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Data management of the Geophysics Section of the University of Bonn - Work in Progress!

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Data management is hard.

Data management in small (work) groups is even harder, especially if data is very inhomogeneous, often incomplete, and data (format) standards are missing in a given field of research.

Goal: This repository presents work of the Geophysics Section of the University of Bonn to develop a set of guidelines, meta-data entries, and Python helper scripts for a base research data management.

Problems with data management (DM)

  • DM is tedious, and often does not lead to direct benefits for the researcher
  • Often, guidelines and standards are missing for data management on the lowest level of research, i.e., at the level of data creation
  • DM is resource intensive. Commonly, metadata is entered and stored in database, which need to be set up and maintained, including front end software for data input and validation
  • In research environments, there often is a frequent staff turn-over, complicating long-term maintenance issues

Our approach

We aim to alleviate the issue of data management at the lowest level by

  • defining a simple directory structure to store heterogeneous research data (the data tree)
  • defining a simple set of metadata entries that are stored in human- and machine-readable .ini format within the directory structure
  • provide a set of python libraries and helper scripts for simple DM tasks, such as adding new data to a data tree, or listing all available measurements

Onion-shell principle

We recognize that DM requirements vary across institutions, even between individual researchers.

We envision our DM practices the smallest shell of a DM stack, as a basic fall back that requires no special hardware or expert skills.

If resources are available, the metadata files stored in the data tree can be scanned and imported in a database, and built upon to create sophisticated DM practices.

The data tree can also be used for easy export and subsequent import into larger-scale DM operations, such as often operated by research projects or larger research institutions.

Required hard- and software

  • A directory tree can be created by hand, if required. Therefore, only a computer and a file browser is required

  • In order to use the provided Python scripts and libraries, a working Python interpreter is required, as well as the following packages:

    • numpy
    • prompt_toolkit
    • pandas

The data tree

A data tree consists of pre-defined levels, some of which are optional. Each directory level is uniquely identified by a two-character prefix, separated by the level name by an underscore. Some levels are restricted to a certain set of possible level names (i.e., the target level only allows the values field or laboratory).

The following image visualizes the directory structure:


An example a directory tree (with only one measurement) is:

└── dr_data
  └── tc_hydrogeophysics
      └── t_field
          └── s_Spiekeroog
              └── a_North
                  └── md_ERT
                      └── p_p_01_nor
                          └── m_01_p1_nor
                              ├── metadata.ini
                              └── RawData
                                  └── data.dat

Measurement directories

Measurement directories (starting with m_) can contain the following subdirectories (it is advised to not create empty directories):

  • Analysis/ directories are `free-for-all', that is, no internal structure is prescribed. Use these directories to store relevant analysis steps (but in general, analysis should happen outside a data directory tree!)
  • DataProcessed/ holds processed data, e.g., with certain corrections or clean-ups applied. Ensure proper documentation!
  • DataRaw/ holds the raw data, as downloaded from the device
  • Documentation/ contains all auxiliary data that can not be included in the metadata file. This includes maps, pdfs, literature and external documentation
  • Pictures/ Store relevant pictures of the measurement in here

Special directories

  • All levels are allowed to include an subdirectory Documentation. This directory can contain arbitrary information that is considered important for a given level/measurement. Use these directories to store auxiliary information, such as maps, notebook scans, programming information of measurement devices, etc.
  • The dr_[DATA ROOT NAME] directory can contain a subdirectory .management. This directory is used to store temporary/caching data of the data toolbox. It can always be safely deleted without removing any relevant data. The directory is used, for example, to store a list of currently-used ids.

The metadata entries

A typical metadata.ini file can look like this:

label = 20240610_ert_p1_nor
person_responsible = Maximilian Weigand
person_email = [email protected]
theme_complex = Hydrogeophysics
datetime_start = 20240610_1200
description = A small test measurement
    Note that some entries are multi-line capable!
survey_type = field
method = ERT
completed = yes

site = Spiekeroog
area = north
profile = p_01

profile_direction = normal

Metadata entries are comprised of "key=value" pairs, grouped by [sections].

The Python helper libraries and scripts

Adding new data

The command dm_add can be used to easily add data to an existing, or new, data tree. The command will display information in the terminal (command line) and ask for input.


    $ dm_add -t dr_data -i walkthrough.qmd
    Input: ['walkthrough.qmd']
    Output Data Tree: dr_data

    Filename with highest priority /home/mweigand/.data_toolbox/ub_geoph_dm.cfg
            Please enter required metadata entries:

    Delete last 100 characters: STRG - a
    Ignore current input and go backwards: STRG - u
    Commit current input and stop data input STRG - z
    There are autocomplete values available (Press TAB).
    Field or laboratory measurements? Allowed values: field, laboratory
    Enter value for general.survey_type: field

Checking an existing directory tree

$ dm_check_dirtree
Working in directory /home/mweigand/test/dr_data
Checking directory structure of directory: /home/mweigand/test/dr_data
Directory dr_data
    Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics
        Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field
            Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog
                Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_HausAmMeer
                    Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_HausAmMeer/md_TEMP
                        Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_HausAmMeer/md_TEMP/p_profile_02
                            Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_HausAmMeer/md_TEMP/p_profile_02/m_2025.2asd
                                Check empty directories:  ok
                                Check for required metadata.ini file:  ok
                                Check for required metadata entries
                                    Required entry [geoelectrics]-profile_direction is missing
                                    Required entry [geoelectrics]-electrode_positions is missing

                                Check metadata contents
                                    OK: [general][datetime_start]

                Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_north
                    Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_north/md_ERT
                        Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_north/md_ERT/p_p_01
                            Directory dr_data/tc_Hydrogeophysics/t_field/s_Spiekeroog/a_north/md_ERT/p_p_01/m_very_important
                                Check empty directories:  ok
                                Check for required metadata.ini file:  ok
                                Check for required metadata entries
                                    Required entry [general]-description is empty
                                    Required entry [geoelectrics]-electrode_positions is empty

                                Check metadata contents
                                    FAIL: [general][datetime_start] is not a valid date format!


The easiest way to install the data toolbox is using the Pypi package:

pip install ubg_data_toolbox

You can also clone this directory and install from there:

git clone
cd ubg_data_toolbox
pip install .


  • How do I merge two data trees? TODO

  • Isn't adding all the metadata of a given site/location highly repetitive?

    Yes, but it also keeps things simple. The metadata definition, and the Python library, already support metadata added to different levels of a data tree. This way, common metadata entries can be propagated downwards.

    This approach, however, introduces quite some complications:

    • How to deal with inconsistent data (must be dealt with when integrating existing measurement directories into a data tree)?
    • The tools to add new data files (e.g., dm_add) must be aware of this existing metadata to automatically include it (and point out inconstencies)


Data management of the Geophysics Section of the University of Bonn - Work in Progress!






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