chart="line">
 "data": {
  "labels": ["January"," February"," March"," April"," May"," June"," July"],
  "datasets": [
    "label":"My first dataset","backgroundColor":"rgba(20,220,220,.8)"
    "label":"My second dataset","backgroundColor":"rgba(220,120,120,.8)"
 "options": { "responsive": "true" }

It is disabled by default, it needs to be enabled in the settings:

charts : true

See for more information.

Font Awesome


to add an icon. leave off the fa- at the beginning of the icon name.


to add a title attribute to the icon too.

@fa[icon-name size]

to add the icon with a certain size. Options include fa-lg, fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, fa-5x.

@fa[icon-name fa-spin]

to spin the icon.

You can add additional CSS classes after the icon-name, size, or spin.

See for the full list of icons.

In-slide Videos

Videos need to be streamed, not added to the repo.


will add a Vimeo video.


will add a YouTube video.


to add a MP4 or WebM video to the page.

(Pro) With a pro account, you can stream repo videos locally with GitPitch Desktop.

Background Videos


will add a video in the background (or "theater mode"). Videos can only be streamed from a MP4 or WebM video file, or a Youtube, Vimeo, or other site.

Layout Features


If you use snap layouts AND slide transitions, you may end up with cases where the slide transitions, then stuff pops into place instantly. This is due to how the snap rendering system works separately from the slide rendering system. See for more information and possible ways to fix it.

Snap Layout Basic Syntax


creates a snap fragment for text. direction can be any cardinal direction (north, north-west, west, south-west, etc.) or midpoint.

Span Sizes

@snap[west span-40]

where span-40 is a CSS class that specifies 40% of the screen should be used by that snap widget in the west area. Any multiple of 10 between 0 and 100 can be used as a span size.


@snap[west sidebar]

sets the text to be positioned in a sidebar in the west section. Use a .sidebar CSS element to define any traits (like width) to be used.

Snap Layout Examples

See for some examples of cool slides you can make in Markdown.

Disable All Transitions

Put this in your PITCHME.yaml file:

transition : none

Disable Transition on Individual Slides


Auxillary Features

Google Analytics

Add this to your PITCHME.yaml file:

gatoken : UA-1111111-1

You must also create a GA Property for as well. See for directions.

Auto-Generated Table of Contents


The table of contents is automatically generated from your content. You can customize the names of slides by adding to each slide:

@title[Slide title]

If you don't specify a slide, and GitPitch can't figure one out, then the slide number is used in the TOC.

Embedding GitPitch slides into other sites

You can use to embed them into sites. See for more information.

Many other sites like Wordpress, Medium, Tumblr, and Blogger support them too.

Speaker Features

Speaker Notes

Speaker notes are private notes that you see and are not presented on the slide.

Notes are added after a Note: section, and can be text or markdown:

# Header

Anything here is not shown on the slide.

Speaker Notes Preview

Add ?n=true to the URL to enable a speaker notes preview, which shows notes by the slide.

Speaker Notes Window

Press S while in the slide show to open the speaker notes window.

Remote Control Setting

Add this to your PITCHME.yaml file to enable a remote control:

remote-control : true

Presenting Offline without the Network

Everyone: There is an option to download an offline, self-contained form of slides.

GitPitch Pro: You can install GitPitch Desktop for offline presentations. This also supports remote controls and multiple computers (like tablet with speaker notes and laptop with slides).

Presenting on a Conference Laptop

GitPitch uses a lazy-loading strategy. This makes sense sharing online since it doesn't load everything all at once. For instances like this, it may not make sense. You can turn on eager-loading (or turn off lazy-loading) with this:

eager-loading : true

This is also recommended for any live presentation.

Slide Themes

Fixed Themes

GitPitch ships with several out-of-the-box themes. These are inherited from Reveal.js. You can go into the left menu, choose one, and your slideshow will instantly have that.

Themes include:

  • White (default)
  • Black
  • Sky
  • Beige
  • Moon
  • Night
  • Simple

You can specify a theme in your PITCHME.yaml file too:

theme : beige

Customize Reveal.js Themes

You can see the CSS style rules involved in this here:

You can use a web inspector in your browser to see the style settings as well.

To override (the theme with your own CSS file, set this setting in your PITCHME.yaml file:

theme-override : assets/css/PITCHME.css

(where assets/css/PITCHME.css is a CSS file relative to the repo root directory)

Span-Width Styles

You can use .span-width styles to constrain the horizontal space used by slide content. The vertical content is adjusted automatically.

.span- classes go from .span-5 to .span-100 in 5-percent increments.

Text Color Styles

Several built-in color styles are available:

  • .text-black
  • .text-blue
  • .text-gray
  • .text-green
  • .text-orange
  • .text-gold
  • .text-pink
  • .text-purple
  • .text-yellow
  • .text-white

There are also heading color styles (starts with .h1- through .h4- etc.) with the same colors as above.

Background Color Styles

Several built-in color styles are available:

  • .bg-black
  • .bg-blue
  • .bg-gray
  • .bg-green
  • .bg-orange
  • .bg-gold
  • .bg-pink
  • .bg-purple
  • .bg-yellow
  • .bg-white

Text Font Sizes

You can use .text-size styles to specify font sizes in .1 em sizes.

.text- classes go from .text-01 (for 0.1em) to .text-50 (for 5.0em) in 1 digit (or 0.1em) increments.

Font Weight Styles

The following styles are available:

  • .text-bold
  • .text-italic or .text-italics
  • .text-uppercase
  • .text-lowercase
  • .text-capitalize
  • .text-smallcaps

Text Alignment Styles

The following alignment styles are available:

  • .text-center
  • .text-left
  • .text-right

Overriding Utility Styles

Any of the above utility styles can be overwritten by custom CSS.

See for definitions of how the above utility classes are defined.

(Pro) Fonts

There are fonts attached to the default fixed theme. Font for the pro subscriptions allow you to have more choices based on some Google Web Fonts.

Use the CSS from to enable these.

Slideshow Settings

All settings are stored in PITCHME.yaml.


theme : beige

Theme choices:

  • white (default)
  • black
  • sky
  • beige
  • moon
  • night
  • simple

Theme override

theme-override : css-src-file

File is relative to repo directory root.

Code Highlight Setting

highlight : language

(where language is a language supported by the highlight.js library, and written in lowercase.)

You can also add highlighting styles to the language by adding a style after it like so:

highlight : language-theme

(for example, mono-blue)

See a demo of themes and languages here:

Code Line Numbers Setting

code-line-numbers : true

(where it's true or false if you want line numbers on your code files)

Layout Setting

layout : top-left

Possible choices:

  • center (default)
  • center-left
  • center-right
  • top
  • top-left
  • top-right

Logo Image

logo : img-src-file

Img file is relative to repo root directory.

logo-position : position

Possible choices:

  • top-left (default)
  • top-right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-right

If logo-position is bottom-right, then controls layout setting is automatically set to using edges layout.

Background Settings

background : src-img-file

where source file is relative to repo directory.

background-size : classes

where classes are one or more classes that are valid background-size CSS properties.

background-position : pos

where position is any valid background-position CSS property.

background-color : class

where class is a valid background-color CSS property.

background-repeat : repeat-setting

where repeat-setting is a valid background-repeat CSS property.

background-opacity : num

where num is a number from 10 to 100, numbered in 5s, referring to a percentage of transparency.

Transition Setting

transition : fade

Possible choices:

  • none (default)
  • slide
  • fade
  • convex
  • concave
  • zoom

Title Setting

title : title-text

where title-text is the title used in search results, browser tabs, etc.


footnote : footnote-text

where footnote-text is text shown in normal and fullscreen mode. It can be any HTML snippet.

HTML in the footnote will need to be styled if you wish to change it.

Published Setting

published : true

where this setting lets you set whether it's post-development and ready to be shared.

Loop Setting

loop : true

where the setting is whether the last slide will link back to the first slide, false by default.

RTL Setting

rtl : true

activates right-to-left navigation between slides. It is false by default (so left-to-right).

Controls Layout Setting

controls-layout : layout

Possible vhoices:

  • bottom-right (default)
  • edges

Print Fragments Setting

print-fragments : true

where true means all fragments will print into a PDF as their own page.

Mousewheel Setting

mousewheel : true

where this activates using the mouse wheel to scroll through slides, and is disabled by default.

Remote Control Setting

remote-control : true

where this activates using controllers to scroll through slides, and is disabled by default.

Use remote-control-prevkey and remote-control-nextkey to customize which buttons control the buttons. (Use number keycodes.)

Eager Loading Setting

eager-loading : true

sets whether it will load all of the images when the show loads (true) or as you slowly get to the particular slide (false, lazy loading).

Charts Plugin Setting

charts : true

will enable the charts plugin.

MathJax Plugin Setting

mathjax : setting

which will enable the MathJax plugin with a certain configuration, where possible settings are listed here:

Google Analytics Setting

gatoken : UA-11111111-1

where the token is a tracking code associated with a GA Property.

Twitter Card Settings

title : "title-text"
description : 'desc-text"
thumbnail : src-image-url

will set the Twitter Card or other Open Graph card details so they can be shared on social media.


I will gladly accept PRs for updates on this or messages regarding corrections. Please submit a PR, contact me @geekygirlsarah on Twitter, or contact me through my website at Thanks!


A cheat sheet for everything GitPitch all in one place.






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