The Zookeeper Utilities
The zookeeper utilities are meant to help automating some administrative tasks with zookeeper test instances.
All operations implicitly exclude the /zookeeper path. Please try not to use with production instances.
- export (read) data from a running zk instance into a file
- keep the data editable
- import (write) a full (or partial) export off of another zk instance
- purge (delete) all data from a running zk instance
There is only one executable (zkutil) that understands the three commands specified above with the following options:
Usage: zkutil <dump|import|purge> -c host:port [options]
zkutil dump -h
Usage: zk_dump.rb [options] -c <host:port>
-c, --connectstring host:port the server to connect to
-s, --separator sep separator /path[::]data
-p, --start_path path path to dump, defaults to '/'
-v, --verbose Output more information
-h, --help Display this screen
Will print a text representation to STDOUT (which you can redirect into a dump file) looking like this:
/ /conf /conf/entries /conf/entries/00 /conf/entries/00/host1:: /conf/entries/00/host2:: ...
Can either import from a file or take alternatively path + data as parameters
zkutil import -h
Usage: zk_import.rb [options] -c <host:port> -p /some/path -n somedata
zk_import.rb -c <host:port> -f </some/file/name>
-c, --connectstring host:port defaults to
-s, --separator sep separator /path[::]data
-p, --path path path to create or delete
-n, --node_data <data> data to add to the node, if creating
-d, --delete Output more information
-f, --file FILE the import file to read from
-v, --verbose Output more information
-h, --help Display this screen
Delete all data from the path.
zkutil purge -h
Usage: zk_purge.rb [options] -c <host:port>
-c, --connectstring host:port defaults to
-p, --path path path to purge, defaults to '/'
-v, --verbose Output more information
-h, --help Display this screen
A Dockerfile is added to easy package and use this tool. You can checkout this repo and build a docker image like this:
$ docker build -t gengmao/zookeeper-util .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.85 MB
Step 0 : FROM java:openjdk-8
---> c1ccce98b537
Step 1 : COPY usr /usr
---> Using cache
---> ce7c545aa779
Step 2 : ADD /usr/share/java/zookeeper-util/
Downloading [==================================================>] 23.72 MB/23.72 MB
---> Using cache
---> c2e854f67dc7
Step 3 : ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
---> Using cache
---> 0e4583859950
Step 4 : ENTRYPOINT /usr/bin/zkutil
---> Using cache
---> da8f8a8c682d
Successfully built da8f8a8c682d
Then you can use the image like this:
$ docker run -it gengmao/zookeeper-util
Usage: zkutil <dump|import|purge> -c host:port [options]